Accelerating Achievement
Careers Fair for Primary Schools was held at Anglia Ruskin University in December 2017
200 students from 6 primary schools attended
Students took part in…
  • Prep work in school
  • A tour of Anglia Ruskin University
  • Interaction with employers
  • Post visit work in school
Feedback from students; teachers and employers was positive.
The model is easily replicable
The Area Partnership has a small budget to support new partnership projects that
  • raise aspirations and broaden horizons
  • Increase opportunities for vulnerable groups
  • Enhance current work
A Task Group is meeting in February to discuss new projects / For a copy of project report contact:
Ann Jones

To join the discussion contact:
Tough Love
Performances will take place 6th-24th March 2017. Some performance slots are still available to book, including free performances for community settings. Partners are asked to promote these with colleagues and contacts
A directory of local help to support follow up work will be available from mid-February
Partners are asked to promote community performances with colleagues and contacts. Bookings to date…
  • 8 March – Barnwell Baptist Church – evening
  • 10 March – South Cambs District Council – AM
  • 15 March – CUFC – evening
  • 21 March – Browns Field – PM
  • 23 March - Gamlingay – PM
/ To book a performance contact:
To be sent a copy contact:
For information or to book a place contact:
Future Priorities
The Research Team at Cambs County Council are working with the Area Partnership to collate information that will help them identify joint priorities and actions
Themes of joint interest identified in the first stage included
  • Work Readiness, raising aspirations and broadening horizons
  • Emotional wellbeing and mental health of young people especially anxiety
  • Healthy relationships especially what support can be offered in primary schools
  • Financial literacy
  • Recognising the value of positive activities
  • Equality of access and opportunity
  • Prevention and early intervention
  • Working more productively together
A Working group will support the Research Team / To join Area Partnership discussions on these themes contact:

To join the Working Group contact

Impact of new funding formula for Cambridgeshire schools
There will be winners and losers in terms of cash for Cambridgeshire schools. General concerns are…
  • Impact on small schools as money is moved to targeted work
  • For some schools the baseline funding is insufficient to keep the school running
  • Little consideration for expected growth in population in this area
  • Little consideration that costs are increasing
  • Reduced capacity for partnership working
/ Consultation open until 22 March