2007 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating (CSGVP)

Public Use Microdata File (MAIN)



Geographic Variables

Demographic Household

Formal Volunteering

History of Volunteering

Volunteer Specifics

Volunteer Details

Volunteer Specifics (cont'd)

Volunteer Details (cont'd)

Main Volunteer Activities

Reasons for Volunteering

Volunteering in General

Skills Gained from Volunteering

Reasons for Not Volunteering more

Informal Volunteer Activities

Financial Giving to Charitable Organizations

Giving Specifics

Decisions on Giving

Reasons for Giving

Reasons for Not Giving more

Other Giving

Youth Experiences and Attitudes

Health in General


Labour Force



Weight Variable

September 8, 2009Page 1

2007 Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating (CSGVP)

Public Use Microdata File (MAIN)

Section: Administration

Variable Name: PUMFIDPosition: 1Length: 5

Randomly generated sequence number for the public use microdata file

Coverage: All respondents

Note: This file contains records only for the provincial component of the CSGVP.

Variable Name: AM1DVGPosition: 6Length: 1

Derived variable: Combined volunteer and giver status


1Volunteer and giver 12,426 11,301,310

2Volunteer, not a giver 883 1,143,032

3Not a volunteer, but a giver 5,914 11,491,201

4Neither volunteer nor giver 1,287 3,064,884


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: All respondents

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL and FG1FGIV.

Section: Geographic Variables

Variable Name: PROVCODEPosition: 7Length: 2



10Newfoundland and Labrador 1,237 424,794

11Prince Edward Island 944 114,024

12Nova Scotia 1,541 779,232

13New Brunswick 1,228 624,517

24Quebec 3,789 6,378,154

35Ontario 3,912 10,473,497

46Manitoba 1,534 946,133

47Saskatchewan 1,463 793,334

48Alberta 1,729 2,806,267

59British Columbia 3,133 3,660,475

60Yukon 0 0

61Northwest Territories 0 0

62Nunavut 0 0


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: All respondents

Section: Demographic Household

Variable Name: DH1GAGEPosition: 9Length: 2

Grouped variable: Age group


0115-24 years 2,143 4,444,828

0225-34 years 2,844 4,489,309

0335-44 years 3,906 4,924,710

0445-54 years 4,144 5,145,498

0555-64 years 3,697 3,815,531

0665 years and over 3,776 4,180,551


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: All respondents

Note: Based on: RESPAGE.

Variable Name: RESPSEXPosition: 11Length: 1

Sex of respondent


1Male 8,865 13,312,982

2Female 11,645 13,687,445


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: All respondents

Variable Name: DH1PGMSPosition: 12Length: 1

Grouped variable: Marital status


1Married/Common-law 11,742 16,444,358

2Single, never married 4,786 7,317,421

3Widow/Widower 1,571 1,213,104

4Separated/Divorced 2,372 1,990,316

9Not stated 39 35,228


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: All respondents

Variable Name: DH1GHHSZPosition: 13Length: 1

Grouped variable: Household size


11 person 5,140 3,400,590

22 persons 7,459 8,967,704

33 persons 3,173 5,130,847

44 persons 3,148 5,877,655

55 persons or more 1,590 3,623,630


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: All respondents

Note: Based on: DH1DHHSZ.

Variable Name: DH1GC05Position: 14Length: 1

Derived variable: Presence of one or more children in the household aged 0 to 5 years


1Yes 2,372 3,653,144

2No 18,138 23,347,283


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: All respondents

Variable Name: DH1GC617Position: 15Length: 1

Derived variable: Presence of one or more children in the household aged 6 to 17 years


1Yes 5,195 8,271,478

2No 15,315 18,728,949


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: All respondents

Section: Formal Volunteering

Variable Name: FV1_02Position: 16Length: 1

In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization? This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations: Did you do any...

... canvassing?


1Yes 1,895 1,676,287

2No 18,608 25,312,607

7Don't know 7 11,533


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: All respondents

Variable Name: FV1_03Position: 17Length: 1

In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization? This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations: Did you do any...

... fundraising?


1Yes 6,122 5,420,628

2No 14,378 21,563,115

7Don't know 10 16,683


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: All respondents

Variable Name: FV1_04Position: 18Length: 1

In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization? This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations: Did you...

... sit as a member of a committee or board?


1Yes 4,921 4,056,298

2No 15,579 22,921,388

7Don't know 10 22,741


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: All respondents

Variable Name: FV1_05Position: 19Length: 1

In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization? This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations: Did you do any...

... teaching, educating or mentoring?


1Yes 3,833 3,761,352

2No 16,668 23,230,349

7Don't know 8 8,043

8Refusal 1 683


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: All respondents

Variable Name: FV1_06Position: 20Length: 1

In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization? This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations: Did you...

... organize, supervise or coordinate activities or events?


1Yes 5,971 5,598,366

2No 14,532 21,396,021

7Don't know 7 6,040


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: All respondents

Variable Name: FV1_07Position: 21Length: 1

In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization? This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations. Did you do any...

