EU_ARD Project _Mission travel report Madang - (Murukanam) Madang Province (26Jan-2February)
Name / Cyril. Atung & Philip LaliItinerary / Sunday 26st February departed Lae for Madang by road at 0700hrs- arrive Madang 1500hrs and checked in at Madang Lodge.
Monday 27th January 0700hrs-1600hrs Depart Madang Lodge for Murukanam meet Kerianne Yagau.
Tuesday, 28th January Conduct taro beetle training 900hrs – 1600hrs at Murukanam Community & Sabente village at Debor Community.
Wednesday, 29 January, Depart Murukanam at 8.00hours and arrive at Eranduk 10.00 am.
Conduct taro beetle training from 10.30-12.000 noon and 1.00pm -3.00pm conduct taro tlb, plant height, stolon and sucker number assessment.
Thursday 30th January, 8.00 am- 4.00 pm conduct taro tlb, plant height, stolon and sucker assessments at Sabente and Murukanam. From 4.00pm-5.00pm put up project signboard at Murukanam community.
Friday 31st January –due to a death in the community work was delayed till 4.00pm. The main activities were making drainages for the yam and cassava plots.
Saturday 1st February 7.00 am -12.000noon – complete work on the drainage systems and depart for Madang at 1.00pm. Arrive Madang at 4.00pm and checked in at Madang lodge.
Sunday 2nd February Depart Madang for Lae 0800hours-1500hrs
Purpose / Taro Beetle Control Training –Murukanam
Team members / Murukanam (Sarman) :Cyril Atung, Philip Lali, & Kerianne Yagau (RDO –Sumgilbar)
Debor (Sabente) :Cyril Atung, Philip Lali, & Kerianne Yagau
Arenduk: Cyril Atung, Kerianne Yagau, & Philip Lali
People met & talk to / 1. Robin Kumang
2. Godfrey Koyan
3. Grace Joba
4. Nick Apa
5. Blasius Taping & family
6. Fidelis Kuding
7. Henry Iwir
8. Gatherine Iwir
9. Bonny Areka
10. Nigel Monk
Major events / SARMAN (MURUKANAM)
· The trial at Sarman –Murukanam community was selected as the demonstration site for all trainings.
· 16 farmers participated in the training (4 female farmers & 12 males farmers)
· Unfortunately, Jeffrey Tamor and Wife (farm owners) did not attended the training due to Ms Mary Mamba’s Transferring out from Murukanam Primary School
· I lead the training on taro beetle technology
· Explaining to farmers on the use of the chemical and what it does to control beetle attack on taro plants.
· Demonstrated to them on the correct PPE used
· Chemical to water ratios and the number of taro required
· Under the training we used 50mls of bifenthrine and 15000 mls of water according to the number of taro headsets. Total taro in the plot was 170 which were less than 200 taro planst.
· Philip Lali did the demonstration on mixing chemicals and applying around the base of the taro plants. Each plant received about 100mls of bifentrin mixture.
· Farmers have the chance of mixing the chemicals and applying
· Data on plant height, sucker & stolon numbers were recorded. Taro leaf blight was assessed. However, tlb levels at this stage are low and only the susceptible variety is local variety Danis which showed tlb symptoms in the trial but from the adjacent plots.
· General growth of taro was good and all varieties performing well. Except few varieties that only have 2-3 plants eg. BL/HW/37
· Hornworm effects also on taro leaf was low
· Taro beetle (papuanna Spp) effects are still low but farmers already mentioned that there are signs of holes on the sites of taro plants.
· NT02 was infected with Colocasiae bobone disease (CBDV) that causes dark green ringie patches on leaves and stunted thicken leaves.
· Phoma Spp was not observed in waxy type leave varieties in this trial at Sarman but was observed at Sabente (Debor community).
· TLB data was scored in the trial and the susceptible varieties were NT01, Numkowe and Danis (local cultivar). These varieties are standard control checks whereas all varieties are resistant at this stage.
· The Danis variety also showed tlb infection on the adjacent plots
· The hornworm effect on taro leaf was low at the moment. Shot hole disease caused by Phoma sp was not observed in the waxy type leafy varieties in this trial.
· The data on plant height, sucker number and stolon were carried after the training (Table 1). The best performing varieties are Hawain line BL/HW/05, BL/SM/132,43,151,120,143,157,149,111,80,152, PNG line C5-245, 353 and 319/41 (CE/PNG/15) , Indonesia line 31and 16 in terms of plant height.
