If you have an idea for a future conference or short course, please complete this form and submit to .
- NOTE: All sections must be completed.
- Electronic Submission Only
- This form will be reviewed by the AOCS Education and Meetings Steering Committee (EMSC) for input and program confirmation.
- This form provides the Steering Committee members with all of the information they need to complete their review and decision-making processes.
- If you have questions, please email us at:.
1) Name of proposed meeting:
2) Name of person(s) proposing meeting:
3) Your email address:
4) On whose behalf is this meeting proposed?
AOCS Section:
AOCS Division:
5) Name(s) and affiliation(s) of potential speaker(s):
Name: Affiliation:
Name: Affiliation:
Name: Affiliation:
Name: Affiliation:
Name: Affiliation:
Name: Affiliation:
Name: Affiliation:
Name: Affiliation:
Name: Affiliation:
Name: Affiliation:
6) What is the focus of the technical program?
Overview of a mature technology/science
Overview of a specific new technology/research
Educational program to impart new skills or information that relates to specific problems
Other: (please fill in if box is checked)
7) What knowledge and/or skills are expected to result?
8) What are the objectives of this meeting? (Please identify at least three objectives)
9) How will these objectives be met?
(select as many as apply)
Conducting measurements in a lab setting
Discussing case studies in groups
Hearing lectures from experts
Other: (please fill in if box is checked)
10) What outcomes will demonstrate that your objectives have been achieved?
11) People will attend this meeting to:
(select as many as apply)
Find out what others are doing in their field
Compare their practice(s) against industry norms
Learn where the industry or technology will be in the short- or long-term
Other: (please fill in if box is checked)
12) Who will benefit from this meeting?
(select as many as apply)
Customer Service Reps
Government Researchers
Plant Supervisors
Other: (please fill in if box is checked)
12A) To which interest area(s) does this meeting apply?
(select as many as apply)
Agricultural Microscopy Industrial Oil Products
Analytical Lipid Oxidation and Quality
Biotechnology Phospholipid
Edible Applications Processing
Food Structure and Functionality Protein and Co-Products
Health and Nutrition Surfactants and Detergents
13) How will participants benefit from this meeting?
(select as many as apply)
Emerging markets knowledge
Job training
Professional advancement
Regulation knowledge on legal issues
Technical updates learned
Other: (please fill in if box is checked)
14) How many participants do you expect to attend?
14A) What are your projected attendee numbers based on?
(select as many as apply)
Similar meetings in the past
Requests from industry representatives in the field
Requests from industry representatives in this region
Other:(please fill in if box is checked)
15) The speaker/faculty will:
(select as many as apply)
Act as a catalyst to motivate participants to apply theoretical information to practical problems
Lead students through a process
Provide resources for further inquiry
Provide solutions to specific problems
Other: (please fill in if box is checked)
16) What is the optimal timing (year, time of year) for this meeting?
17) What is the optimal location for this meeting?
17A) Why?
(select as many as apply)
There hasn’t been a meeting on this subject in this region.
There is strong support by industry groups in this area.
This is an attractive incentive destination (vacation).
This location is central to this region and easily accessible.
Other: (please fill in if box is checked)
18) Is an exhibit appropriate for this meeting?
18A) If you answered “yes” above, should the exhibit include:
(select as many as apply)
18B) How many booths and/or tabletops are needed?
- Booths:
- Tabletops:
19) How will this meeting be promoted? (Please name specific venue):
(select as many as apply)
Departments at universities: (please fill in if box is checked)
Industry groups:(please fill in if box is checked)
Professional society membership lists: (please fill in if box is checked)
Other meeting(s): (please fill in if box is checked)
Other: (please fill in if box is checked)
20) What external factors or activities will impact this meeting (e.g., timing, structure, marketing, technical focus)?
21) Please provide 5-10 general phrases to describe the meeting’s technical focus that can be listed in “bullet” form (These may be session titles, or general themes).
22) Write a lead-in paragraph for the meeting’s promotional materials. This may include:
■Meeting history (if held previously).
■Why the meeting is important.
■Why faculty is qualified to present.
■What new research makes the meeting timely.
■Whether information is based on and geared toward those entering a particular field.
■Whether meeting is geared toward technical or non-technical audience (i.e., scientists or non-scientists).
■Meeting format (i.e., lecture, question and answer, panel discussion, small group exercises, etc.)
23) Please include a draft outline of the meeting program (if possible).
24) Please provide a primary contact for more information:
- Name:
- Title:
- Organization:
- Mailing Address:
- Email:
Thank you for completing this form. Please save the form, then email to AOCS with any additional support materials.
Submit to .
- NOTE: All sections must be completed.
- Electronic submission only
AOCS | 2710 S. Boulder, Urbana, IL 61802-6996 USA | Phone: +1 217-359-2344 |