Summary of Learning Outcomes
Probity and Acquisition Planning for Procurement
This course is designed to provide an understanding of Probity when planning and managing procurements. Understanding probity will ensurethe integrity of the procurement process and the actions taken by government employees and/or representatives.
Who should attend
Procurement officers and non procurement officers such as administrative staff, project leaders, and senior decision makers who have a role in developing and/or managing contracts.
Program Content
- Probity:
- conflict of interest before and during market approaches;
- managing relationships communication pre, post and during market approaches;
- Compliance to policy:
- overview of the State Procurement Act 2004 as the basis for the State Procurement Board’s procurement policies and guidelines;
- fair and equitable opportunity;
- transparency of process; and
- value for money.
- explaining the 4 quadrant model of complexity and value;
- overview of the Simple Procurement Guideline;
- overview of the Acquisition Planning Guideline; and
- seeking acquisition approval.
- Managing the market approach:
- explain the various market approaches as described in the Market Approaches Guideline;
- describe how to request and receive offers.
- Selecting the right supplier:
- describe how to establish the evaluation criteria;
- plan and undertake an evaluation;
- describe how to validate suppliers claims; and
- choosing the preferred supplier and gaining purchase approval.
Contract Management
This course aims to provide skills and knowledge to assist procurement and non procurement officers to discharge contract management duties in accordance with the Contract Management Guideline,
Who should attend
Officers such as administrative staff, project leaders, and senior decision makers and procurement officers who have a requirement to manage contracts.
Program Content
- Plan for Contract Management:
- develop a contract management plan;
- the contract manager’s role; and
- confirming the intent and requirements of the contract.
- Legal structure:
- variations, extensions and amendments – who can approve?
- how to manage disputes;
- important legal clauses such as intellectual property, limited liability; and
- what are the schedules and how do they work.
- Contract Obligations:
- the first contract meeting, what needs to happen;
- formalising communication / notices; and
- clarifying each party’s responsibilities.
- Managing deliverables:
- establishing the contract management protocols;
- supplier relationship; and
- managing supplier performance.
- Value adding:
- value management by making sure that the intended outcome is delivered;
- cost avoidance caused by scope creep and unnecessary variations; and
- working with the supplier to identify opportunities to make savings and create additional value.
Acquisition Planning
This course is designed to provide an understanding of the following policies and guidelines as they relate to acquisition planning:
- Simple Procurement Guideline;
- Approvals Process Policy;
- Market Approaches Guideline; and
- Standard Tenders and Contract Documents Policy and Guideline
Who should attend
Current procurement officers and non procurement officers who may be involved to undertake procurement as part of their role.
Program Content
- Undertaking research - asking the right questions:
- understanding the original business need and the organisational context that the procurement requirement is trying to satisfy – How will success be assessed;
- understanding the market conditions and its ability to satisfy the procurement need;
- undertaking an appropriate risk assessment; and.
- exploring and assessing alternative market options.
- Developing the contracting strategy
- how to convert the research into a contracting strategy
- aligning business need, market context and risk assessment:
- identifying an appropriate market approach: and
- establishing the evaluation criteria linking to the procurement objectives.
- Preparing an evaluation plan:
- identifying mandatory criteria;
- determining the assessment process against the criteria; and
- choosing the assessment panel.
- Preparing tender documents:
- balance probity and compliance with commercial outcomes;
- developing specifications that suppliers can use to deliver your requirements; and
- aligning with key business success measures.
Supplier Selection
This course is designed to provide an understanding of the needto have a focus on managing the evaluation process to ensure sound outcomes
Who should attend
Current procurement officers and non procurement officers who may be required to participate on evaluation teams
Program Content
- Revision of the preparation of an evaluation plan (note that preparing an evaluation plan is covered in the acquisition planning targeted training):
- what criteria should be used;
- how the criteria are determined and they relate to the procurement objectives;
- using quantitative and qualitative assessments.
- Methodology for selecting suppliers:
- managing probity and ensuring that all possible participants are given the same opportunity and information in regard to the market request;
- requesting offers and receiving offers;
- managing questions, clarifications and the provision of additional information during the open request period; and
- advanced evaluation techniques.
- Find the value opportunity:
- determining what level of responses will be acceptable to meet the procurement need;
- calibrating the assessment tools by providing descriptions of acceptable responses in each of the evaluation criteria to reduce subjective assessments; and
- assessing tender responses, this includes the normalisation of scoring by each panel member.
- Validation of responses:
- gathering additional information from suppliers to support their responses;
- validating responses by undertaking research from other sources; and
- communicating with suppliers during the evaluation phase.
- Negotiation of final contract:
- clarification and refinement of goods and or services required;
- negotiation of prices and value adds; and
- negotiation of contract terms and conditions.