· The lowest performing variety is CE/MA/14.
· The suckering type varieties producing suckers ranging from 0.2-5 plants on average are Danis, BL/SM/43, 115, C5-245, BL/SM132, 120 and Indonesia line (CE/IND/14).
· The lowest is CE/MAL/14
· Taro plants showing stress of high soil moisture due to continuous rain in the past few months in the plots was a problem but now that drainage was made to minimise the water flowing into the taro plots.
· Farm was generally weed free
SABENTE (Debor Community)
· 16 farmers participated in the meeting-same people from Murukanam
· 4 female farmers & 12 male farmers.
· I lead the training on taro beetle technology with assistant from Kerianne and Philip Lali.
· More emphasis in this farm was on correct mixing ratios and proper application technique.
· Further, elaboration on the taro beetle technology use and the advantage of adopting the technology by farmers.
· 50mls of bifentrin and 15000 mls of water according to the number of taro headsets. Total taro in the plot was 170 which were less than 200 taro planst.
· Philip Lali did the demonstration again on mixing chemicals with assistant from Kerriane Yagau (RDO-Sumgilbar), Blasius Taping (farm owner) and applying around the base of the taro plants. Each plant received about 100mls of bifentrin mixture.
· Farmers have the change of mixing the chemicals and applying
· General growth of taro was very good and all varieties performing well.
· Hornworm effects also on taro leaf was low
· Taro beetle (papuanna Spp) effects are still low but farmers already mentioned that there are signs of holes on the sites of taro plants.
· Phoma Spp was observed in waxy type leafy varieties at Sabente trial. The susceptible varieties are BL/SM/104, BL/SM/152,BL/SM/128,BL/SM/116,BL/SM/120 BL/SM/80 and CE/MAL/12. This confirms the observation made in 2013 at the Bubia trial & multiplication plots and could be transmitted through planting material.
· Blasius Taping –the farmer owner express that community did not participated in looking after the trials with his family.
· Farm was generally weed free
· TLB data was scored in the trial and the highly susceptible varieties were CE/IND/16,319/41, Numkowe and Danis (local cultivar).
· The moderately susceptible varieties were Samoan lines BL/SM/132,151,149,115, PNG lines C5-245, NT01,NT02, Numkowe and the Hawaiian lines BL/HW/05 and BL/HW/26 .The hornworm effect on taro leaf was low.
· The data on plant height, sucker number and stolon were carried after the training
· The best performing Samoan varieties at Sabente trial are BL/SM/132,43,111,151,104,120,128,148,149,143 while the lowest is 136 with 47cm tall on average of five plants.
· Additionally, the top PNG lines are C5-353 which is also flowering, NT01, 319/41 and C5-245. The two Hawaiian lines BL/HW/05 and 37 were doing well also in this trial while BL/HW/26 showed medium performance (96cm).
· The suckering type varieties producing suckers ranging from 1-6 plants on average are BL/SM/104,157,120,151/128, 132,149, 148, KPOSN27, C5-353, NT01, NT02, Numkowe and the Hawaiian lines are BL/HW/05 and 26. Indonesia line CE/IND/14 and Malaysia line (CE/MAL/14).
· The most stolon type varieties identified are CE/MAL/07, and 14, BL/SM/151,116 and PNG line 319/41
· The trial at Eranduk- Sewan Ward 2 community was performed exceptionally well
· 11 farmers attended the training with 6 female and 5 male farmers.
· I lead the training on taro beetle technology again
· Explaining to farmers on the use of the chemical and what it does to control beetle attack on taro plants.
· Demonstrated to them on the correct PPE used
· Chemical to water ratios and the number of taro required
· Under training we used 50mls of bifentrin and 15000 mls of water according to the number of taro headsets. Total taro in the plot was 170 which were less than 200 taro planst.
· Blasius Taping and Nick Appa (youth) did the demonstration on mixing chemicals and applying around the base of the taro plants while Philip Lali and I guide them. Each plant received about 100mls of bifentrin mixture.
· Farmers in the community who participated in the training appreciate the training and welcome NARI for bringing the project and introducing the technology to the community.
· General growth of taro was good and all varieties performing well.
· Hornworm effects also on taro leaf was low
· Taro beetle (papuanna Spp) effects are still low but farmers already mentioned that there are signs of holes on the sites of taro plants.
