Genesis 5

I.  Introduction

A.  Review Chp. 1

B.  Review Chp. 2

C.  Review Chp. 3

D.  Review Chp. 4

II.  Chapter 5 – Genealogy Adam (Luke 3:23-38)

A.  Vs. 1-5 - Adam

1.  “Book of Generations” second division of the 10 sections of Genesis.

a.  First 2:4

b.  Second 6:9

2.  “man” – adam – Last name. – Adam Adam and Eve Adam.

3.  No mention of Cain or Able? Why?

a.  Likely not Cain or Able first children, they were mentioned for a purpose.

·  My belief is it was to demonstrate Biblical Authority and consequence of sin.

b.  Seth is mentioned here though not first, because this is the line of Christ.

4.  Adam is 130 when he has Seth.

a.  Seth was in the image of his father. What does this mean? The image of God?

b.  He was like his father, but his father, Adam had changed image from that of God.

·  All men are like God when born, but they change.

-  Ecc 7:29 Behold, this only have I found: that God made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.

·  The type of Man Seth was similar to the type of man Adam was.

5.  Adam lives to 930. How old was he when he was born into the world?

a.  Age was age regardless of what he looked like. How old would a Dr. have said?

b.  Earth how old was it when created? How old would a scientist have said?

c.  1656 Years Pass from Adam to Flood. Adam lives over half this time.

B.  Vs. 6-20 – Line of Seth

1.  SETH means appointed or seedling. As mentioned, he was the first of the seed of Christ.

2.  Enosh

3.  Kenan

4.  Mahalalel

5.  Jared

6.  Enoch

C.  Vs. 21-24 – Enoch

1.  Enoch only on earth 365 years (Earliest of all patriarchs at this time).

2.  Interesting “Walked with God after he became the father”

a.  He did have sons and daughters. He was not celibate nor a hermit.

3.  Vs. 24 – “He was not, for God took Him.”

a.  Heb. 11:5-6

·  God decided he did not want Enoch to see death.

·  His life was pleasing to God.

-  Without faith, it is impossible to please.

.  Rom 12:1 - I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service.

.  Enoch did this. His name means dedicated, I think he was, to the Lord.

-  Enoch heard God’s Words (Rom. 10:17), and acted upon them in his life.

·  Enoch believed in God – God will not reward a non-believer. - Mk 16:16

·  Also it is contingent that it is believed that God rewards those that seek.

Mt. 6:33, Luke 11:9

4.  Knowing Enoch went to God, gives man hope.

5.  Supposed Discrepancies:

a.  All men cursed to die? – Gen. 3:19, Rom. 5:12

·  Death given as a symbol of sin.

·  If Enoch had remained, he would have died, but God desired he not see it.

-  God can take a man before if he chooses, it is not contradictory for him to do so.

b.  Jesus said in John 3:13, “No one has ascended to heaven but he who came down from heaven, that is the Son of Man.”

·  Gen. 5:24, Heb. 11:5, 2 Kings 2:11 – Show us men being taken up to God.

-  Elijah was taken by whirlwind up to heaven.

-  Enoch was taken.

·  Remember: From Gen. 1 study: there are at least three heavens discussed in the Bible.

-  Atmosphere – sky

-  Space

-  Heaven where God is.

·  Where was Enoch taken to by God? We do not know.

·  Where was Elijah taken? Into heaven. What heaven? Did Elijah ascend to the same Heaven as Jesus Christ? Jesus says no.

·  Where did Elijah go? Luke 16 speaks of Abrahams bosom.

·  Where did Christ and the thief on the Cross go? Paradise.

-  Is this heaven? Christ said “No” in John 20:17.

-  Peter said in Acts 2:27 Christ went to Hades (The place of the Dead)

·  It must also be considered in John 3:13, Jesus response was saying “No one here can teach you the heavenly things I am, because no one has been there and come back teaching what I do for you to comprehend. In other words, “I can tell ya heavenly things, but you cannot comprehend them.”

D.  Vs. 25-27 – Methuselah

1.  Methuselah –Lived to 969 exact time of flood. – “He died and it is sent”

a.  He had a son at 187, His Lamech had noah at 182. This is 369 years.

b.  Noah (Gen. 7:6) when the flood came. This is 969 years, Methuselah’s age.

c.  Did Methuselah die in the flood? (Considering name, I do not believe so.)

E.  Vs. 28-32 – Noah

1.  Noah’s name means rest or comfort.

a.  Vs. 29 – Having a son would help the family with the work of tilling the soil, thus rest.

b.  However, on a grander scale we find rest and comfort given from the evil of the world.

c.  The flood would come and cleanse away the evil and Noah would be key to deliverance.

2.  Noah was a good man.

a.  In Gen. 6:9, it is said he walked with God.

b.  Ez. 14:14 – He is mentioned with two Godly men.

c.  Heb. 11:7 – (Heb. 1:1) – Had conviction of things not seen, assurance of things hoped for.

·  “Moved by Godly Fear” –

3 Motivation classes by Coffman

.  Love

.  Hope of Reward

.  Fear – Eccl. 12:13, Luke 12:5, Ps. 7:11, Rom. 1:18, Ex. 34:7

-  Noah not saved by faith alone. He prepared an Ark.

d.  2 Pet. 2:5 – He was a preacher of righteousness.

3.  Noah had three sons. From these sons would come all the population of the earth.