Third-party CPD courses and training: criteria for inclusion on the Global Learning Programme for England website

As part of the Global Learning Programme (GLP) for England, we would like to harness the expertise of existing CPD providers to help schools develop their global learning and development education work within Key Stages 2 and 3. We are looking for CPD training that we can approve for this purpose.

Such training needs to meet the aims of the GLP, which are based on a particular understanding of global learning and development education: the critical examination of global issues and the roles that individuals and communities can play in reducing global poverty, within a framework of social justice.

We are interested in courses that model good practice for CPD in this area and that has the potential for long-term impact on the quality of global learning and development education in schools.

Details of the GLP’s aims, and the knowledge, skills and values it promotes are outlined in this form. The form also includes more general information (sections 3 and 12 in particular) on course administration recommended by the GLP that providers need to know.


The information from the form will be used to assess whether your course should be approved as part of the Global Learning Programme.

Please complete the form with as much detail as possible to avoid delays in approving your training.

Please delete Y or N as appropriate.

Once completed please email this form to

You will only be contacted if your course if not approved, otherwise it will be published on the GLP website within three weeks of submission.

  1. Course ID (required)

Course title:
Course ID:
(this was generated when you submitted your course details to the website)
  1. Course funding (required)

Is the delivery of this course already funded? / Y/N

Free courses and already funded courses that meet the criteria can be advertised on the GLP website, but school staff will not be able to use their e-credits to attend them.

  1. Information to participants (desirable)

We recommend that all the necessary course information is provided to participants within 14 days of booking on a course. This includes, for example: any pre-course study required; location maps; parking information; and what happens in an emergency.

We also recommend you remind participants that their e-credit balance will only be updated once a course has run, and Pearson has been invoiced. They need to keep track of how many e-credits they have spent to avoid going over their £500 limit. If a school overspends, you will need to invoice them for the additional cost.

  1. Accompanying materials (desirable)

Will the course provide participants with printed materials to take away from the course? / Y/N
Will the course provide participants with access to online materials to accompany the course? / Y/N

Courses can still be accepted without accompanying materials.

  1. Course feedback (required)

We agree to this course being rated online by GLP participants. / Y/N
We agree to encouraging feedback from participants at the end of a course, directly onto the GLP website. / Y/N
We agree to submit a list of participants to the GLP website within 10 days of a course’s completion. / Y/N

Participant details (name and email address) can be added to the website as soon as they have booked on a course. You will be able to update this section of the website as needed, through the ‘My courses’ tab of your provider account.

Do you wish to receive an email notification whenever feedback is left about your course? / Y/N
  1. Course content (required)

We agree to include basic information about the GLP in the course.
(This information will be provided in the form of a short series of presentation slides and as a text document that can be downloaded from the provider pages of the GLP website. It will take no longer than 10 minutes to deliver.) / Y/N
Is the course aimed at teachers of Key Stages 2 and 3? The course does not need to cater exclusively for these key stages but either or both must be included. / Y/N
Does this course meet one or more of the aims of the GLP? / Y/N
Is this course in agreement with the aims of the GLP? / Y/N

Aims met by the course (required)

On the table below, please mark with an X the GLP aims met by this course.

Helps teachers to encourage children and young people to understand their role in a globallyinterdependent world, and to explore strategies by which they can make it more just and sustainable
Provides strategies to familiarise pupils with the concepts of interdependence, development, globalisation and sustainability
Enables teachers to move pupils from a charity mentality to a social justice mentality
Provides strategies for teachers to stimulate critical thinking about global issues both at whole-school and pupil level
Helps schools to promote greater awareness of poverty and sustainability
Enables schools to explore alternative models of development and sustainability in the classroom

Content areas (required)

In the table below, please mark with an X the content that you are preparing teachers to deliver to pupils.

The content table is split into three sections to reflect the global knowledge, skills and values that the GLP wants to see in delivering global learning.

Global learning approaches ask pupils to engage actively with global knowledge through activities thathelp them develop their global skills and consider their global values.

A balance of global development knowledge, skills and values is preferred.

A minimum of four content areas, including at least one from the global development knowledge section, must be ticked for a course to be accepted.

Please see the ‘global learning pupil outcomes for the GLP’ for more detail on this content (this can be downloaded from the GLP website:

Content areas / X
Global development knowledge (for pupils) / Knowledge of global poverty
Knowledge of development
Knowledge of rights and essential services: health, education, water and sanitation
Knowledge of globalisation and interdependence
Knowledge of sustainable development
Knowledge of actions of governments
Knowledge of actions of citizens
Knowledge of business and technology
Skills developed through global learning / Critical thinking
Multiple perspectives
Challenging perceptions
Enquiry and discussion
Reflection and evaluation
Values explored through global learning / Fairness
Social justice

Content focus (required)

Please indicate which of the categories below your CPD offer falls into, and include examples of how your course demonstrates this. Please mark all those that apply with an X:

Curriculum development
Development of specific subject (i.e. maths, English, etc.) or curriculum area
Teaching and learning
Leadership and management
Development of whole-school ethos
Pupil leadership
Helping schools work with the wider community
Pupil behaviour and values
School awards (e.g. Fairtrade School, RSSA, ISA, etc.)

GLP Whole School Framework (required)

Which areas of the GLP Whole School Framework (this can be downloaded from the GLP website) does the course content support?

A minimum of three must be supported for a course to be accepted. Please mark all those that apply with an X.