· Phoma Spp was not observed in waxy type leave varieties in this trial at Eranduk
· Streams from the mountains running into the plots during heavy rain. Drainage to be dug by the farmer.
· The hornworm effect on taro leaf was similar to the above trials.
· The data on plant height, sucker number and stolons were carried after the training
· The best performing varieties at Arenduk trial are lines CE/IND/31, and 16 while PNG lines C5-353, KPOSN27,NT01 and only Somoan line BL/SM/151. The Hawaiian line BL/HW/05 is also the best performing variety in terms of the plant vigour and height. The lowest is BL/SM/136 with 47 cm tall.
· The suckering type varieties producing suckers are CE/MAL/07, BL/SM/132, 151, 120,143, 149, 115, 157, 148, 43,80 and 158. The PNG lines are C5-353, DANIS, and NT02, NT01 and KPOSN27 and the Hawaiian line BL/HW/05.
· The highly stolonous type varieties are CE/IND/16 and 31. The others are BL/SM/111, 104,116 and 128
Facts / · Communities at Murukanam & Debor not co-operating together
· Eranduk Community participation in the project was good.
· Taro beetle training was well received by participants
· Kerianne Yagau (RDO-Sumgilbar), Blasius Taping, Nick Apa were train specifically on data collection and tlb assessment.
· Taro growth was generally good & healthy at this stage
· Shot hole disease caused by Phoma sp observed at Sabente trial than other two trials
· TLB spotted in local cultivar Danis, CE/IND/16 and Numkowe
· Signboard was put up at Murukanam
Way forward / · Next visit in the community will be in March for TLB assessment.
· A next visit to be made for taro beetle training at Derin this month (February)
· Consider establishing one more trial site at Saburam community Eranduk who are also keen to plant taro. Consider planting materials from the current trial at Aranduk and C5- cultivars.
Suggestion/Comments / 1.Generally, the training went well as expected during the trip, the stated objectives were fully achieved
Participants / Name list of participants at Murukanam & Debor
No / Name
Gender / Village / Community / LLG / District
1 / Robin Kumang / M / Garum / Murukanam / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
2 / Emelda Tamaer / F / Murukanam / Murukanam / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
3 / Jeniffer Blais / F / Sabente / Debor / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
4 / Matilda Main / F / Murukanam / Murukanam / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
5 / Grace Joba / F / Bunabun / Murukanam / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
6 / Kathy Kumuang / F / Garum / Murukanam / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
7 / Gerard Mor / M / Murukanam / Murukanam / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
8 / Godfrey Koyan / M / Murukanam / Murukanam / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
9 / Nick Apa / M / Murukanam / Murukanam / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
10 / Lucas Kumuang / M / Garum / Murukanam / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
11 / Manuel Jeffrey / M / Murukanam / Murukanam / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
12 / Vincent Tumb / M / Naunz / Murukanam / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
13 / Blasius Taping / M / Sabente / Debor / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
14 / Kamul Long / M / Bunabun / Murukanam / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
15 / Fidelis / M / Murukanam / Murukanam / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
16 / Gerison long / M / Murukanam / Murukanam / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
17 / Kerianne Yagau / F / Sumgilbar / Sumgilbar / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
Name list of participants at Arenduk –Taro Beetle Training
No / Name / Gender / Village / Community / LLG / District
1 / Henry Iwir (Maiva) / M / Arenduk / Sewan Ward 2 / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
2 / Cathrine Iwir (Maiva) / F / Arenduk / Sewan Ward 2 / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
3 / David Aningis / M / Arenduk / Sewan Ward 2 / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
4 / Francisca Atikum / F / Arenduk / Sewan Ward 2 / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
5 / Sophia Muar / F / Arenduk / Sewan Ward 2 / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
6 / Irene Rarain / F / Arenduk / Sewan Ward 2 / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
7 / Ida Kion / F / Arenduk / Sewan Ward 2 / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
8 / Bonny Arekia / M / Arenduk / Sewan Ward 2 / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
9 / Nigel Monk / M / Mirap / Sewan Ward 2 / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
10 / Diana Avian / F / Arenduk / Sewan Ward 2 / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
11 / Steven Sois / M / Arenduk / Sewan Ward 2 / Sumgilbar / Sumkar
/ Henry Iwir (Maiva) / M / Arenduk / Sewan Ward 2 / Sumgilbar / Sumkar