Granite Hill Chinooks
Prospective Chinook Owner Application
Please answer the following questions accurately and completely. This gives me an opportunity to get to know you and helps assure that the puppy with the most suitable personality and physical ability can be chosen for placement in your home. Granite Hill will choose which puppy will join your household should you be approved. Unlike a pet store or shelter, you will not be able to pick a specific puppy, but will be offered the pup whose personality and prospects best meets your family’s goals. This is based on weeks of observation of the litter, and professional review of temperament and conformation.
By submitting this application you acknowledge and agree that this does not guarantee that a puppy will be placed with you.
Please return this application to Granite Hill Chinooks via email or print out and mail to:
Leslie Donais
Granite Hill Chinooks
16 Durham Road
Dover, NH 03820
Please contact me should you have any questions or concerns about the information asked in this application. My phone number is (603) 749-0566 (Eastern Time Zone) or email me at:
If there are not enough Granite Hill puppies to provide you with one, this information can be passed on to other Chinook breeders that are expecting litters.
Please note: I will not place a Granite Hill Chinook puppy in a home where there is another puppy younger than one year of age, nor will I place two littermates in the same household. Puppies need individual attention during their first crucial year in order to grow into happy, thriving adults.
It is also standard policy and part of the application process to meet prospective owners whenever possible. If you live further than a day’s drive from Granite Hill, I will ask another Chinook owner or breeder to visit with you. If I do not meet with you in person, I will want to speak with two references and have you meet with another Chinook breeder or owner.
Please answer ALL questions below as completely as you can.
PART 1. You and Your Home
Your name(s)______
Mailing address______
Physical address ______
Home Phone ( )______
Work Phone ( )______
Cell Phone (____)______
Email address(es): ______
Occupation & employer: ______
Years with employer: ______
Full-time or part-time position? ______
Does your spouse/partner work outside of the home? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Spouse/partner’s occupation/employer: ______
Years with employer: ______
Is the position Full-time or part-time? ______
What type of housing do you live in?
¡ Single-family house-- self owned
¡ Single-family house-- rented
¡ Apartment
¡ Condominium
¡ Other
Number of years at this address: ______If less than 2 years, where did you live prior to this? ______
If you rent, what are the regulations for having pets? ______
Do you have written permission from your landlord to keep a dog in your residence?
¡ Yes ¡ No
(If you rent, please send me a pet approval letter from your landlord).
Please list your landlord’s name and phone number where he/she can be reached: ______
What is the legal dog limit in your town? ______
Do you have a yard? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Do you have a securely fenced yard? ¡ Yes ¡ No
What type of fencing do you have? ______
What is the height of your fencing? ______
Do you have a swimming pool or pond on your property? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Is it fenced in? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Do you have any plans to move in the near future? ¡ Yes ¡ No
What would you do if you had to move and cannot find living quarters that allow dogs?
Do you have any plans to add children to your family in the near future?
¡ Yes ¡ No
Please list the following people who you live with:
Name / Relationship / Adult/child? / Age of Children
Does anyone in your house suffer from Asthma or allergies to pets? ¡ Yes ¡ No
If yes, please explain: ______
Do you or anyone in your household smoke? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Have you or someone in your household ever owned a dog before? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Who will be the primary caretaker of this Chinook? ______
If you share your home with another adult, how does he/she feel about getting a Chinook? ______
Has anyone in the family ever had a negative experience with a dog? ¡ Yes ¡ No
If yes, please explain: ______
Have you or someone in your household ever had an animal removed from your care by local or state authorities? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Have you or someone in your household been investigated, arrested, or convicted of a crime involving animals or children? ¡ Yes ¡ No
If you answered yes to the above two questions, please explain: ______
Number of hours your Chinook would be alone on average during the day:
0-2 ______
3-5 ______
6-8 ______
over 8 ______
Where will this Chinook spend time during the day? ______
______Where will the dog sleep at night? ______
Are you willing to crate train your dog? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Where would your dog stay or who would take care of your dog while you are on vacation or out of town on business? ______
Part 2. The Animals in Your Life
Please describe any other pets in your household (type, sex, ages, neutered/spayed?): ______
Do you have a vet? ¡ Yes ¡ No
What is the name, address and telephone number of your vet? ______
Please list names and phone numbers of at least two personal references that I can contact.
Please tell us about the dogs you have owned in your life. ______
Have you ever had to give a pet up for any reason? ¡ Yes ¡ No
If yes, please describe the circumstances. ______
Under what circumstances would you give your Chinook up? (check all that apply)
Bites / aggressiveDestructive when left alone
Aggressive with other pets
Moving to 'No Pets Allowed' housing
Moving out of state
Medical expenses / animal is ill
Noisy / barks too much
Have you ever had a dog die from anything other than natural causes? ¡ Yes ¡ No
If yes, please explain what happened: ______
What types of problems have you faced with other pets in your life? ______
Have you ever had a dog run away? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Were they ever found? ¡ Yes ¡ No
What measures would you take if your Chinook were ever lost to find him/her? ______
Have you ever raised a puppy before? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Puppies can be very rough when they play: biting, jumping, scratching, etc. Some families with small children have a difficult time training a puppy and ensuring their kids are not reacting roughly to the puppy’s actions. Sometimes puppies have to be re-homed because of the pressure of trying to do both. How will you manage this successfully?
What would you do if your dog exhibits dissatisfactory behavior, i.e.: barking, messing in the house, chewing, etc? ______
Where will the puppy stay when you are not home? ______
If you have had other dogs, please tell us about how you trained them. ______
What are your plans for training your puppy? ______
How do you intend to socialize your puppy? ______
Who in the household will be primarily responsible for training this Chinook?
Part 3. Chinook Ownership
Why do you want a Chinook? ______
What personality traits are you looking for in a Chinook? ______
What sort of lifestyle do you lead? Active_____Semi-active______Sedentary______
Have you met any Chinook dogs and visited other Chinook owners? ¡ Yes ¡ No
If so, who? ______
(If you have not met Chinooks and their owners, you will be asked to do so before a pup is placed with you. Please contact me and I will direct you to owners in your area.)
How did you hear about us?
Do you have a preference for:
Male only? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Male 1st choice, but will accept a female? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Female only? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Female 1st choice, but will accept a male? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Either? ¡
Please explain why: ______
Is there a specific color you are interested in? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Would you consider a different color should your preference not be available?
¡ Yes ¡ No
Occasionally long coated Chinooks are produced. Would you accept a dog with a longer coat? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Have you ever returned a dog to his/her breeder? ¡ Yes ¡ No
If yes, please explain why: ______
If you purchased a Chinook from Granite Hill, and at some point were unable to keep him/her for any reason, would you be willing to return your dog to us? ¡ Yes ¡ No
We do not allow our dogs to be surrendered to animal control facilities/shelters/research
Chinooks generally live to be between 12-15 years of age. Are you ready and willing to care for a Chinook for that many years? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Are you aware of the medical costs you will be incurring for regular vaccines (rabies according to state laws, a series of three shots for pups ages eight weeks to 14 weeks old, a booster of these shots at one year old, then once every three years?), annual check-ups, and on-going medical care? ¡ Yes ¡ No
If your Chinook needed long term medical care within his/her lifetime, are you willing to commit the resources to do so? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Please explain______
Granite Hill Chinooks requires all puppy owners to have their pups screened at two years of age for hip dysplasia (using either PennHip or OFA procedures) and eyes screened for eye diseases by a certified veterinary ophthalmologist. Proof of these exams will be required as well as result information.
***If you feel that you cannot comply with this, I will not be willing to sell you a puppy from this kennel. The information from these exams is crucial to future breeding decisions.
Hip x-rays are approximately $325.00 dollars for OFA and $375.00 for PennHip. Eye exams are about $40.00
A Chinook pup requires early training with other dogs his own age to properly be socialized. Do you have a training center nearby where you can take classes?
¡ Yes ¡ No Name of facility: ______
Granite Hill Chinooks requires puppy kindergarten and a basic obedience course, using positive reinforcement techniques, to be taken during their first year of life.
Proof of completion will be required.
Part 4. Activities With Your Chinook
Chinooks do well in a variety of canine sports and activities. Which activities would you be interested in participating with your Chinook?
¡ Obedience ¡ Search and Rescue
¡ Agility ¡ Therapy work
¡ Sledding or rigging ¡ Hiking or backpacking
¡ Skijoring ¡ Flyball
¡ Herding ¡ Weight pulling
¡ Other______
What do you imagine your dog will do for exercise- both mental and physical- on a day-to-day basis? ______
Part 5. Breeding and Conformation Showing
If you want a pup that can be spayed or neutered, you can skip the following questions and go to part 6.
Are you interested in:
Showing your Chinook? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Breeding your Chinook? ¡ Yes ¡ No
If your Chinook does prove to be of breeding quality (understand this is not known until all health screens are completed after age two), are you willing to share the ownership of the breeding rights and approval of mates with Granite Hill Chinooks?
¡ Yes ¡ No
Are you willing to travel to local shows so that experienced judges can objectively evaluate your Chinook? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Have you ever shown a dog before? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Have you ever shown a dog to its championship? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Are you a member of a kennel club? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Do you have someone in your area that could mentor you if you are new to showing?
¡ Yes ¡ No
If you yourself are not interested in showing your Chinook, would you be willing to let Granite Hill show your dog? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Have you lived with an intact male dog before? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Have you lived with an intact female dog before? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Have you raised a litter of puppies before? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Raising a litter of pups properly is very expensive and you will not usually make any profit by selling puppies. Are you willing to incur the expenses required to properly raise a litter? (Our experience is that it costs about $2,500 to $3,000 to raise a normal litter and problems can make this more expensive.
¡ Yes ¡ No
Describe why you would like to be involved with breeding and/ or showing a Chinook?
Part 6. Wrap up
How do you feel about being required to keep in contact with the breeder for the lifetime of the dog (ex: email, sharing photos, filling out annual health questionnaires)? ______
Do you understand that I require you to sign a contract tailored specifically to you and your new puppy prior to receiving a puppy from my kennel?
¡ Yes ¡ No
Do you understand that you are responsible for the entire cost of safely transporting your puppy to his/her new home and that I do not fly puppies in cargo? ¡ Yes ¡ No
Puppies can fly in coach under your seat in a Sherpa carrier for a fee (fee amount depends on the airline you choose).
Anything else you would like me to know about you and your family?
Are you on a waiting list with any other Chinook breeders?
¡ Yes ¡ No
If I do not have enough available pups, would you like me to pass your application on to other breeders who might be expecting a litter?
¡ Yes ¡No
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this application.
Leslie Donais
Granite Hill Chinooks
16 Durham Road
Dover, NH 03820
Please view my website for more information: