Embargoed until 16:00 Friday 6th September

Beautiful Scotland medal awarded to East Dunbartonshire group

Milngavie in Bloom has been awarded for their efforts in improving the local community.

At an award ceremony in Aberdeen held on Friday 6 September, Lord Purvis, Ambassador for Keep Scotland Beautiful, announced that Milngavie in Bloom had scooped a Silver medal certificate in the Medium Town category of the Beautiful Scotland Awards.

The expert volunteer judges who visited Milngavie commented:‘Milngavie has its own identity even though it is very near to Glasgow. Civic pride is palpable and the local Milngavie in Bloom is going a long way to enhance this feeling. The group works across the town in all areas, assisting and acting as a catalyst for other groups.’

Beautiful Scotland is a competition run by the independent charity Keep Scotland Beautiful in partnership with the Royal Horticultural Society. Entrants are judged on their year-round horticultural achievement, environmental responsibility and their community participation.

The award ceremony is the climax of a year of continuous work by local people throughout Scotland and was attended by almost 150 people. Awards were presented to a wide range of communities, all of whom had achieved the highest scores in their categories. In addition, Discretionary Awards were given out to those who demonstrated excellence in their commitment to the campaign.

All the community groups who tirelessly seek to improve their local environments as part of the Beautiful Scotland campaign also received medal certificates to applaud their efforts.

Lord Purvis,who hosted the ceremony, said: “Keep Scotland Beautiful is delighted that Milngavie in Bloomhas been awarded a Silver medal certificate this year.

“I would like to congratulate everyone who was involved in achieving this result forMilngavie, and would also like to commendthe group forhelping to make East Dunbartonshire, and Scotland a cleaner, greener place for us all to enjoy today and tomorrow - through floral enhancement, community participation, and taking responsibility for tackling the criminal activity of littering and dog fouling, Beautiful Scotland groups make a massive difference to our country.”


Notes to editors

  1. Keep Scotland Beautiful is Scotland’s leading force acting, campaigning and training others to clean up local environments and to change the behaviour which blights our urban and rural landscape; it is part of its work to help make Scotland clean and green, today and tomorrow. Further details at
  2. Beautiful Scotland is a long-established community environmental improvement campaign run in partnership with the Royal Horticultural Society. Previously known as Beautiful Scotland in Bloom, the programme supports community groups across Scotland as they seek to improve and enhance their local environment. Further details at
  3. In addition to a number of discretionary awards, the class awards are based on the following categories, determined by population size:
  • Wee Village Trophy
  • Small Village Trophy
  • Large Village Trophy
  • Small Town Trophy
  • Medium Town Trophy
  • Large Town Trophy
  • Small City Trophy
  • City Trophy
  • Flatted Community Trophy
  • Urban Community Trophy
  • Coastal Village Trophy
  • Coastal Town Trophy (The David Kerr Coastal Resort Trophy)
  • Business Improvement District Trophy
  1. Media enquiries to Andy Maciver on 07855 261244.