Health & Wellbeing ThematicGroup Meeting

2nd April 2015

Committee Room 5, Town House


Liz Taylor, Director of Social Care & Wellbeing -ACC - CHAIR

Carole Jackson, Environmental Health & Trading Standards Manager - ACC

Lyndsay Johnstone, Community Planning Aberdeen - ACC

Sinclair Laing, Senior Development Officer - ACC

Jonathan Smith, Civic Forum

Linda Smith, Public Health Lead - Health & Social Care Partnership

Julie Somers, Principal Planning Officer, Social Care & Wellbeing - ACC

Michael Thompson, Chief Inspector - Scotland Police

Marlene Westland, Senior Health Improvement Officer-Health & Social Care Partnership

Gail Woodcock, Service Manager Communities & Sport - ACC


Neil Carnegie, Community Safety Manager - ACC

Joyce Duncan, Chief Executive - ACVO

Jo Hall, Sport & Physical Activity Strategy & Partnership Manager, Communities & Sport - ACC

Dr Alasdair Jamieson, Cluster Clinical Lead, South Cluster, Aberdeen CHP

Sandy Kelman, Team Leader - ADP, Aberdeen City

Joanna Murray, Team Leader, Enterprise, Planning & Infrastructure - ACC

Sheila Sansbury, Acting Head of Communities, Culture & Sport - ACC

In attendance:

