Graphical Output Package for Industrial Sensors
Project Plan
Project No. May00-12
Sept. 28, 1999
Delavan Incorporated Des Moines, IA
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Doug Jacobson
Team Members
Bower, Steven Patrick (CprE)
Hall, Kenneth Eugene (CprE)
Lien, Roar (CprE)
Matus, Rich M. (CprE)
Sproul, James (CprE)
Table Of Contents
Graphical Output Package for Industrial Sensors
1. Abstract
1.2 Definition of Terms
2. General Project Information
2.1 General Background
2.2 Technical Problem
2.3 Operating Environment
2.4 Intended User(s) and Use(s)
2.5 Assumptions and Limitations:
2.5.1 Assumptions:
2.5.2 Limitations:
3.1 Design Objectives
3.2 Functional requirements
3.2.1 Acquire Data Module
3.2.2 Process Test Data Module.
3.2.3 Writing to File Module
3.2.4 Display 2D Results Module
3.2.5 Display Histogram Module
3.2.6 Publish to Intranet/Internet Module
3.2.7 Create 3D chart Module
3.3 Design Constraints
3.4 Measurable Milestones
4. End-Product Description
5. Technical Approaches
5.1 HART Communications
5.2 Graphical User Interface
5.3 3D Graphing
5.4 Internet Publishing
6. Testing criteria
6.1 Technical Design
6.2 Testing description
6.3 Risk and Risk Management
7. Budgets
7.1 Personnel Effort Budget:
7.2 Financial Budget
8. Project Team Information
8.1 Computer Engineers
8.2 Academic Advisor
8.3 Client Contact
9. Summary
10. References:
List of Figures
Part 1None
Part 2
Figure 2.1: LabVIEW Front Panel10
Figure 2.2: LabVIEW Code view10
Part 3None
Part 4None
Part 5None
Part 6None
Part 7
Figure 7.1Project Schedule21
Figure 7.2 Relationship of Software Modules 22
Part 8None
Part 9None
Part 10None
List of Tables
Part 1None
Part 2None
Part 3None
Part 4None
Part 5None
Part 6
Table 6.1Personnel Effort Budget 19
Table 6.2Financial Budget 20
Part 7None
Part 8None
Part 9None
Part 10 None
1. Abstract
Lean-Blow Out occurs when the incoming fuel rate is either too small or too great to sustain continuous combustion of fuel in a jet engine. To determine the Lean-Blow Out (LBO) conditions of jet propulsion nozzles, software will be written to automatically collect data from a multitude of sensors before and after the Lean-Blow Out. This data will graphically display the fuel flow, airflow and flame temperature during the transition from ignition to flameout. The data will be input into two or three dimensional graphs and histograms. The graphs will be available for the local user via the computer monitor and the remote user via Intranet or Internet. The computer program will provide valuable information to the designers of jet engines by documenting conditions contributing to Lean-Blow Out. The developed software will display to engineers the correlation between fuel flow, airflow, flame temperature and Lean-Blow Out of jet propulsion nozzles.
1.2 Definition of Terms
Data Acquisition
This is the collection of information through electronic means. Typically, the physical property being monitored is changed to a voltage. This voltage is then changed to a digital number for manipulation inside of a computer.
Gas Turbines
Gas turbines are devices, which use the expansion of heated gas to mechanically move blades or to provide thrust.
HART Highway Addressable Remote Transmission Protocol.
Protocol to communicate with embedded microprocessors. With this protocol, it is possible for a user to read data from a remote device and also send commands to the device to re-configure itself. These microprocessors are installed on industrial controls, (pressure transducers, temperature sensors, and flow sensors).
Computer language that uses graphical icons instead of text to program its operation.
Lean Blow-Out (LBO)
Lean Blow-Out occurs when the incoming fuel rate is either too small or too great to sustain continuous combustion of fuel in a jet engine.
