Top 10 Things to Know about Pollwatching

  1. Polls must open at 6 a.m. and machines must all be set to zero before voting can start. Report late starts. MAKE SURE TO BRING YOUR CREDITIALS
  1. If there has been a last minute change of polling place, call the Naperville Township Democrats Election Day Hotline immediately.
  2. Check EVERYONE’S credentials and make sure the judges are doing the same.
  1. Judges CANNOT:
  • Ask for photo ID
  • Steer voters toward machines or candidates or referendum conclusions…
  1. You SHOULD ask voters who are turned away why, and write down their information to contact in case they can legally return later in the day.
  1. The number of pollwatchers CAN BE LIMITED. However, by law, each party and candidate is allowed to have a watcher. Call our hotline if you are being asked to leave and get name of person asking you to do so.
  2. You, the pollwatcher, have rights:

a)You can be close enough to know what is going on

b)You may observe counting and tallying procedures

c)You may provide instructions to voters in full view of polling place. Instruction must be requested and two judges (D and R) must be present

d)You may challenge a voter if necessary

  1. Be vigilant of possible illegal activities:

a)Unnecessary creation of long lines

b)Tampering with voting equipment

c)Harassment of judges, voters or pollwatchers

d)Campaigning within 100 feet zone

  • Churches and other private party locations can request no signs be on their property.
  1. Pollwatching is the unadulterated protection of Democracy. Be proud of what you are doing and refuse to be intimidated by anyone (“Head” judges included)
  1. If there is an unresolved issue at the polling place, call

DuPage Board of Elections:630-407-5600

Pollwatching Guide

WHAT YOU MUST BRING TO THE POLLS TO POLLWATCH: Your credentials (one for each precinct) this pollwatcher guide, notepad and a pencil or pen, good manners andcommon sense.Cameras and cell phones are not to be used in the polling place.

HERE'S WHAT WILL MOST LIKELY TAKE PLACE Upon entering the polling place look for signs of electioneering. Read manual for guidelines. You maywish to vote first if you plan to pollwatch your own precinct. Then, politely introduce yourself to one of the election judges as a pollwatcher- present your credentials. The election judge will place them in a packet where they will remain the rest of the day- so that you can come and go. You will then take a seat with a good view andquietly observe the election process for as long (or as briefly) as you wish. You may ask questions as needed, as long as it doesn't interrupt the election process. Makes notes, may you need to call the Board of Elections or Naperville Township Democrats hotline to ask a question, and it is best if you have details.

THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND: Bring your best attitude, be pleasant. If you see violations, first approach the election judge discreetly and say, " Shouldn't the voter be offered a provisional ballot...?" or " Wouldn't it be prudent to ...?" " Might it be a good idea if...? " If the polls are so crazy that the judges can't address the problems directly, call any one of the appropriate numbers below. Pollwatchers are not supposed to interact with voters (you can say hi to friends, of course). OTHER THINGS TO KNOW: The election judge has the final word.He's supposed to enforce the rules at the polls. He's trying to do a good job. We're also not allowed to touch any voting materials. If you see violations, document any violations on notepad, note the time of day and the name of thejudge if you can, go to your car or step outside the polling place and use your cell phone to report them.(Numbers below)

IF YOU WANT TO GO THE EXTRA MILE:You may arrive at the polling station as early as 5:00 am and view as the machines are set up. Look to make sure there are zeros on the tape and the precinct is starting with no votes.It is always nice if you bring donuts for the election judges. At the end of the day, you may also request a tape listing the election results. That is up to the judge to comply, he may not.

WANT TO MAKE A DAY OF IT? You may pollwatch at multiple locations, and you have credentials for severalprecincts to come and go as you see fit.

If there is an unresolved issue at the polling place, call the:
DuPage Board of Elections: