Sunday Worship Bulletin

May 3, 2009, 4thSunday of Easter

Westminster Presbyterian Church extends an enthusiastic welcome, in Christ’s name,to all who would worship here or join us in fellowship. We affirm that there can be no exclusion within the body of Christ. We invite all children of God to join us as disciples of Christand participate fully in the life of our congregation.

1502 West 13th Street Wilmington, DE19806 302-654-5214 Fax: 302-654-5706

Welcome to Westminster

Whether you are worshiping at Westminster for the first time or returning for a visit, the pastors and members sincerely welcome you in the name of Christ. Following our worship service, we invite you to meet an Ambassador at the back of the sanctuary. We have a gift for you, and would like to share information regarding our many programs for children, youth and adults. An Ambassador can guide you to the hospitality area to enjoy fellowship or lead you on a tour of the church.We hope you will make Westminster your church home and discover ways to grow in faith.

Children are welcome in worship! Westminster’s Kids’ Notes and worship bags are available each Sunday from the ushers. Kids’ Notes, a weekly companion to Westminster’s morning worship, emphasizes listeningand seeing during worship. The bags include storybooks for children of all ages, coloring paper and crayons, a children’s bulletin for those age three to six, and bookmarks for hymns and Scripture.

Worship Aids- Large print Presbyterian Hymnals and hearing devices may be obtained from an usher. If you experience a problem with a hearing device, ask an usher for a new one.

Audio tapes and DVD’s of recent Westminster worship services are available.Please use the sign-out sheet when you borrow them from the front desk. Printed sermons are available on the literature tables the following week and on our website at .

The Lord’s Supper is celebrated the first Sunday of the month at both services.

Baptisms- If you wish to schedule a baptism, please contact Suzie Hurlock (302) 654-5214, ext. 127.

The flowers in the sanctuary today are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Shirley Glisson, former WPC staff member, by Anne Gunn, Suzie Hurlock, Anne Ledbetter,Sue Linderman, Carol Raffaelli and Joyce Ruston.

The rosebuds at the side of the pulpit this morning are in celebration of the births of Elizabeth Irene “Ellie” Martinenza, born April 9, 2009, daughter of Katie and Brian Martinenza and sister of Avery; and Alexis Elizabeth Wolff, born April 20, 2009, daughter of Suzanne and Jason Wolff and sister of Sophia. We welcome these children into the Westminster family.

Sanctuary Flowers - Consider giving the sanctuary flowers for Sunday worship. Your gift of God’s natural beauty to remember or honor loved ones, or to celebrate an event, expresses praise and thanksgiving to God. Please contact Linda Watson during business hours at 302-571-6719or . Available dates for flowers are: May 10, 24,31 and June 7 and 21.

Are you wearing a nametag? It is always a friendly gesture. Whether you are a longtime member or new to the church, wearing a nametag allows others the opportunity to meet you, greet you by name, and become more familiar with others at church. Nametags and markers are available in baskets at all major entrances. Extend hospitality, kindness and friendship by wearing a nametag every Sunday.

The deadline for the Sunday bulletin and the “Westminster Weekly Word” is Tuesday at 2:00 p.m.

Send announcements and articles for either of the publications to .

Deacon Team of Month

Ken Barnaby, Todd Gray, David Mathe, Donna Nelson, Robin Rosser and Julia Stone

This Morning’sSchedule
8:45 – Noon Child Care for Cribbery (birth – toddler)
9:00 a.m. Youth-ledWorship Service
  • After Time With Our Children, if you wish, your children may
leave the Sanctuary and go to:
Godly Care-An unique opportunity for children ages 2 – 4 to get to know God through music, crafts, prayers and stories. Classes are in the Under Six Classrooms A & B.
Godly Play-Children in kindergarten through second grade gather in
the RuthChristieRoom to learn the language of God’s people through
sacred space, stories, parables and liturgical actions.
10:10 a.m. “Prime Time” Sunday School Classes for all ages.
11:15 a.m. Youth-led Worship Service
12:15 p.m. Barbecue in Community Hall. Everyone invited!
Hospitality and Fellowship
The Holy Toast Café, located in Community Hall, is open from 8:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
Coffee and fellowship are free. A variety of breakfast foods is available for one dollar per item.

ORDER OF WORSHIP AT 9:00 and 11:15A.M.

Preparation for Worship

I saw a stranger today. In the Holy name
I put food for him of the Trinity
in the eating-placeHe blessed myself
And drinkand my family.
in the drinking-placeAnd the lark said in her warble
And musicOften, often, often
in the listening-place.Goes Christ in the stranger’s guise.

O, oft and oft and oft

Goes Christ

In the stranger’s guise.