Sustainable Procurement Guideline
(This course has been updated to reflect the Board’s revised guideline May 2015)
This course covers the Sustainable Procurement Guideline which should be recognised as a first step including sustainable decisions and practices in government procurement where appropriate
Who should attend
Procurement officers and managers
Contract managers and administrators
Project and Program Managers
Program Content
- Significant procurements:
- identify and prioritise significant procurements;
- examine the example sustainability impact scoring chart; and
- examine the example criteria for undertaking a sustainability impact analysis
- How to apply demand management strategies for significant procurements:
- assessing the need for a given purchase;
- reusing, refurbishing or reconditioning the product to extend its life;
- acquiring second-hand or used items;
- aggregating demand amongst multiple users to achieve better usage of assets;
- establishing management systems to monitor and report consumption levels; and
- implementing energy and resource efficiencies that balance out peak environmental demand situations.
- How to incorporate sustainability features into the procurement:
- typical sustainability criteria and assessment procedures;
- green lists; and
- how to assess green labels.
Market Research and Analysis Tools
Course Objectives
This course is designed to provide participants with an understanding of how to access and analyse current marketplace information to develop optimal procurement strategies.
Who should attend
Procurement officers, project leaders and senior decision makers who are responsible for the development of procurement strategies
Program Content
- Course Objectives
- Introduction and Topics
- Key Policies and Guidelines
-Relationship with market research i.e. why and where it fits in the procurement cycle
Activity: Market types – risks and opportunities
- Market Research
-Types of markets (e.g. monopoly, etc.)
-Internal and external market research (what information, how to gather information - including other Govt jurisdictions)
- Market Analysis Techniques
-Supply Chain Analysis
-Five Forces Analysis
-Supply Positioning
-Supplier Preferencing
- Converting Analysis to Procurement Strategy
-Links to Acquisition Plan
Activity: Applying Market Analysis Techniques and Converting Analysis to Strategy
Tactical Negotiation
This course is designed to provide fundamental knowledge and skills required by procurement officers to negotiate improved tactical procurement outcomes.
Who should attend
Procurement & contract management professionals and subject matter experts who are:
- involved in negotiating with potential vendors;
- administering contracts with successful vendors; and/or
- required to interact and negotiate with stakeholders and clients in establish procurement specifications and business cases.
Program Content
This hands on, practical, participant focused program will use case studies, simulations and guided activities to develop and apply the theory learnt in facilitated sessions.
1.Participants will discover:
- the fundamental nature of contractual negotiations;
- planning a Negotiation;
- issues for commercial negotiation in a tactical context;
- power & leverage in contract negotiation;
- legal and ethical issues;
- effective Negotiator behaviours;
- listening and Reading skills; and
- strategies for value achievement.
2.On completing this course participants will be able to:
- understand the critical importance of negotiation in achieving value for money outcomes;
- have an increased awareness of the negotiation process in tactical procurement;
- maximise their leverage in negotiations; and
- effectively plan for value achievement.
Strategic Negotiation
It is expected officers attending this course have completed the Tactical Negotiation course and/or have some experience in commercial negotiation
This course is designed to develop and enhance the negotiation skills of procurement/ contracting professionals and project leaders who will lead the negotiation in strategic procurement and contracting projects
Who should attend
Procurement practioners and subject matter experts who are:
- leading negotiations with potential vendors;
- managing large contracts; and/or
- managing relationships with major stakeholders and clients.
Program Content
1.This program will apply facilitated sessions, group discussion and case studies to address:
- key principles in successful negotiation;
- assessing negotiation power;
- negotiation style inventory;
- unlocking the mystery of human behaviour;
- using active listening to maximise your negotiation outcome;
- the art of persuasion;
- the legal and ethical issues;
- detailed planning of your negotiation;
- bargaining for success;
- concluding significantly better agreements as a result of creativity;
- closing the deal; and
- managing the negotiation team.
2.On completing this course participants will be able to:
- apply the key principles of successful negotiation;
- have an increased awareness of the negotiation process ;
- use their knowledge of human behaviour to maximise their contract leverage;
- manage conflict;
- effectively plan a major negotiation;
- bargain effectively;
- manage team negotiations; and
- effectively negotiate a successful procurement outcome.
Procurement Fundamentals (Introduction to Procurement)
This program is designed to provide participants with the skills to undertake simple and routine procurement within the SA Government regulatory environment and to provide input to and/orassist in major procurement activities.
Who should attend
Officers new to procurement officers or interacting with procurement activities that require an understanding of the key phases across the procurement cycle
Program Content
1.Program Outline:
Government Procurement Policies & Procedures;
- government procurement framework
- responsibilities
- delegations & approvals
Procurement Planning;
- planning the procurement
- steps in the procurement planning process
- risk management in procurement
- ethical risks & behaviour in procurement
Undertake Procurement;
- processes & procedures
- procurement methods
- issues to consider
- preparing request documents
Developing the Statement of Requirement (SOR);
- types of specifications
- benefits of specification types
- elements of a good specification
- developing specifications
- structuring the SOR
Bid Evaluation;
- overview of the evaluation process
- key concepts
- evaluation criteria
- evaluation methods
- conducting evaluation
- issues to manage
Establish a Contract Management Strategy;
- contract start up
- contract management procedures
- managing relationships
- performance management.
2.On completing this course participants will be able to:
- describe SA Government procurement legislation, policies & guidelines;
- describe the procurement framework;
- plan for the procurement of goods and services;
- undertake a procurement;
- develop effective specifications;
- describe tendering procedures and processes;
- evaluate a tender submission; and
- establish a contract management strategy
Procurement Approvals Processes
Course Objectives
This course is designed to provide the fundamental knowledge and skills required to comply with the Board’s requirements for procurement approvals.
Who should attend
Procurement officers andmanagers
Contract managers and administrators
Project managers where procurement is an integral part of the project
Program Content
- Overview of Procurement approvals
-What is procurement approval?
-When are procurement approvals required?
-Who provides procurement approvals?
- Procurement Approvals Pathways
-Simple Procurement Process
-Acquisition Planning Guideline
- Deviations from approved Acquisition Plans
- Variations to Contracts
Alignment of Procurement Objectives with the Business
This course is designed to provide participants with the skills to determine the objectives for procurement projects and track their achievement through the procurement cycle.
Who should attend:
Procurement officers and managers;
Contract managers and administrators; and
Project managers.
Program Content
- Course Objectives
- Introduction and Topics
- Key Policies and Guidelines
- Identify and Determine Procurement Objectives
-Stakeholder Engagement (user groups, etc.)
Activity: Determine Procurement Objectives
- Specifying Objectives
-Incorporating into Tender Documents
-Evaluation Criteria
Activity: Objectives: Evaluation and KPI Alignment
- Recommendation and Award
- Contract Management Phase
-Monitoring and Reporting
-Learned Lessons
Panel Contracts Guideline & the development of Secondary Procurement Processes
Course Objectives
This course is designed to provide the fundamental knowledge and skills required to comply with the requirements of the (recently revised) Panel Contracts Guideline and apply it in procurement strategy development, with particular focus on secondary procurement processes.
Who should attend:
Procurement officers and managers;
Contract managers and administrators; and
Decision makers in the development of procurement strategies.
Program Content
- Course Objectives
- Introduction and Topics
- Key Policies and Guidelines
-What is a panel?
Activity: Panels – Benefits and Issues
- Establishing Panels
-Objectives (links to procurement strategy)
-Market approach
-Value (procurement & contract value, FTA implications)
-Panel size
-Open or Closed
-Variant strategies (multi use lists, pre-qualification)
- Secondary Procurement Processes (rules of engagement )
-Objectives: alignment with procurement strategy
-Engagement processes (e.g. quotations – how many, rotation, etc)
-Issues: probity and ethics, efficiency, value for money
Activity: Aligning Rules of Engagement with Objectives
- Contract Management
-Reporting, usage, compliance – alignment to objectives
Effective RFX Documents & Specification Development
Course Objectives
This course is designed to provide participants with an understanding of how to develop effective procurement specifications and bid documents.
Who should attend
Procurement officers and others involved in the development of market approach documentation and/or specifications.
Learning Outcomes
On completion workshop participants should be able to:
- Understand and contribute to the development of effective RFX documentation whilst making appropriate use of available templates;
- Define the role and importance of a specification in a procurement activity;
- Explain the nature and types of a range of specifications for different types of contracts / procurement activities;
- Understand and contribute to the development of effective specifications including the structure and format of an effective specification and appropriate content.
Program content
- RFX Overview; RFX … What is this code for?
•“RF …” = Request for …X” = variable
•May be a tender, ie RFT
•May be a proposal, ie RFP
•May be a quote, ie RFQ (not our focus)
- The Supplier’s Perspective;
- Supply Market Considerations & Engagement;
- Specification Development;
Strategic Sourcing & Category Management
Course Objectives
This workshop is designed to provide participants with the skills and tools required to successfully complete a strategic sourcing analysis and to implement a category management approach to sourcing in an organisation.
Who should attend
Procurement managers and others seeking an understanding of strategic procurement and category management.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of the workshop participants will be able to:
- Explain the value equation for a strategic approach to sourcing
- Explain the importance of category management as a business tool
- Conduct a detailed stakeholder analysis
- Conduct a detailed spend analysis
- Segment goods & services and allocated appropriate responsibilities
- Develop effective category strategies
- Discuss the trends and strategies towards best practice in category management
Program content
The interactive workshop is delivered through facilitator led presentations, class discussions and case studies to build an understanding of category management.
- The course is based on the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply Category Management Process and has drawn on the requirements of the Australian Qualification Framework competency PSPPROC602B
South Australian Industry Participation Policy (IPP)
Course Objectives
The objective of the South Australian IPP is ‘to ensure that capable South Australian small and medium enterprises are given full, fair and reasonable opportunity to tender and participate in significant public and private sector projects’. The objective of this workshop is to provide participants with a practical understanding of the policy’s application through the procurement cycle.
Who should attend
Procurement officers and managers
Contract managers and administrators
Project managers where procurement is an integral part of the project
Program Content
Overview of SA Industry Participation Policy Procedural Guidelines
-What it is?
-When is it used?
-Who applies it?
- Industry Participation requirements
-Employment Contribution Test
-South Australian IPP Plan requirements
-Weighting determination
- Tender Preparation, Release and assessment
- Contract Award and Ongoing Contract Management
- Reporting
9 June 2015