Anna Britain – Minutes

Liz welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted.
The minute of the previous meeting was noted and approved. / .
  • Fit for Girls
The overview paper on the resources allocated to each school and how this was being utilised to encourage PA for girls between 13 and 15 had not yet been received from Jo Hall and it is hoped that would be available shortly.
  • Occasional licences for alcohol at school events
It was noted that Sheila Sansbury and Sandy Kelman were to meet up and to discuss guidance to parent groups and in their absence it was not clear on the progress made. Liz said that the Licensing Forum needs to be aware of issues of concern.
  • Involvement of Licensing Standards Officers
Sandy and Carole are still to meet up to discuss.
  • Health Improvement Fund (HIF)
Linda informed the meeting that funding from the HIF had been allocated to support aGIS based mapping identifying areas where health and open space inequalities overlap. Sinclair advised that a report should be available in 6 months time and will give an opportunity to address the issues and direct needs accordingly.
Julie gave information on the ‘Memory Walk’ in Hazelhead park and shared a photograph. This project was a positive step in supporting bereavement. The walk was in a pleasant environment located within the azalea garden, and gave an opportunity to reflect on memories and there was an opportunity to have words inscribed on the pathway stones.
  • Use of stairs at Marischal College
Julie explained that she had looking into this and discussions have taken place at the Employee Health Group but there were barriers to motivating this. Gail suggested that it could be useful to hold a short ‘Awareness Session’ to promote the use of stairs rather than the lift as a first step.
Discussion also took place on the trolley provision of food to staff in offices in Marischal College, as some of the content does not lend itself to healthy seating.
Julie said she would look into this further.
  • Alcohol Statistics from Police Scotland
Michael tabled a paper which identified the numbers of road accidents that hadincurred due to drink and explained that the figures were based on the driver having caused the accident. He said that these figures had also been shared with the ADP and it was felt that the new drink policy had supported the reduction in drink related incidents.
Michael explained that this was a snapshot for the moment and there would be no difficulty in acquiring figures as required and agreed to source information on the age groups involved in these incidents for the next meeting. / JH
  • Indicators of Wellbeing
Gail drew attention to the research project being undertaken by Aberdeen University which looks into what people’s perception of well being was. There were 12 indicators and the information is currently being collated and Gail will submit the information to the next meeting. Gail explained that this would be rolled out into the regeneration areas, with Torry being rolled out first after the election.
Sinclair suggested using City Voice and Linda asked this isnot dismissed as an avenue and Liz confirmed that, as City Voice was local, it had a useful part to play. Lyndsay did say that it appeared that not many young people engaged in City Voice
Gail drew attention to Northfield Total Place where there was a gap between perception and reality. It was important to uncover people’s perception and the overall focus is about encouraging people changethemselves as needed.
Discussion took place over the new Community Hub proposed for Tillydrone and the reported issue with lack of good lighting in the evenings.
  • Physical Activity Sub-group
Marlene informed that two meetings had now taken place and information was being gathered from Healthy Working Lives and partners and said that the open space mapping that Stephen was doing would be a useful support.
Julie said that, at the City’s Physical Activity Referral Pathway workshop it had been recognised that there was some duplication and it was hoped to be able to rectify this. Julie went on to explain that things were changing and there was now a Sports App, although there was mapping work needed to get it right. Gail said that other information could also be included on the App over time. She suggested engaging a sample of volunteers for one month and upload what was identified as appropriate on the App.
Liz drew attention to the importance of recognising collaboration between accessibility and availability. Gail pointed out that there were issues with Northfield Pool not being open at appropriate times and will feed this back to Sport Aberdeen.
Gail explained the process that had been used at the recent Engagement Event which embraced community wardens, communication channels, facebook /social media, advertising at bus stops and engaged key individuals in the community.
It was recognised that the challenge was to engage those that were not undertaking physical activity and Lyndsay suggesting engaging students to help. She also suggested approaching the Civic Forum and targeting other groups.
Liz asked if there was a requirement to formally recognise the Physical Activity Sub-Group and identify how the necessary work is carried forward, bearing in mind that the Health & Wellbeing Thematic was a steering group. Gail agreed to this.
Linda explained Marlene Westland’s new role which was funded from the Health Improvement Fund to support the obesity and physical activity agenda. Liz welcomed the resource and asked who should be on the Physical Activity Sub-Group.
Lyndsay advised that a Data Group was being put in place which will support the metrics and an analyst will be employed. The Group was multi-agency including the police, fire service, health, and other partners. The Physical Activity Sub-Group can link into this Data Group. / GW
Discussion took place around data collection and it was recognised that there was a need to move to the next stage of the SOA. Liz explained that community planning will be changing and Donald Urquhart had indicated that there was a need to streamline reporting procedures with this all being in place by August or September 2015.
Linda pointed out that work started would be continued, as it was important to get people more active and not wait for structures to change.
Liz drew attention to the metrics, and said that the analysis of information had been an issue with a general dissatisfaction by the Community Planning Board on the sources of information for the metrics. Discussion had taken place at the Community Planning Board regarding outcomes and what the aspirations are.
Linda had previously circulated the information that had been submitted to the Community Planning Management Board and highlighted that the data included had not been local.
Liz said it would be useful to have a clearer indication of what was wanted.
The SOA was now being refined as requested by the Community Planning Management Group and Marlene circulated an updated version for discussion.
It was noted that there had been a slight reduction in deaths related to alcohol however it was not clear whether this was due to the ABI interventions that had been introduced. It was noted that the fire and police service will shortly be delivering ABIs. Marlene said that there was a Grampian Alcohol Strategy Group which was led by a consultant and he was delighted that other partners were now undertaking ABIs.
It was recognised that there was a need to look at alcohol license applications for school events. Confirmation was given that it was the Licensing Board that was responsible for the issue of such licenses and there was a need to give clear messages and continue to look at effective measures.
It was agreed that the ‘number of premises and occasional licenses’ be removed from the metrics, as this may not reflect the statistics accurately due to the wording.
Physical Activity
Marlene explained that questions had been submitted to City Voice with a 75.5% response. Results show that over 50% of respondents report they are achieving the minimum recommended 150 minutes per week. It was agreed it would help to drill into the results further to identify any differences of gender, age and post-code. Marlene agreed to do this for the next meeting.
The statistics were noted and discussed. Concern was raised at the percentage aged 16 – 34 and 55 – 64 that had reported no physical activity.
In relation to travel statistics, Linda explained that Joanna Murray was now a member of the Health and Wellbeing Thematic Group and that Transport and Active Travel will be discussed at the June meeting. Liz pointed out that the cycling levels were low and it would be good to identify the barriers and look at how levels could be improved. Liz suggested asking Joanna at the next meeting. / MW
Linda said she would submit the refined SOA stating that further analysis was being undertaken which Marlene will take forward on behalf of the Group.
Marlene drew attention to the Health Working Lives programme and advised that they held physical activity information on businesses working towards silver and gold.
Marlene said she would take a Health Working Lives Report to the June meeting with a summary of findings on physical activity. / MW
The template,which had been circulated with the papers, indicating the dates of the Community Planning Management Group Meetings and deadline for submitted papers was noted.
7. / A.O.C.B.
Liz informed the meeting that this would be her last meeting as Chair and suggested that Linda Smith, who had served as Vice-Chair, succeed her as Chair. This motion was agreed and Carole Jackson agreed to act as Vice-Chair on a temporary basis.
Liz was thanked for all the work she had undertaken as Chair. Liz asked that the Group continue to focus on addressing inequalities with community ownership and their views taken into account.
Liz circulated a paper, which she had sourced on the internet, which summaries the common themes on Alcohol Outcomes and Harm reduction. (See attached)
Linda advised that as from 1st April there was no longer an Aberdeen CHP and it was now Aberdeen Health and Social Care Partnership.
The next meeting to take place onWednesday17thJuneat 2 pm in Room 3W01 inMarischal College.
FUTURE 2015 MEETING DATES:at 2 pm in Room 3W01 -MarischalCollege
Wednesday 16th September
Wednesday 9th December

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