Celtic Rune of Hospitality

Welcome and Announcements

*Passing of the Peace

Call to Worship

With different talents, strengths and weaknesses,

We engage our bodies in service.

With worries and burdens, joy and celebration,

We unite our minds in worship.

With different pasts and futures,

We entrust our souls to you.

We come together to turn over tables and fortify our faith in God!

Procession of God’s Light Acolyte: Ben Fischer

*Songs of Gathering“Kum Ba Yah” Composer Unknown

At the asterisk (*), please stand as you are able.

Passages in bold print may be said by all.

“Lord, I Lift Your Name on High”

Words and Music by Rick Founds

©1989 Maranatha Praise Inc

Used with permission CCLI # 1827303

Call to Confession

Song of Confession“Sanctuary”

Words and Music by John Thompson and Randy Scruggs

©1982 Whole Armor/Full Armor Music

Used with permission CCLI # 1827303

Prayer of Confession

Loving God, as we open ourselves exposing our weaknesses, hear our prayer. We pray that we may leave our heavy burdens at the foot of the cross, and ask that you lift us up to your glory, as you lifted Jesus. Help us deal with the temptations in our lives: jealousy, envy, our inability to forgive, our condemning and judging of others. Help us to love our friends and enemies and to lead our lives as you intended.

Silent Prayer

Lord hear our prayer,


Assurance of God’s Forgiveness

Anthem“Praise the Lord, Proclaim God’s Glory” Joseph M. Martin

Youth Choir

Time With Our ChildrenSusan Moseley

Prayer of Illumination “Open the Eyes of My Heart”

Words and Music by Paul Baloch

©1997 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music

Used with permission CCLI # 1827303

Scripture Matthew 21:12-14 New Testament, page 20

Sermon “Turning over Tables” Sarah Hoopes and Emily Mosher

*Hymn No. 525 “Here I Am, Lord”here iam lord

Recognition of Confirmands

*Affirmation of Faith

We trust in Jesus Christ, fully human, fully God.

Jesus proclaimed the reign of God:

preaching good news to the poor and release to the captives,

teaching by word and deed and blessing the children,

healing the sick and binding up the brokenhearted,

eating with outcasts, forgiving sinners, and calling all to repent and believe the gospel.

Unjustly condemned for wickedness and treason, Jesus was crucified,

suffering the depths of human painand giving his life for the sins of the world.

God raised Jesus from the dead, vindicating his sinless life,

breaking the power of sin and evil, delivering us from death to life eternal.

This same Jesus calls each one of us to turn over tables in our lives, work and play. Amen.

Offering“As the Deer”arr. Bruce Greer

Pianist: Sarah Hoopes

During the offering, please sign your name and pass the red folders down each row.

As folders are returned to the center aisle, note the names of fellow worshippers on your pew.

Celebration of the Lord’s Supper

Invitation to the Table

The Prayer of Great Thanksgiving

The Lord be with you.

And also with you.

Lift up your hearts.

We lift them to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

It is right to give our thanks and praise.

It is truly right…

Lord’s Prayer (page 16 in The Presbyterian Hymnal, using “debts” and “debtors”)

Words of Institution

Communion of the People

Music During Communion “Draw Me Close”Kelly Carpenter

Youth Choir

Prayer Following Communion

*Hymn No. 294 “Wherever I May Wander”new england


*Response“The Trees of the Field”

Words by Steffi Geiser Rubin

Music by Stuart Dauermann

©1975 Lillenas Publishing Company

Used with permission #A-715702

*Going Forth

If you are visiting with us for the first time, we invite you to meet at the rear of the sanctuary following worship. We will have “ambassadors” waiting by the baptismal font to give you a gift and answer any questions you may have about our church.

This week’s ambassadors are Fred and Julie Schmitt (9:00) and Bob Cox (11:15).

Turning Over Tables in 2008 -2009

180° Youth

Nikita Alexander Emily HarrisonEmily Mosher +

Lucy Benson Meredith HarrisonSydney Oates *

Callie Bowen Chris Hickey * Jake Prein *

Brian Bowersock * Sarah Hoopes +Julia Rivera

Emily Bova* Susie HoopesJustin Rivera

Lauren Carroll * Katie Johnson * Hope Roe

Christi Carter Alex KnepperAlex Sprague

Josh Cox Emily KnepperShelley Sprague

Dana Davis Alec Markl Rick Stabler *

Jill Eiermann * Anne-Grae MartinJenna Taylor *

Mariah Graham Molly McPheeters * Abi Wahlig

Kate Gray * Sarah McShaneJarrett Way *

* Confirmation Class 2009

+ Graduating Senior

180° 2008 – 2009 Youth Advisors: Rose Bryant, Diane and ChadChandler

and Mike Gnade

180° Youth Ministry Team: Mary Beth Davis, Chad Miller and Susan Moseley


Today, 10:10 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Forgiveness Leaders: Mike Gnade and Margo Reign, through May 17, in the Meeting Room. The Lord’s Prayer says, “forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” It is something Christ has commanded us to do. But it is often one of the hardest things we will ever do. Come join us for a five week class as we together explore, what is forgiveness, why we should forgive, and discuss two of the Biblical stories of forgiveness: Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors and The Prodigal Son.

Holy Adventure Leader: Greg Jones, concluding today, in Classroom 6. Using the book, Holy Adventure by Bruce Epperly, we will discuss ways for us to embrace life as the adventure God wants us to experience no matter what our age is.

Parents with Young Children Coordinator: Rick Thomas, Sunday mornings, RuthChristieRoom. Today Yvonne Nass, Parent Education consultant, Certified Family Counselor and Delaware Level II Parent Educator, leads discussions on topics of special interest to parents with young children.

“The Search for Joy: C.S. Lewis, His Life and His Christian Faith.” This series about the author of the Chronicles of Narnia goes through May 17, in the Daughtry House Classroom across 13th Street. Due to the length of the videos, this class begins promptly at 10:10 a.m. As a teenager C.S. Lewis was a proclaimed atheist. But at the age of 33, he became a Christian. His friendship with JRR Tolkien, of Lord of the Rings fame, was a primary catalyst in his conversion. This is a powerful video series that looks at the man, his life, his writings, his friends and his faith – which brought him great joy. Senior High School students are welcome.

May Mission Focus:Local Housing Issues

Three Sunday speakers at the Christian Education hour, addressing housing issues -

Today: Mr. Kevin Smith, Executive Director, Habitat for Humanity NCC will update us on current projects for providing low income housing.

May 10: Mr. Anas Ben Addi, Director of the Delaware State Housing Authority will explain how the state addresses Delaware’s affordable housing needs.

May 17: Jan Patrick, Realtor, will speak on “Understanding the Challenge of Today’s Housing Market.” Topics will include what it will take to get out of the current situation and also how the “Stimulus Bill” affects us.

Also this month, watch for a “parade of posters” highlighting local non-profit housing corporations and a volunteer “Build Day” with Habitat for Humanity.

