The ABC’s of Mrs. Braune’s Class!2016-2017
A / is for attendance. Please be at school each day and on time. School begins at 8:10. Students may come as early as 8:00 and go to the Gym. We have lots of work to do in first grade and missing any time makes it harder to keep up.B / is for birthdays. Treats are welcomed and we will celebrate with your child at the end of the day on their special day. Summer birthdays may be celebrated on their half birthdays, 6 months prior to actual birthday. Healthy treats are encouraged. Treats need to be peanut free and not made in a peanut factory.
Is for book orders. About once a month a book order form will come home from Scholastic. This is a great way to purchase books inexpensively, while helping our class earn points towards other items. My online teacher code is GQN23at
C / is for communication. I have an open door policy so if you feel you need to speak with me for any reason please feel free share your concerns, what you feel is working well for your child, and ask for clarification if something is unclear. My email address and the school phone number is (913)780-7350. I will be sending home a communication chart daily to inform you of your child’s day (begins in September). Please review and return with folder daily.
is for conferences. Conferences will be October 19-20 and February 8-9. More information will be sent home later to schedule meeting times. I look forward to seeing you and sharing your child’s success.
D / is for dismissal. We have many students who all have different ways of going home each day. Please make sure that you update any changes in the office and with your teacherbefore 3:00 each day. After 3:00 you need to contact the office. Remember, I will always side with caution when it comes to sending your child home.
E / is for email. My email address is . Please email me at any time. Often times I will be able to reply via email faster than phone. It can be difficult to check email during the day while I am with students. If you do email, I will get back to you within 24 hours of the first email.
F / is for folder. Each evening your student will bring home a yellow DAILYfolder. Please check it for your child’s homework that day and any notes I might be sending home. The folder needs to come back to school every day with homework completed and any notes for me.
G / is for grades. In first grade a 4, 3,2, 1 marking system is used to denote achievement. 4 Proficient- the student independently applies mastered skills and concepts, 3 Progressing- the student is making progress towards mastery, 2- Developing- The student is beginning to apply skills with support, 1 RequiresSupport- the student displays limited independence and requires additional support. An additional marking system is available to provide further information regarding student strengths and needs/weaknesses in relation to the specific skills. A + for strength, # for progressing, or a ^ for improvement needed will be used in these areas.
H / Is for homework. For the first quarter student’s responsibility is to read a minimum of 15-20 min. each night. Small group guided reading bags will be coming home soon with instructions of how to complete activities. At times, spelling, high frequency words, and math activities will be included as well. Provide a quiet place free of distractions for your child to complete their homework and help as needed, without doing the work for them. Homework will be on your child’s academic level and they should be able to complete on their own. Let me know if there are any struggles.
I / Is for Illness. Germs can spread quickly in a classroom. Children need to remain home if they are experiencing a fever with or without symptoms, red eyes with drainage, drainage from the ear, diarrhea or vomiting. Students need to be fever free for 24 hrs before returning to school.
J / is for journal. We will keep a math and reading journal throughout the year. We will be writing stories and about things we learn. At times journals will be sent home for families to complete as well.
K / is for knowing the expectations.The expectations for our school are: Respect, responsibility, honesty, and trustworthiness.
L / is for lunch. Our lunch time this year is at 11:05.
Is for Leader of the Week. Students will have the opportunity to have their achievements in class recognized. When they are nominated as Conklin’s Leader of the Week, they will get the chance to have lunch with the principal as well as get their picture taken for the school kiosk.
M / is forMystery Reader. We would love to have you sign up for a Friday to come read to the class. Remember this is to be kept a secret from your child. We have readers scheduled for 3:15 on Fridays.
Is for Money. When sending money to school please put it in an envelope/bag with student name and purpose so I can make sure it gets to the right place.
N / is for important news. If your child has anything important or fun happen in their life, please share with me. Not only will it help with learning, but it also helps me to connect with your children.
Is for newsletters. Newsletters will be emailed to the parent group on Friday’s and will also be available on the 1st grade Brougham website.
O / is for my open door policy. If you need to talk to me, please feel free to do so. I can’t stress this enough. If you need to speak with me personally please check in with the office and they will call to make sure I am available.
P / is for parties. We will be having three parties this year; Fall, Winter, and a Valentine’sDay party. More information will be sent home around that time. If you would like to volunteer to help out a sign-up sheet is available in the first grade area.
Q / is for questions. If you ever have any questions about what is happening in school or something your student says has happened at school, please feel free to contact me.
Is for quick and quiet hello. As you volunteer in our classroom or our building, I will urge your child to acknowledge you with a “quick and quiet” wave hello. It is important for them to greet you but remain involved in class activities.
R / is for recess. We go each day at 11:30 and 2:45. Please make sure your child is dressed according to the weather. We will be going outside in the winter if it is 20 degrees or above.
S / is for specials. We go to Library, Computer, PE, Music, and Art each week. We will have counselor time every other week. Tennis shoes need to be worn on C and D days for PE. Library is on A and B days.
is for snacks. Students may bring a healthy snack to school each day. It needs to be a single serving, non-perishable item students can eat without a mess. Examples: pretzels, graham crackers, crackers. Please limit snacks to one a day please. Snacks need to be peanut free and not made in a peanut factory.
Is for Star of the Week. This is a wonderful way for students in the class to get to know one another and spotlight each child for the week. Information will be coming home when it is your child’s week. Dates are included in folder.
T / is for tardiness. School begins at 8:10. Students are considered tardy when they arrive after 8:20. We have a very busy day that starts right away in the morning. Make sure your child arrives on time and is ready to learn. Arriving late often stresses children and can throw off the rest of their day.
U / is for update the teacher. If there are things going on that are affecting your child, please let me know. Changes such as phone number, medication, or anything that I would need to know to help your child be successful this year.
V / is for a very great year! I am looking forward to working with you and your child this year! I have many wonderful things planned and am really excited to be teaching your child!
is for volunteers. If you are able to help out in our classroom working with students or helping me with copies, cutting out lamination, or preparing upcoming projects I would love to have your help. Please let me know dates and times that would work best for you and we will get something scheduled.
W / is for water. Water bottles are welcomed in the room. Please make sure the water bottle seals completely closed so it does not spill. Please send water bottles that DO NOT need the lid removed to drink. Please have your child bring a full water bottle. They are allowed to refill after specials to get through the day. Water bottles need to be taken home each night.
X / is for eXtra layers. As the temperature becomes cooler sweaters and coats are a must. Coats cannot be worn inside the building. Long-sleeve shirts or sweaters seem to work best in the room. Our room can get very chilly during the day.
Y / is for yourhelp. Please help by checking the folder each night, completing homework together, and reading with your child, talking to your child about their day, and making sure their backpack is clean and not too heavy.
Z / is forZZZz’s. Make sure your child gets enough sleep each night to be productive the next day.