Reference number: R12/1093
Site address: J Sainsbury’s, 385 Dunchurch Road, Rugby
Description:Proposed single storey extension to the front of the store, underneath the existing canopy and proposed new free standing staff entrance canopy.
Case Officer Name & Number: Richard Redford
The Proposal;
Planning permission is sought for a single storey extension to the front of the store underneath the existing canopy to provide an additional retail unit in the form of a key cutting service that will be ancillary to the main store. In addition to this there will be a free standing canopy over the staff entrance to the building.
Site History;
Erection of extension to store, relocation of entrance lobby, provision of café Approved 06/01/2010
and alterations to car park, internal layout and serving, landscaping
and associated works (R09/0231/MAJP)
Demolition of existing petrol filling station, shop, canopy and pumps, removal Approved 17/08/2010
of underground tanks, installation of 6 no. new petrol pumps, installation
of replacement tanks, erection of new sales kiosk and a flat canopy,
refurbishment of forecourt including new car care facilities with associated
works and access alterations. (963)
Erection of a temporary petrol filling station. (1099)Approved 18/08/2010
Variation of Condition 9 of planning permission R09/0231/MAJP dated 6th Approved 03/09/2010
January 2010 (R10/1266).
Erection of various illuminated and non-illuminated freestanding andfasciaApproved 06/10/2010
signs. (R10/1290)
Advertisement consent for 1 canopy sign, 2 shop fascia signs, 3 fuel Approved 23/02/2011
grade signs and 12 pump signs (R10/2263)
Variation of conditions 2 (plans) and 8 (hours of use) as well as deletion ofApproved 27/04/2011
condition 7 (noise survey) of planning permission 963 dated 17th
August 2010 (R10/2278)
Alterations to car park layout and access and provision of additionalApproved 06/09/2011
landscaping. (R11/1491)
Provision of temporary petrol filling station (R11/2296)Approved 06/02/2012
Consultee Correspondence;
Strategic DevelopmentNo objections
Third Party Correspondence;
No third party correspondence has been received.
Other Relevant Information;
The site is located on the periphery of the Rugby Urban Area and comprises the existing Sainsbury’s supermarket as extended with its associated parking and petrol filling station. To the north, east and west of the site are residential dwellings all located within the Rugby Urban Area whilst to the south are fields located in the countryside. The store extension approved under reference R09/0231/MAJP,which included alterations to the car park as currently laid out, has been completed.
Relevant Policies;
RBCS Policy CS16CompliesSustainable Design
The main issues for consideration relate to the principal of the development, its design, appearance and relationship with amenity.
Located on the edge of but within the Rugby urban area the proposal seeks to provide 2 new elements to the existing, already extended building in the form of a covered entrance canopy at the staff entrance as well as an extension within the buildings main Dunchurch Road frontage to provide an additional area of retail floor space covering 19 square meters to provide a key cutting facility. Due to the location of the site the provisions of the NPPF require a sequential test be provided which the agent has submitted. It details the prior to the extension of the store in 2010 there was a key cutting facility within the store as well as that there is currently a number of key cutting facilities within the town centre and surrounding area thus showing that sequentially preferable locations have been assessed, considered and it shown that such a unit in this location complies with the NPPF provisions. This has been assessed by Strategic Development who are satisfied with the assessment carried out and that it complies with the NPPF. As such the provision of the proposed additional element of retail floor space is acceptable.
With regards to the extension to provide the additional retail floor space it will constructed of materials matching those of the existing walls to which it will be attached thus allowing it to fit in with the existing building without raising any adverse or detrimental issue whilst not impacting upon the character or appearance of the building. It will result in an area of trolley parking bays being removed however the other trolley parking areas are of sufficient size to be able to store these trolleys satisfactorily.
Within the store it will be located to the rear of the tills meaning access is either through the tills or along a customer walkway area not used as floor space. This location coupled with its floor area being 19 square meters is such that a condition restricting its use would not comply with the necessary tests for conditions.
Turning to the canopy over the staff entrance, it measures 1.3m by 2.6m and be 2.2m above ground level, supported at its 4 corners by galvanised steel posts. Its design, appearance, scale, massing and proportions are in keeping with the existing building to which it will be attached and against which it will be read. It will fit in without raising any adverse or detrimental issues.
Overall therefore the proposal is acceptable and recommended for approval.
Recommend approval subject to conditions.
Report prepared by: Richard Redford28th August 2012
Report Sheet