2. General Project Information
2.1 General Background
The current procedure for determining Lean-Blow Out is to take test data manually, without the aid of a personal computer at the test stand, and to enter the data into specially written spreadsheet programs. The current data being used is the fuel flow and airflow only. The approach of collecting only fuel flow data and airflow has limited engineering value. This approach can take several minutes and must be done after the test on a particular component is completed.
By collecting data on other variables, which are active during the test, predictions of Lean-Blow Out (LBO) can be made more reliable. This is desirable in a research and development environment, where new design prototypes are profiled. This profiling determines if a new design meets the design criteria and whether further design changes are needed.
Another limitation of the current system, is the unavailability of test stand data to engineers not located close to the testing station. If an engineer, located across the city, state or continent, needs access to the test data on a new design prototype, he needs to first talk to the engineer who has the data. This engineer needs to find the specific data requested from the multitude of test information available to him, and then send it to the requesting engineer via courier, fax or e-mail. Delays of hours or even days are possible with this approach.
With the introduction of the personal computer (PC) to this particular test stand, some of the current drawbacks can be reduced significantly. The personal computer can enter data into the formulas much faster than a human can. The personal computer can also achieve much higher accuracy, both in terms of the elimination of transposing numbers and also in terms of using higher precision numbers. The computer can also perform the necessary calculations immediately after the test. The test stand, which acquired the data, can also perform PASS/FAIL analyses. The data is then stored on the hard drive so that the device characteristics are all in one place. This enables personnel to quickly locate the information needed. The computer can also fax or e-mail the data to requesting party. Another capability is having the PC update a world wide web page with the test data once the test is complete. This effectively solves the geographical problem of access and the time delay of locating and transmitting the requested documents.
2.2 Technical Problem
With the use of LabVIEW programming language, many of the current problems, can be significantly reduced or even eliminated. LabVIEW was selected because of its current use by the Client Company and also by many of the client’s customers in the aerospace industry. Another reason for its selection is the large number of add-on languages, which can interface with it (C, C++, Visual C++, Visual Basic, Mathematica, Hi-Q, HL-Link etc, Excel 97). LabVIEW also has Intranet and Internet publishing capabilities. LabVIEW can be used with Windows 95, 98, NT, 3.1, Unix, Sun and Macintosh operating systems.
LabVIEW modules can be written to perform the same calculations as performed by specially written programs. These calculations can take place as the data is acquired instead of after the test stand routine is completed. This allows the user to vary inputs as the test is occurring if the user desires to do so. LabVIEW can also automatically track the varying inputs and give real-time feedback to the user.
After the test is completed, LabVIEW will write to a file, formatted in Excel 97 format.
This archives the data run and makes it available for e-mail or fax. LabVIEW will also update a web page, either on the Intranet or Internet so that current test data is displayed for remote users.
Figure 2.1: LabView Front Panel.
Figure 2.2: Labview Code view
2.3 Operating Environment
The test stand being used will be a personal computer connected to temperature and flow sensors. The computer will be exposed to temperatures typically found in manufacturing environments (60 to 85 F.). The test stand will not be exposed to outside weather elements or rain. High humidity exposure (above 50% relative humidity) is possible during summer months.
The software will be executing on either Microsoft NT or Windows 95 operating system. The CPU type and speed will be Pentium class and 200 MHz or greater. The RAM requirements will be 32 MB (minimum). The computer will be connected either to Intranet or Internet by networking or by modem for dial-up access.
2.4 Intended User(s) and Use(s)
This software will be intended for Aerospace and Mechanical Engineers and technicians, working in a research and development capacity. It is intended to visually display the operation characteristics of the jet nozzle being tested. After displaying graphs and models to the user via the computer monitor, it will archive the data to an Excel 97 formatted file.
This software is designed to quickly show the user the characteristics of the nozzle being tested. It is designed to display the data in a manner to illustrate when undesirable characteristics occur.
The limitations of the software program will be as listed below.
- The visual display will show only gross aberrations of a particular design. It will not show minute deviations from the design requirements. Minute aberrations of a particular design need to be analyzed by software designed specifically for that purpose.
