Held at the Clubroom, Koornang Park, Carnegie, VIC
25 April 2002, Meeting opened 6:45pm
Chairperson: Sam Waugh
Attendees: / Apologies:Jemery Day / Jason McSheffrey / John Greenfield
Jonathan Potts / Kimberly Graham / Simon Farrow
Tom Brennan / Richard Klemman / Lisa Waters
Simon Wood / Gilles Gignac / Matthew Boevink
Paul Egan / Douglas Moore / Catherine Moyle
Anthony Perry / Colin Wagstaff
Tim Ferguson / Charles Blumer
Tom Brennan / Will Mitchell
Simon Gorr / Tim Marchbank
Liz Blink / Kathryn Cole
Craig Barry / Alex Wong
Tom Rogacki / Nick dos Remedios
Leon Smith / Matthew Marcus
Helen Osmond / Eric Chan
Sandra Poon / Warwick Shephard
Matthew Ryan / Doug Liddicoat
Kirsten Millard / Ashley Scroggie
Emma Spranklin / Martin Laird
Sam Waugh
Previous minutes accepted.
State Reports
Vic report – By Paul Egan
Acknowledgement given to previous president Sam Waugh for his work over the previous two years. A 50% increase in numbers of the summer. A large amount of money from grants is available to the organisation at the moment. Large amount of recruitment of new players has occurred.
Tas report – by Jemery Day
Now have both spring and summer leagues. Hat tournament is growing and still happening. Have increased to 40 AFDA members. A mens team attending Nationals for the first time and a contingent of women that were key in making up a team for nationals.
NSW report – No attendance by any of the Exec.
QLD report – by Emma Spranklin
Financial report. Three leagues running in the Gold Coast, Brisbane and Townsville. Have money and a strategic plan. This allowed a coordination weekend for the three leagues at Stradbroke Island to align all three to be working towards the same goals. Halibut will be the 4th and 5th of October in spite of the clash with AUGs.
ACT report – by Leon Smith
Have two leagues, one social with 12 teams and one more competitive with 5 teams. Catherine Moyle is the new president of the ACT disc association.
WA report – non-attendance
SA report – non-attendance
Executive reports
President – not here (apologies noted)
Treasurer – Tom Brennan
Money situation looking good, with a nice amount sitting in the bank. This most needed to be able to cover insurance when it comes up. Insurance costs $12, 800. The good money situation is mostly thanks to the treasurers in other states for collecting the AFDA monies. Request for statements from AFDA from 2000.
Secretary – none
Universities Vice president – Martin Laird
Eastern uni games went well in 2001. AUGs were in Newcastle and they also went well with a NZ team attending. Ultimate included in this years AUGS and will be in Flinders/Adelaide in 2002.
Womens Vice-President - none
Individuals Vice-president – none
Chairman on Selectors - Simon Wood
Announced seeding for WUCC2002. Womens - Seven Green Bottles 1, Freya 2. Open – King Brown 1, Feral 2, and Action men 3. Mixed – Down Underpants 1, Wanderlust 2.
Office Holder Reports
Newsletter Editor – Jonathon Potts
Newsletters have not come out as there is a problem getting articles. Prefer a possibility of an online newsletter.
Insurance Officer – Colin Wagstaff
No increase, issue in future will be organisation of policy.
Manager of Australian teams going to worlds – none
Manager of Sponsorship and Events – Will Mitchell not present
Webmaster –
Database manager – Tom Brennan commented on these. Has been a change in service provider so that contact based in Oz. New webpage to be considered.
National Events Director – not here. Discussion entered into for Halibut to be able to claim there exclusive weekend.
Motion 1
That QLD can hold the halibut on the ACT/NSW Labour Day weekend and no other National Ultimate tournament will be held on that weekend.
Moved Matt Ryan. Seconded Sandra Poon. Motion carried.
Coaching director – none
Juniors director – none
WFDF representative – Andrew Morris
WFDF have to paid in the next month. Possibility of WFDF disc games next year.
Coaching discussed in respect to becoming a member of the Australian Coaching Council.
General Business
Constitutional amendments
Motion 2
That the previous constitutional amendments from the last AGM be re-put, and that incoming president pass on the amendments to the registrar general in WA.
Moved Sam Waugh. Seconded Martin Laird. Motion passed.
Financial reports form Nationals organisers.
Got QUDA statement – want electronic version. Simon Wood will chase up Lisa Waters.
Annual Report
None submitted
Coaching manual
Trying to get Australian Coaching Council affiliation. However need an active president to look into this and coordinate the states.
Eligibility Criteria
Motion 3
That the amended Australian Ultimate Championships Eligibility Policy (with riders for the 2001 Mixed National Championships removed) to replace Articles of Association 603 and 604 be ratified.
Moved by Jonathon Potts and seconded by Tim Marchbank. Passed unanimously.
