Outline for Sabbath School Teacherswith ideas for group discussion inspired by the Teachers’ Edition of the Sabbath School Lesson prepared by the General Conference SS ministry.

Lesson n.11 10 - 16 March 2018

Title: Debt - a Daily Decision

Key texts:Rom. 13:7,8; Matt. 4:3-10; 6:33; Deut. 28:1,12; Psalm 37:21; Prov. 13:11; 21:5; 2 Cor. 4:18.

Themes to Explore:

  1. Healthy stewardship also concerns the management of debts and duties towards our neighbours, all this is explained clearly in Rom. 13:7-8.
  2. There are debts and debts: the right kind of debt is that of respect, honour and love towards God and our neighbour.
  3. Healthy administration of resources prevents indebtedness and plans wise and prudent investments.

B. Learning Objectives

Know:Indicate the factors that contribute to avoiding the need for debt and managing our money advantageously.

Feel:Experience being free from debt, and being a source of blessing to others and for the Kingdom.

Do:Learn to manage income and expenses so as to avoid debt and be the recipient of God’s blessing.

C. Other possible questions for deeper study, debate, sharing and testimony

  1. Why is this lesson important to me? (Motivate);

1a.Why is it necessary to manage our debts with as much wisdom and prudence as possible? What kind of debts are dangerous?

2.What else is there still to learn from God’s Word? (Explore);

2a.Which absolute principles should guide us in our management of money with others? Debts? Loans? Interest? What dangers to our faith can we encounter by falling into debt?

3. How can I practice what I’ve learned from God’s Word? (Apply);

3a.As a group read and reflect on 1 Tim 6:8 and Matt. 6:33. What do they teach you personally?

4.How can I communicate and apply what I’ve learned from God’s Word? (Create).

4a.How can we help each other and our neighbours to respect the principles of administration in God’s Kingdom?

Translator: Catherine Bertolini