GICH Team Contact and Leader Update Form 2018

GICH letters of support for Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Applications or other DCA program applications mustbe signed by the Primary or Secondary Contact on record. A letter of support for LIHTC Applications must be accompanied by an additional letter from the Local Government agreeing to the issuance of the GICH letter. If your contact(s) have changed since the original application, this form must be submittedto Karen Tinsley at the University of Georgia Housing and Demographic Research Center (Please send this form via email to )


Local Government: The controlling elected governing body of the local jurisdiction as defined in its Charter (e.g., city council if within the city limits, or county commission if in an unincorporated area).

Official Representative (GICH): A responsible official of the applicant organization(i.e., Chief Elected Official, Chair of the County Commission, Chair of the Public Housing Authority Board, or the appropriate combination, if a joint application). . This position certified that the information in the GICH application was correct and that the community would assemble a housing team and fully participate in the program.

Primary Contact (GICH): First point of contact for the GICH team on record with the University of Georgia Housing and Demographic Research Center, originally designated in the GICH application. While holding the position, the Primary Contact person is expected to be active within the GICH community.

Secondary Contact (GICH): Second point of contact for the GICH team on record with the University of Georgia Housing and Demographic Research Center, originally designated in the GICH application.

Team Leader (GICH): Member of the GICH community expected to be committed to the full three year life of the program and to coordinate team meeting arrangements, work schedules, fiscal matters, and to generally keep the team on task and motivated, holding either the Primary Contact or Secondary Contact designation on record with the University of Georgia Housing and Demographic Research Center, originally designated in the GICH application.

Updated Position Designations

Primary Contact (name, title, affilitation): ______

Email: ______Phone: ______

Secondary Contact (name, title, affilitation): ______

Email: ______Phone: ______

Team Leader (must also be Primary or Secondary Contact): ______

Number of times your GICH team met in the last full calendar year: ______


Current GICH Team Leader or Official Representative

Signature: ______Date: ______

Printed Name: ______


Executed confirmation of change letter from the Local Government (attach letter to this document)