Eligibility Policy
This policy governs the eligibility of teams and players to participate in any Australian Ultimate Championship, including the following divisions: Mixed, Women's, Open and Juniors. The aim of these rules is to foster the development and competitiveness of players and teams at Australian Championships.
- All teams competing at the Championship may have at most only ONE player on their roster who is not a current member of their team.
- A current member of a team is defined as someone who has either:
- played with the team in at least 1 tournament in the 6 months prior to the Championship, or
- played with a team comprised of at least half the same membership in a Championship during the previous 3 years, or
- lived within 100km of the geographic home of the team for at least 2 months of the previous 6 months and trained with the team during that time, or
- lived within Australia, but did not live closer to the geographic home of another team of similar standard (ie excluding beginner teams), during the previous 3 months.
- The President of the AFDA may grant exceptions to teams which they feel foster development or competitiveness outside of, but in the spirit of, these rules. This specifically includes overseas or entry-level teams.
- Each team wishing to compete in an Australian Championship must submit a roster to the Tournament Director no later than four (4) weeks prior to the Championship, highlighting any non-current team members and/or any players which may have eligibility problems. Any further roster changes must immediately be brought to the attention of the TD.
- That in lieu of the President, Simon Wood should rule on all outstanding eligibility issues.
Amendment 1
That point 5 be changed from “That in lieu of the President, Simon Wood should rule on all outstanding eligibility issues” to “that a person appointed by the AFDA executive should rule on all outstanding eligibility issues”.
Moved by Emma Spranklin, seconded by Jemery Day.
Amendment 2
That the last sentence of point 3 now read “This specifically includes overseas entry level teams, or any teams that otherwise would not be able to compete at Nationals.”
(Previously read: This specifically excludes overseas entry level teams.)
Moved by Jonathon Potts and seconded by Jemery Day. Passed.
AFDA executive
Changes were suggested to the AFDA structure, however this requires significant constitutional changes that are beyond the scope of this meeting and suggestion made to fix the constitution.
Motion 4
That Emma Spranklin lead the process of constitutional reform through the afda-const mailing list.
Moved by Sam Waugh. Seconded by Martin Laird. Passed.
AFDA executive orders
Motion 5
That the Standing Orders in relation to decisions made via the AFDA committee's electronic mailing group be ratified.
Moved by Sam Waugh. Seconded by Jonathon Potts. Carried.
Standing Orders
Where decisions are made via the committee's electronic mailing group, the procedure will be as follows:
- Committee members may make proposals in the form of a motion at any time by e-mailing it to the rest of the Committee. Other committee members may offer amendments to the proposal and if the instigator of the motion agrees a final revised motion will then be distributed by e-mail once more.
- The President, Treasurer or Secretary can then request via e-mail that another committee member second the motion.
- Whether or not there has been a response to the request for a seconder, either the President, Treasurer or Secretary can call for a vote on the motion. This person will be known as the chair of the vote. At the same time, he or she will specify the time and date by which votes are to be submitted, which must be at least one full week from this vote.
- The instigator of the motion and the chair of the vote may not be the same person.
- Votes may then be cast, via e-mail or any other means of communication, to the chair of the vote, so as to reach them by the specified time. Where e-mail is used the vote can only be sent from the member's own e-mail account. Examples of permissible votes are 'in favour', 'against' and 'abstain'.
- A Committee member may ask another Committee member to vote on his or her behalf for a specified period or on a specified motion. The declaration of a proxy may be made in advance by notification of all Committee members.
- The chair of the vote or his or her delegate will collate the votes and if a majority of current Committee members (excluding abstentions) have voted either in favour or against a motion a result can be declared, even if it is before the specified time. Once the specified time has passed, any Committee members who have as yet not voted will be deemed to have absented themselves from the vote.
- A quorum of five current committee members including either the President or Treasurer must cast a vote for the result to be effectual.
- As soon as a result is clear, it will be announced.
- The Secretary will maintain a log of decisions made through this process which will be available to Committee members and presented to each conventional meeting for final approval.
Election of Office Bearers
Sam Waugh nominated but declined to accept the nomination.
Jonathon Potts nominated by Colin Wagstaff. Seconded by Martin Laird.
Jemery Day nominated by Matt. Seconded by Sandra.
Jonathon duly elected as new AFDA president.
Tom Brennan nominated by Colin Wagstaff. Seconded by Sandra. Elected unopposed.
Liz Blink nominated by Sam Waugh. Seconded by Martin Laird. Elected unopposed.
Universities Vice-President
Martin Laird nominated by Emma, seconded by Sandra. Elected unopposed.
Chairman of Selectors
Simon Wood nominated by Jonathon Potts. Seconded by Colin Wagstaff. Elected unopposed.
Other Business
No other business.
Emma expressed thanks to Sam for a swift meeting.
Close of meeting 8:50pm