Calendar for the Week

Sunday, May 3Location

8:15 a.m.Youth Choir Warm-UpYouth Music Room

8:30 a.m.Holy Toast CaféCommunity Hall

8:45 a.m.Child CareCribbery

9:00 a.m.WorshipSanctuary

9:00 a.m.Godly Care for ages 3 and 4Under 6 Classrooms

9:00 a.m.Godly Care for Toddlers and TwosUnder 6 Classroom B

9:00 a.m.Godly Play for ages 5, 6, and 7RuthChristieRoom

10:00 a.m.StephenMinistryRowell Conference Room

10:10 a.m.Adult Ed: The Search for JoyDaughtry Conference Room

10:10 a.m.Adult Ed: Holy AdventureClassroom 6

10:10 a.m.Adult Ed: ForgivenessMeeting Room

10:10 a.m.Adult Ed: Parenting with Young ChildrenRuthChristieRoom

10:10 a.m.Urban Mission – HousingClassroom 5

10:10 a.m.Prime Time for Grades 7 and 8Classroom 8

10:10 a.m.Prime Time for ages 2-3 and 4-5Under 6 Classrooms

10:10 a.m.Workshop Rotation for Grades 1-6Classrooms 1-4 and 7

10:10 a.m.Workshop Rotation for Grades 1-6Grace Hall

10:30 a.m.Youth Choir Warm-UpYouth Music Room

11:00 a.m.Women of Westminster Team MeetingClassroom 5

11:15 a.m.WorshipSanctuary

12:00 p.m.StephenMinistryRowell Conference Room

12:00 p.m.Barbecue LunchCommunity Hall

1:00 p.m.Homebound CommunionRowell Conference Room

3:00 p.m.Pacem in TerrisRodney Chapel

6:00 p.m.Clean But Not Straight – NAClub Room

8:00 p.m.AAClub Room

Monday, May 4Location

10:30 a.m.Close KnitRuthChristieRoom

1:15 p.m.Program StaffRowell Conference Room

3:30 p.m.CollegiumDr. Jones’ Office

5:30 p.m.Rainbow ChoraleAdult Music Room

7:00 p.m.AAClub Room

7:30 p.m.Ruth CircleRuthChristieRoom

Tuesday, May 5Location

9:00 a.m.Staff WorshipRodney Chapel

9:30 a.m.Staff MeetingMeeting Room

10:00 a.m.Mental Health Support GroupClub Room

10:30 a.m.Worship PlanningRowell Conference Room

12:00 p.m.Listening to the LessonsRowell Conference Room

5:30 p.m.BPIDaughtry Conference Room

6:00 p.m.Spring BanquetCommunity Hall

6:45 p.m.Youth Choir Warm-UpYouth Music Room

7:00 p.m.The Way of PrayerRuthChristieRoom

Wednesday May 6Location

8:00 a.m.BPIDaughtry Conference Room

8:30 a.m.Literacy Volunteers Tutoring SessionConference Room B

1:00 p.m.Presbytery TrusteesMeeting Room

7:00 p.m.Mental Health Support GroupClub Room

7:30 p.m.Westminster Choir RehearsalAdult Music Room

Thursday May 7Location

10:00 a.m.New CastleCountyHead Start LuncheonCommunity Hall

12:00 p.m.Centering PrayerRuthChristieRoom

12:00 p.m.Women’s Depression Support GroupClassroom 5

12:15 p.m.ESL TutoringConference Room B

5:30 p.m.YogaRodney Chapel

6:30 p.m.Under Three Parenting ClassClassroom 7

6:30 p.m.Disciple ClassMeeting Room

6:30 p.m.Star NAClub Room

7:00 p.m.Deacon MeetingGrace Hall

8:00 p.m.AAClub Room

Friday May 8Location

12:30 p.m.F.I.S.H.Classroom 5

6:00 p.m.Recovery on the West SideClub Room

9:30 p.m.AAClub Room

Saturday May 9Location

7:30 a.m.Men’s Bible StudyClub Room

10:00 a.m.YogaGrace Hall

4:00 p.m.Clean But Not Straight – NAClub Room

Plan to participate in a Westminster Fellowship Dinner

Saturday, May 16th

6:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Interested in becoming better acquainted with others? Small groups of people will gather for dinner and fellowship in members’ homes on Saturday, May 16th. Here is how the dinners work – the host provides his/her home and a main dish; others bring an appetizer, side dish, or dessert (depending on what the host needs.) If you sign up to host, be sure to indicate how many people you can seat at your dinner table.

These dinners are fun, easy, and a great way to meet others at Westminster. Everyone, members and non-members, are welcome to participate.

To sign up, contact either

Polly Pyle-Carter, at 302-764-6448, or


Carla Krupanski, at 302-234-1753,

Deadline is this Wednesday, May 6th.

Congregational Care and Prayer

Please remember in your prayers:

Those recently hospitalized include Charles Reeder, Jean Reynard, James Bercawand Ruth Duncan.

Westminster’s homebound family who can no longer attend worship with us. Send a card, say a prayer, visit! This week we ask you to remember Tom Clark, AL-1031 and Dick Franklin, HC-2026, Cokesbury, 726 Loveville Road, Hockessin, DE19807.

Our brothers and sisters in global mission: Sue Makin, MD, Malawi; Delle McCormick, Southwest Border;Roger and Gloria Marriott, Dennis and Maribel Smith and the Mam Presbytery, Guatamala; Timothee Kalonji Matadi, Cecilé de Sweemer, MD, Pastor Jean-Marc Katujudi Nkuna and members of the Kamulumba-Ditalala Parish, Congo; Rev. Dr. Lyle and Terry Dykstra, PCUSA Mission Volunteers, Presbyterian University, Kenya. They are praying for us; let us also pray for them.

Pray for those killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan often seem very far away and it is easy to forget that Americans, Iraqis, Afghans and coalition forces continue to die. As Christians, we are called to pray for an end to violence, and for the spreading of God’s kingdom of peace and justice. It is also important for us to remember in prayer the families who grieve the loss of their loved ones who have died in these wars. The number of Americans serving in our Armed Forces who have died in these two wars is 4,278(as of April 30.) The number of Iraqis and Afghans who have been killed is many times greater, but no agreed upon number exists. ThoseAmericans who have died most recently are:

Sergeant Leroy O. Webster, age 28, of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, died April 25

Company Sergeant-Major Benjamin Moore, Jr., age 43, of Waycross, Georgia, died April 24

Corporal William C. Comstock, age 21, of Van Buren, Arkansas, died April 22

Corporal Brad A. Davis, age 21, of Garfield Heights, Ohio, died April 22

Pray for those serving inIraq and Afghanistan. If there is someone in your family who is serving in Iraq or Afghanistan please call or email Maureen Ogden (302-654-5214 ext. 126 or ) with his or her name so that we can put the name on a prayer list.

Pray for those who have returned from serving in Iraq and Afghanistan and are suffering from wounds and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The scars are deep and long-standing.