- This software will not compile valid statistical data. Valid statistical inferences can not be made on the basis on one component.
2.5 Assumptions and Limitations:
2.5.1 Assumptions:
- A Research and Development Design Team will use software to aid design
- prototyping.
- Software will display data visually to accelerate design prototyping.
- Software will display flow, flame temperature, and pressure inputs with the resulting
- response of the device under test (DUT).
- Software will update remote Intranet or Internet page once at end of test.
- Test data will be stored in Microsoft Excel 97 format on the local hard drive.
- The minimum number of points per unit time will be one point per second.
- The maximum number of values recorded will depend upon the length of the test.
- The maximum accuracy will be based on the data rate flow computer.
2.5.2 Limitations:
- The visual display of data will illustrate for the user only the large-scale characteristics of a specific device. It will not display any inflection points. The use of special analytical software is required to do this analysis.
- It will not perform any statistical functions outside of the most primitive i.e. maximum and minimum data values.
3.1 Design Objectives
1. Automate the data collection.
a)This is needed to eliminate operator fatigue and possible operator error.
- Process test data.
a)Data will be processed based upon user-selected options.
- Write data to computer file.
a)This objective is to minimize lost test records and the time latency between data
acquisition and data recording.
- Display test data to user using a personal computer.
a)This objective is to display test results immediately to the user at the test stand.
The data will be in the form of 2D graphs and histograms.
- Publish test data to Intranet/Internet.
a)The data will be placed on a web page, accessed either by network protocol or
dial-up modem.
b) This data will be password protected.
- 3D chart Display
3.2 Functional requirements
3.2.1 Acquire Data Module
b)This module will obtain data from pressure, flow, and temperature sensors. The sensors will be read via analog-to-digital acquisition card or HART communication protocol. Error checking will be integrated with each input and the user will be notified if errors are detected. Graphical front panel to enable user to write to HART devices, with available commands.
c)Graphical front panel to enable user to read from HART devices to verify configuration.
3.2.2 Process Test Data Module.
a.)This module will display data to the user at the test stand based upon the user’s
b.) This module will take data at a rate of 1 sample per second.
3.2.3 Writing to File Module
a)This module will ask user if he/she wants each data run saved to file.
b)The file format for each data save operation will be both in Excel 97 format and
also in a text file format.
3.2.4 Display 2D Results Module
a)This module to display results based on the user selection of desired parameters.
b)The display of data will be real-time and will show the following:
i)Fuel Flow (Pounds Per Hour) Vs Lean Blow-Out.
ii)Air Flow (inH20) Vs Lean Blow-Out.
iii)Flame Temperature (Fahrenheit) Vs Lean Blow-Out.
3.2.5 Display Histogram Module
a)module will display the data received in the form of a histogram.
b)This module will display the data based on the user’s desired number of data bins.
3.2.6 Publish to Intranet/Internet Module
a)This module publishes the data just received on to a web page, accessed either by network protocol or dial-up modem.
b)Password protection is required on the data.
3.2.7 Create 3D chart Module
a)This module will take the two dimensional array of data already collected and converts it into a 3D graph (Surface).
b)The user will have the ability to specify which data is plotted on each axis.
3.3 Design Constraints
1)This project must be done by April 2000.
2)The software project must use the language of LabVIEW or a compatible language
with LabVIEW.
3) Computer must have Excel 97 loaded on it.
4) Computer must have access to Internet.
5) Computer must have a data acquisition card installed.
6) Time stamp on data will have the accuracy of the on-board PC system clock.
6)Computer must have either NT, Windows 95 or 98 operating system installed on it.
7)Computer will have functional software stubs to simulate any sensors not physically
connected to system.
