I have extended the deadline for the project so you have time to make it AMAZING. This project will count as a TEST grade.

By December 4th: Project Proposal Finalized and Approved (including outline of implementation)

By December 11th: Data Collected and results graphically displayed and analyzed

By December 18th: Written Report is completed. Presentations are ready to go!

December 21-23rd: Presentations on the days we meet.

Sampling 1 / Sampling 2
Experiments 1 / Experiments 2 / Experiments 3 / There are some overlaps in the power points.
11/20 / “Backhoes & Forklifts” Investigative Task due Tuesday / Chapter 5 Test (Sampling, Surveys & Experiments, & Simulations) on Tuesday – November 24th
11/19 / Read the various articles (the popular science nuclear power poll) as well as Theme packets – sample survey and experiment packets. Brainstorm project ideas – proposal write up.
11/18 / In packet from class, complete #23.
Read the back page of the packet and answer the questions on the top left on a separate sheet of paper
11/16 / Page 306 exercises 5.50 + 5.52 together, 5.51 and 5.55, also 5.57
P320 exercises 5.75 + 5.76
11/13 / 5.37, 5.41, 5.57
Read section 5-2 in the text – again, read carefully.
11/12 / Complete ESP task for tomorrow
11/11 / Read Section 5-1 pages 269-285 complete exercises 5.5, 5.7, 5.10, 5.13, 5.15
Please read this chapter carefully and take any notes and words down not covered in class. / ESP Investigative Task due Friday
11/9 / Complete Simulation 2 problems – baseball and dorm room lottery.
ESP Task due Friday
11/4 / On Simulation WS (Ch 11 WS), complete #9 and one on the back. Show all work for simulations.
Forge 100 trials of a coin toss HTHT etc…
Optional: one of investigative tasks on correlation and regression – make them good J n
11/2 / Ch10 Quiz A worksheet on Re-expression
Choose one investigative task to complete for next Monday.
Complete the multiple choice if you haven’t already for Wednesday.
10/30 / Allot 90 minutes to work on the multiple choice packet (43 questions) – complete under test-like conditions. Circle any problems you have questions about.
10/29 / Chapter 3 Test tomorrow – bring your graphing calculator
10/27 / Chapter 9 Packet #5, 7, 7, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 / See PowerPoints above
10/26 / Complete Practice Test A on Linear Regression
10/23 / Chapter 8 Packet # 2, 4, 12, 14, 24, 28 / See the regression powerpoint link above.
10/21 / Finish reading section 3-3 and in Ch8 packet distributed at the end of class, complete exercises 1, 3, 5, 7, 15, 21, 27, 29
10/20 / Read Section 3-3
10/19 / In packet from class, complete #1, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15, 17
10/15+16 / Read Section 3-2 in text (page 140-147) and complete problems 3.24A, 3.25, 3.26, 3.28, 3.37
10/14 / Read Section 3-1 in the text (pages 121-135) and complete problems 3.1 (p123), 3.15, 3.16, 3.17 (p135-137)
10/13 / Complete packet from class - all multiple choice / Group Test tomorrow! Cumulative!
10/12 / Check over Chapter 2 Practice Test with Key
10/8 / Complete “Normal Models Investigative Task” for Monday, October 12th
Complete Practice Test (2C) from class
Study from Review Exercises packet (thick) – for group test next week / Chapter 2 Quiz sometime next week J
10/7 / Complete worksheet from class on Normal Models and z-scores
10/6 / Read Section 2.2 in text (pages 93-109) and complete exercises #2.28, 2.29, 2.30, 2.31
10/2 / Read Section 2.2 in text (pages 93-109) and complete exercises #2.28, 2.29, 2.30, 2.31
10/1 / Read Section 2.1 in text (pages 78-90) and complete exercises 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9
9/30 / STUDY
Read the cartoon guide chapter 1 if you haven’t already; check out the computer lab activities from the worksheet at the end of class too.
From class- apple sheet answers:
1)  B
2)  A
3)  C
6) C
7) C
5) B / Unit #1 Test Thursday 10/1
Chapter 1 in text and a small section in Chapter 4 (analyzing categorical bivariate data).
9/25 / STUDY for your test over the weekend. Complete the practice test handed out in class thoroughly. Read the textbook and do practice problems ; look over your notes; go to learner.org and watch the video. Practice problems from a review book if you have one.
9/24 / In text, exercises: 1.45, 1.46, 1.48, 1.54, 1.58 a&b, 1.66, 1.20, 1.21
Make sure you can comfortably do all these exercises. Complete all in your notebook or choose three to show your work.
9/23 / Selected Exercises from the white packet
9/21 /

See below

In addition to the Auto Safety Task and finishing up reading of section 1.2 (and associated exercises), also complete the class work from today: MooseBurger problem and Simpson’s Paradox Act. / Unit #1 Test Tuesday 9/29
Chapter 1 in text and a small section in Chapter 4 (analyzing categorical bivariate data).
9/18 / For Monday: Read section 1.2 in text and complete 1.57 and 1.58

Auto Safety Task

/ Read Section 1.1 and preview section 1.2
Quiz Monday!
9/16 / Complete “Dollars by Students” Investigative Task. / Read Section 1.1 and preview section 1.2
9/14 / Read Section 1.1 in the text (p8-36) and complete exercises starting on page 34: 1.24, 1.25, 1.27, 1.28
9/11 / Complete Race & Death Penalty Investigative Task (it does not have to be typed but make it neat and organized) –
Also preview Chapter 1. / Make it clear, complete, and concise.
9/10 / On white worksheet, complete 2008 free response question and on the back of that sheet, complete #34 and then one of #35 or 36 (you choose).
Read blue Investigative Task (Race & Death Penalty) – come in with questions
Bring in an example of a misleading graph – make a note of how is it misleading.
9/8 / Read p. 241-252 and complete exercises 4.53, 4.55, and 4.6
Complete Topic 6 packet activities.
Find a misleading graphical display and bring in to class Thursday, along with a description of how it is misleading (Friday okay)
FRIDAY / Read preliminary chapter packet and complete: p11 #4, p21 # 12, p19 #7 & 9, p25 #13, p30 #19.
Read “Statistical Thinking” Preface and pages 4-7 in Chapter 1 of your textbook / I didn’t mention this in class, but if you can look for some graphical displays of real world data that may be misleading, bring them in to class next week.
THURS / Analyze class survey data. Write down your observations.
Read, sign and have your parents read and sign the classroom policies and procedures sheet.
Complete self-snapshot. / You may leave your textbook at home.

Click on the link below to access the Regression Powerpoint:


http://docs.google.com/present/view?id=dd7zw3sj_139fqzzcpfq or http://moourl.com/linearregression1


http://docs.google.com/present/view?id=dd7zw3sj_33gph67tdv OR http://moourl.com/linearregression

Click to access Normal Models Powerpoint: http://docs.google.com/present/view?id=dd7zw3sj_15r3s5crdq