103 Crawford Street

Winnfield, LA 71483

The Voice of School Based Administrators

Telephone:318-648-2999 Web Page:

Fax:318-648-2990 E-Mail:

August31, 2017

Plans are underway for our 2017 34th Assistant Principals’ Conference. The conference is going to be held at the Golden Nugget Casino Hotel in Lake Charles, LA, on Monday, November 6, 2017, and we hope that you’ll be able to join us. The contact information for the Golden Nugget is on the attached agenda.

We will try to get a setup time on Sunday afternoon. I will let you know if that is possible. Otherwise, you’ll be able to setup on Monday morning. I’ll let you know something as soon as I know something. Check the attached agenda for exhibit times. Drawings for your booth/door prizes will be at 1:15 p.m.

The booth fee is $300 per booth. Two breakfast tickets and two lunch tickets will be provided. If you need more than 2, you may purchase additional breakfast tickets for $25 each and additional lunch tickets for $30 each. Booth space is on a first come, first served basis. A booth reservation form is attached.

The Assistant Principal of the Year Awards Luncheon will begin at 12 Noon. If you choose to attend, we ask that you stay for the entire program.

We hope you can attend our assistant principals’ conference--you are important to us!If you have questions, call or e-mail.


Jeanine Ford

Administrative Assistant

Louisiana Association of Principals


Louisiana Association of Principals 2017 Asst. Principals’ Conference

Golden Nugget Casino Hotel, Lake Charles, LA

Set-Up Date: Monday, November 7, 2016

Exhibit Date: Monday, November 7, 2016

Please type or print: Note: Send conference information to: Company or Representative (circle one)

Company’s Name:


City: State: Zip:

E-Mail Address: ______

Phone: Toll-free number, if available:

Representative’s Name:


City: State: Zip:

Phone: FAX:


My company will exhibit the following products/services:

We are requesting an exhibitor’s name badge for the following individuals: PLEASE PRINT

Please check if you plan to attend the Asst. Principal of the Year Luncheon.

Please check if you will be able to participate in the 1:15 p.m. Exhibitor Booth/Door Prizes.

Registration Fee: $300.00

My company will need table(s).

My company will need ______additional tables @ $30 each.

Check here if electrical outlets are needed. An additional charge of $35 is required.

We will need additional breakfast tickets: ______Additional breakfast tickets @ $25 each.

My company will need ______additional luncheon tickets @ $30 each.

Total Amount enclosed:

Send completed form(s) and check to:

Louisiana Association of Principals

103 Crawford St. Make checks payable to: Louisiana Association of Principals

Winnfield, LA 71483


Golden Nugget Casino Hotel, Lake Charles, LA

November 6, 2017


7 a.m.Registration/Exhibits/Continental Breakfast

7:50 a.m.Welcome

8 a.m.Session 1: Introduction and Behavior Symptom Analysis Joseph Buckley

9:45 a.m.Curriculum Showcase/Visit Exhibitors

10:30 a.m.Session 1 con’t: Behavior Symptom Analysis

12 NoonAssistant Principal of the Year Awards Luncheon

Visit Exhibitors

1:15 p.m.Curriculum Showcase Door/Booth Prizes

Tear down at the conclusion of the Curriculum Showcase Door Prizes Session—Appr. 1:30 p.m.

Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino

2550 Golden Nugget Blvd.

Lake Charles, LA 70601

Reservations: 844-777-4653

Conference Room Rate: $109 + tax & resort fee

Please refer to the Assistant Principals Conference in order to receive the conference rate.

Rooms must be reserved by October 13, 2017