3.4 Measurable Milestones
1) Establish HART communication to compliant devices. (15%)
2) Establish analog-to-digital communication with rest of sensors. (5%)
3) Complete first draft of Graphical User Interface. (5%)
3)Complete second draft of Graphical User Interface.(3%)
4)Complete the minimum and maximum scanning of data.(3%)
5)Complete the implementation of the histogram. (5%)
6)Complete the implementation of the 2D graph. (3%)
7)Finish the data structure to give to the 3D module.(3%)
8)Implement the file output in both Excel 97 and text format.(3%)
- Finish all documentation down to individual function level.(10%)
- Implement the 3D graph with the ability to display user-selected parameters for each
- Finish the Internet publishing function.(20%)
- Team to meet with client one third into 2nd semester for design review.(3%)
- Team to meet with client two third’s into 2nd semester for design review.(2%)
4. End-Product Description
A new software tool has been developed to give design engineers more information in the design of jet nozzles. This software collects data from multiple sensors during the Lean Blow-Out test. These sensors monitor the fuel pressure, fuel flow, flame temperature and airflow. These parameters are placed into graphs (2D & 3D), histograms, and are made available on the Internet.
5. Technical Approaches
5.1 HART Communications
The various technical approaches possible for the data acquisition portion of the project, communicating with the HART device are:
1.)Developing our own HART level drivers to talk to the HART modem. This includes the communication framing parsing and the implementation of the universal device commands.
2.)Communicating with the HART modem with software drivers written and marketed by a 3rd party. This software is available only in executable form.
3.)Purchasing the source code from a company more familiar with the HART protocol and modify it to suit our particular application.
5.2 Graphical User Interface
For the graphical user interface, the options are
1.)Use the current graphical objects made available by LabVIEW i.e. graph objects, charts etc.
2.)Create our own objects using Visual C++ or Visual Basic.
5.3 3D Graphing
For the 3D-graph portion, the options are
1.)Interface LabVIEW with Mathematica and use its math engine to derive the graphs.
2.)Use the compatible LabVIEW add-on software, Hi-Q, to perform the necessary calculations.
3.)Create our own 3D-software engine to display the multi-dimensional graphs.
5.4 Internet Publishing
For the Internet portion of the project, the options are
1.)Use a LabVIEW compatible internet toolkit and modify the source code to suit our specifications.
2.)Develop our own software to access the Internet and to perform these functions (e-mail, file transfer protocol, creation of a web server with its Common Gateway Interface (CGI), and the dynamic updating of a html graph.
6. Testing criteria
The criteria to determine which approach to take will be based on these constraints.
1.)The software used must be compatible with the software being used at Delavan, namely LabVIEW.
2.)Delavan software developers must be familiar with any of the languages used in this project. This requirement ensures the ability to modify the software as engineering requirements change.
3.)The short amount of time available to implement the project will be a major constraint. The project must be completed by the month of April 2000.
4.)The level of expertise of the individuals on the team will also be another criteria to the approach taken.
5.)The software chosen must allow access to the source code for the team to modify.
6.)Delavan reserves the right to use the senior design project of Lean Blow-Out (LBO) as deemed necessary by the research and development group. This may include the distribution of the software to other engineering groups, internal and/or external to Delavan. The software chosen must be royalty free.
6.1 Technical Design
This subsection will contain the reasons for accepting or rejecting each individual option listed above in section 5. Technical Approaches.
6.2 Testing description
- HART device communication will have a software flag to monitor error messages in the device communication. This flag will notify the user about the location and the type of error encountered.
- Data acquisition module will have a software flag to monitor incorrect types of
- data i.e. characters, negative numbers etc.
- Minimum and maximum functions will have a known array of values input into them to ascertain correct operation.
- Histogram will have a known array of values input into them to ascertain correct operation.
- 2D graph will have known values input into them to ascertain correct operation.
- 3D graph will have known matrix of values input into it to verify function implementation.
- Correct file format will be verified by importing Excel 97 file into Excel 97 and text file into Microsoft Word.
- The array tools of LabVIEW will verify 3D data structure for 3D model.
- 3D-graph module will be verified by using different arrays of values and comparing
- the model to known inputs.
- Internet publishing will be verified by sending test data to a specified web page.
6.3 Risk and Risk Management