Project DESIGN: OVERVIEW page 1
Name of Project: Site Safety / Duration: 6 class periods
Subject/Course: Industrial Technology / Teacher(s): Eugena Trujillo / Grade Level: 9th graders
Other subject areas to be included, if any: Workplace Employability Skills
Key Knowledge and Understanding
(CCSS or other standards) / 1.0  Maintain a safe work environment
1.1 Identify site safety rules
1.2 Practice safe working procedures.
Success Skills
(To be taught and assessed) / Critical Thinking/Problem Solving
The aspect of this project is to get the students to actively and skillfully apply, analyze, and evaluate information gathered, and/or generate these information by observing, experiencing, reasoning and communicating with themselves and within their group to find a solution or outcome that best fits the problem. / X / Communication
Communicating is one of the main few core aspects of this project and in a work place atmosphere. . Communication is highly recognized, so students will be asked to communicate with their professional audience, within their groups and with the class. Communicating with others will set the dynamic of their project and will be demonstrated when final presentation has been presented. / X
Students will be assigned to a group with a problem scenario. The students will be given the chance to work with their group and be able to achieve the best positive outcome for their situation. Each member of the group will be given a different approaches for the situation, and from each person’s stand point well contribute to finding a solution. This will give the students the skills of collaborating with each other in a quench wrenching environment. / X / Flexible and Self Directed
The outcome of this project gives the students a chance to self-direct and obtain optimal results. Students will need to incorporate the feedback gained from others and self-direct their own opinion but be flexible in communicating and finding the final solution while corking with their groups. / X
Project Summary
(Include student role, issue, problem or challenge, action taken, and purpose/beneficiary) / Topic:
Site Safety
Introductory Paragraph:
Industry companies are constantly working in hazardous environments on a daily basis. Most accidents or casualties are created by small mistakes or misinterpretations that can impact lives and possibly change them forever.
Paragraph 1:
Before Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was created 43 years ago, an estimated 14,000 workers were killed on the job every year. Today, workplaces are much safer and healthier. In 2014, OSHA reported 4,821 workers died on the job for unsafe work environments. But even though the number has decreased drastically since the start of OSHA there is still so much work to be done to eliminate the occurring hazards still happening to this day.
Paragraph 2:
The urgency of understanding and acknowledging the importance of worksite safety has typically triumphed the process of working. Every day our friends, uncles, aunts, dads, moms, brothers, and sisters who work in the industry world are exposed to this every day when they walk out that door to go to work. No one should have to sacrifice their life for their livelihood, because workplace injuries, fatalities and illnesses are preventable.
Statement Reemphasize the importance of the issue (1 sentence)
It is widely important in the industry field to get everyone home to their families and loved ones. Safe jobs happen because employers and employees make the choice to fulfill their responsibilities and to protect themselves and those around them.
Pose a problem
It is required as an industry worker to observe, communicate, understand and identify an unsafe work condition or situation. Given a scenario of an unsafe work environment you will identify the unsafe work, determine what would happen if the task were to not be fixed and recommend the best solution to provide a safe working environment.
In this scenario, students take on the role of an industry worker who is observing a work site that has become unsafe. They are to identify the unsafe site, the outcome if someone were to be hurt or injured, and recommend the best solution and practice of the work site. Students will learn about various work site safety rules, how to maintain and practice safe working as they move through the process of the project. Students will collaborate and interview with safety instructors, and workers via classroom visit and engage in research to reach their findings. In teams, they will present their observation and recommendations to a panel of industry workers, teachers, and classmates
Driving Question / When does safety triumph production? Why?
How might we help others understand the significance of worksite safety?
Entry Event / This project is centered on safety awareness, identification and practice. Students will be introduced to three-entry event that will help the students grasp the reasoning around the project/observation.
1.  First, read about different stories with accidents involving safety. (OSHA website)
2.  Second, video documentaries of industry workers surviving an accident caused by poor safety observation. (OSHA website)
3.  Third, invite guest speaks (i.e. safety instructors) about personal safety occurrence and/or close calls.
4.  Fourth, introduce the questions and if need be do a scenario and answer the questions as a class.
Products / Individual:
·  Written response on the outcome of the project. i.e. Safety report
·  Written evaluation on group collaboration and teamwork strategy.
·  Pick out own occupation they are interested in. (Self evaluation) Research each safety situation.
·  Make poster, music, poem, video, PSA (public service, announcement, pictures (PPE) to present to audience. / Specific content and competencies to be assessed:
·  Did each student successfully answer the question posted to their specific job responsibility (content)
·  Did each student collaborate with the group and communicate their thoughts reasonably and effectively?
·  Was each student’s solution reasonably innovative, or was it textbook minimalism
·  Was each student self-directed, as indicated by the group
·  Was each student able to articulate their thoughts on their specific question (communication)
Oral Presentation of team’s outcome and solution to scenario. (PowerPoint, video, discussion, or re-enactment) Workplace employability skills will be included in rubric. / Specific content and success skills to be assessed:
·  Were all four main questions of relevance addressed to their best ability?
·  As a group, how well did they communicate their ideas?
·  Was their answer both innovative and effective?
·  As a group and individually, how did they present their finding to their audience?
Project DESIGN: OVERVIEW page 2
Making Products Public
(include how the products will be made public and who students will engage with during/at end of project) / 1.  First audience is their peers. They will present their findings and give a presentation. The classroom will then have the opportunity to ask questions and evaluate their solutions and give feedback to each group.
2.  Second audience will be a combination of fellow teachers, industry worker, and a safety instructor. They will all be invited to observe and discuss the outcome of each groups projects. Ask questions and give feedback to each group.
3.  Lastly, they will present and turn in their presentation to me. This would also be the time each group will evaluate their group’s collaboration.
Resources Needed / On-site people, facilities: computer lab, industrial tech. shop
Equipment: Computer, internet,
Materials: textbook,
Community Resources: local safety instructors, industry worker, surrounding jobsites.
Reflection Methods
(how individual, team, and/or whole class will reflect during/at end of project) / Journal/Learning Log
·  Daily for a ticket out the door students will write down everything learned and accomplished. This will help them reference back too when putting their final presentation together. Logs will also be turned in when final presentation is presented. / X / Whole-Class Discussion
·  After each presentation students will have the opportunity to discuss the groups method and solution. A question to ask, “Would you do anything different? Why or why not?” / x
Notes: Set up date & times with safety instructor and worker. Establish a rubric reflecting oral presentation. Set up date & time for panel observation.
Project Design: student Learning Guide
Project: Site Safety
Driving Question: As a person how can we prevent an incident from occurring?
Final Product(s)
Presentations, Performances, Products and/or Services / Learning Outcomes/Targets
knowledge, understanding & success skills needed
by students to successfully complete products / Checkpoints/Formative Assessments
to check for learning and ensure
students are on track / Instructional Strategies for All Learners
provided by teacher, other staff, experts; includes
scaffolds, materials, lessons aligned to learning outcomes and formative assessments
(individual and team)
Safety Report (individual)
Learning target. I can maintain a safe work environment by conducting a short research project. / I can maintain a safe work environment.
(Industrial Tech. – Work environment) / 1.  Summary of resources and findings.
2.  Bell work and exit tickets following lessons.
3.  Speaker/interview questions
4.  Quiz / ·  Teacher models summaries, presentation.
·  Textbook lesson
·  Safety videos
·  Interviews with worker & safety instructor.
I can identify site safety rules.
(Industrial Tech. – Work environment) / 1.  Cornell notes of site safety rules.
2.  Bell work and exit tickets following lessons.
3.  Speaker/interview questions
4.  Quiz / ·  Workshop identification
·  Textbook lesson
·  Videos
·  Industry worker & safety instructor presentation.
I can integrate expertise in technical knowledge and skills with thinking and reasoning strategies to create innovate, and devise solutions. (Workplace Employability Skills – 3.0 Thinking and Innovation) / 1.  Summary of resources
2.  Quick write assessments
3.  Bell work and exit tickets following lessons. / ·  Teacher model
·  Explores for deeper understanding
Diagnosis Presentation (Team)
Learning target.
I can report on a topic in a logical way using my workplace employability skills. / I can master core communication skills in the workplace.
(Workplace Employability Skills – 1.0 Complex Communication) / 1.  Practice presentation (peer feedback)
2.  Outline of report
3.  Summary of resources / ·  Examine industry worker & safety instructor presentation.
·  Questioning techniques with partner and guess speakers.
·  Review communication skills from specific industry.
I can collaborate to complete a task.
(Workplace Employability Skills – 2.0 Collaboration) / 1.  Practice presentation with partner. (Peer or teacher feedback).
2.  Compare summary/notes/research with partner.
3.  Contribute to collaboration of team. / ·  Examine industry worker & safety instructor presentation
·  Contribute with personal strengths.
·  Align evidence and claims in teams.

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