Pupil achievement / Pupils develop their understanding of global knowledge through a range of subjects and topic areas.
Pupils develop high-quality global learning skills, supporting their literacy, numeracy and communication.
Pupils are better prepared for transition and work through global learning activities.
SMSC (spiritual, moral, social, cultural) outcomes: Pupils develop their learning and social skills through participatory activities.
Teachers’ practice / Teachers are confident in their global knowledge, and use teaching approaches supporting pupils’ skills and values development.
Teachers are equipped to support active global citizenship by pupils in lessons and extra-curricular activities.
Teachers use effective cross-curricular planning skills to provide coherent global learning experiences.
SMSC outcomes: Teachers support the moral development, enquiry and debating skills of pupils.
Behaviour and relationships / Global learning assists values development across the school community, supporting positive relationships.
Global learning supports positive attitudes towards diversity and cultural difference.
Pupil voice is developed across the school through global learning activities.
SMSC outcomes: The school community explores and values cultural diversity.
Leadership and the community / School leaders use effective planning to embed a school vision preparing pupils for a globally interdependent world.
Global learninghelps create a rich and rewarding professional development programme.
Global learning supports better engagement with parents, community groups and other organisations locally, nationally and globally.
SMSC outcomes: Community heritage, interdependence and identity are better understood.

We understand that the exact content of a course may only be determined by some providers once they have consulted with a school. If this is the case for your organisation, please state the areas that you offer courses in, giving examples of the types of content and skills that you usually cover:

Please also state what kind of needs analysis you will carry out with the school using your services:

Once created, all courses will still need to meet the specified content criteria.

  1. Training methods and teaching methods promoted (desirable)

Teachers will be giving feedback on GLP courses they have attended.

Using the methods we advocate below is not mandatory for a course to be accepted but it is desired.

Please indicate whether your course incorporates and encourages the following approaches to learning and teaching. Please mark all those that apply with an X:

Participative – all participants are engaged actively
Inclusive – caters for different needs
Reflective – encourages participants to reflect on their practice or experience
Collaborative – participants work together
Personal perspectives – encourages participants to share their own experiences and views
Multiple perspectives – including from other parts of the world
Innovative – using new techniques and ideas
Developing questioning techniques

If you have indicated that you will be using and encouraging the above methods, please include examples of activities that demonstrate this:

  1. Who delivers the courses (desirable)

Please complete this section for all trainers who could deliver this course.

Trainer is aware of the aims of the GLP and has an overview of the programme / Y/N
Trainer has been observed and their training has been quality assured during the past 12 months / Y/N
Please list your trainer’s qualifications
Please list your trainer’s experience of delivering this course and other relevant CPD activities
Please specify your trainer’s knowledge of global development, global learning and integrating global learning into the classroom
  1. Payment and invoicing (required)

We agree to invoice Pearson on behalf of the course participants within 30 days of a course being completed. / Y/N
We agree to submit copies of our evaluations to Pearson with our invoice / [Y/N]

10. Changes to courses (required)

a) Changes to a course

●Schools have the right to change the person attending a course and should make every effort to inform course providers.

●The content of a course cannot change from that originally advertised.

●If changes need to happen to a course date, time or location, then participants must be informed immediately. If these changes happen five days or fewer before the date of a course, then participants need to be offered the opportunity to attend a course on another day or time.

●You must update the website as soon as you know that there is a change to a course.

We agree to these requirements. / Y/N

b) Cancelling a course

●Participants have the right to cancel their place on a course up to five days in advance. If they cancel with less notice than this, you will still receive payment for their place.

●You must try to give at least five days’ notice to participants if a course is cancelled.

●We understand there may be exceptional circumstances that mean a course is cancelled with less notice. However, you must still contact all participants.

●You must update the website as soon as you know a course needs to be cancelled.

We agree to these requirements. / Y/N

What happens when a course is not approved (desirable)

If your course is not approved then you will have the chance to re-submit it with changes. The GLP can provide support through the UCL Institute of Education in changing a course to meet requirements.

Would you be happy to be contacted by the UCL Institute of Education at the University of London to support the development of your course in meeting the requirements of the GLP? / Y/N

If a course receives poor feedback (an average star rating of two or less from all participants) you will be referred to the UCL Institute of Education for support before being able to re-post the course on the GLP website.


●Courses will be approved or not within three weeks of submitting this form. If the course is not approved the applicant will be contacted. If the course is approved it will be included on the website.

●Non-GLP participants can attend courses alongside those taking part through the GLP.

●Schools can ‘top-up’ the cost of a course, should they not have enough e-credits remaining to cover this. You will need to invoice them separately for the difference.

●You are free to advertise this course elsewhere.

●Course details will be saved on the website for you to access, should you want to run it again in the future.

●Independent schools, infant schools, sixth form colleges and schools in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are not eligible for e-credits through the Global Learning Programme for England.

●Any complaints about courses must be handled between the provider and participants.

●Course providers will have a right to reply to negative feedback they receive on the GLP website.

●Inappropriate feedback will not be published on the GLP website.

●Information submitted in this form will only be seen by members of the Development Education Consortium (see GLP website for details of members) for purposes of approving and advertising your course. It may also be used for reporting and monitoring purposes and will then be seen by the Department for International Development.

●The GLP reserves the right to change these criteria throughout the lifetime of the programme.

●You have the right to update the details on this form at any point, please email if you wish to do so.

●Queries about why a course was not accepted to the GLP should be emailed to Clare Bentall

●Enquiries about the Global Learning Programme for England should be emailed to

For more details please see the CPD FAQs on the GLP website.

11. Further contact

Are you happy to be contacted by members of the Development Education Consortium about further opportunities within the GLP? / Y/N

Once completed please email this form to

Please note that you will only be contacted if your course is not approved. If it is approved it will be published on the GLP website within three weeks of submission.

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