... office work, bookkeeping, administrative duties, or library work?


1Yes 3,322 2,971,703

2No 17,183 24,024,599

7Don't know 5 4,124


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: All respondents

Variable Name: FV1_08Position: 22Length: 1

In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization? This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations: Did you...

... coach, referee or officiate?


1Yes 2,148 2,453,734

2No 18,361 24,544,306

7Don't know 1 2,387


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: All respondents

Variable Name: FV1_09Position: 23Length: 1

In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization? This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations: Did you...

... counsel or provide advice?


1Yes 3,728 3,493,571

2No 16,772 23,495,323

7Don't know 10 11,533


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: All respondents

Variable Name: FV1_10Position: 24Length: 1

In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization? This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations: Did you...

... provide health care or support including companionship?


1Yes 2,825 2,476,305

2No 17,674 24,510,792

7Don't know 11 13,330


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: All respondents

Variable Name: FV1_11Position: 25Length: 1

In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization? This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations: Did you...

... collect, serve or deliver food or other goods?


1Yes 3,540 3,302,334

2No 16,964 23,685,823

7Don't know 6 12,269


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: All respondents

Variable Name: FV1_12Position: 26Length: 1

In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization? This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations: Did you do any...

... work associated with the maintenance, repair or building of facilities or grounds?


1Yes 2,413 2,195,762

2No 18,096 24,802,198

7Don't know 1 2,467


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: All respondents

Variable Name: FV1_13Position: 27Length: 1

In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization? This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations: Did you do any...

... volunteer driving?


1Yes 2,814 2,452,322

2No 17,695 24,545,718

7Don't know 1 2,387


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: All respondents

Variable Name: FV1_14Position: 28Length: 1

In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization? This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations: Did you...

... provide help through first aid, fire-fighting, or search and rescue?


1Yes 861 786,348

2No 19,648 26,212,133

8Refusal 1 1,946


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: All respondents

Variable Name: FV1_15Position: 29Length: 1

In the past 12 months, did you do any of the following activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization? This includes any unpaid help you provided to schools, religious organizations, sports or community associations: Did you...

... engage in activities aimed at conservation or protection of the environment or wildlife?


1Yes 2,459 2,362,451

2No 18,045 24,630,429

7Don't know 6 7,547


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: All respondents

Variable Name: FV1_16Position: 30Length: 1

In the past 12 months, did you do any other unpaid activities on behalf of a group or an organization?


1Yes 2,459 2,239,881

2No 18,031 24,738,010

7Don't know 20 22,536


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: All respondents

Variable Name: FV1FVOLPosition: 31Length: 1

Volunteer flag


1Volunteer 13,309 12,444,342

2Non-volunteer 7,201 14,556,085


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: All respondents

Note: A volunteer is defined as a respondent with at least one 'yes' in FV1_02 to FV1_16.

Section: History of Volunteering

Variable Name: HV1_01Position: 32Length: 1

Prior to 12 months ago, did you do any activities without pay on behalf of a group or an organization?


1Yes 1,900 3,540,988

2No 5,230 10,784,193

6Valid skip 13,309 12,444,342

7Don't know 28 83,244

8Refusal 5 10,157

9Not stated 38 137,503


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Non-volunteers

Variable Name: HV1_02Position: 33Length: 1

How long ago?


11 to less than 3 years ago 638 1,253,884

23 to less than 5 years ago 408 797,064

35 years ago or longer 837 1,442,147

6Valid skip 18,539 23,228,535

7Don't know 14 34,870

9Not stated 74 243,926


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Non-volunteers who volunteered prior to 12 months ago

Section: Volunteer Specifics

Variable Name: VS1_01Position: 34Length: 2

In the past 12 months, for how many groups or organizations did you do any unpaid activities?

Allowed values: 01 : 20


01 : 20# of orgs volunteered for 13,309 12,444,342

96Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Variable Name: VS1_02Position: 36Length: 1

In the past 12 months, how often did you do any unpaid activities?


1Daily or almost daily 1,110 1,042,477

2At least once a week 4,148 3,799,292

3At least once a month 3,652 3,287,649

4At least 3 or 4 times 2,140 2,004,809

5Once or twice 2,083 2,086,788

6Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085

7Don't know 58 73,278

8Refusal 3 2,360

9Not stated 115 147,688


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Section: Volunteer Details

Variable Name: VD1_04APosition: 37Length: 4

In the past 12 months, how many hours did you spend on unpaid activities for this organization? (1st organization)

Allowed values: 0001 : 4000


0001 : 5415# hrs spent on activities for org (1st) 13,309 12,444,342

9996Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Variable Name: VD1_04BPosition: 41Length: 4

In the past 12 months, how many hours did you spend on unpaid activities for this organization? (2nd organization)

Allowed values: 0001 : 4000


0001 : 2400# hrs spent on activities for org (2nd) 6,894 6,158,579

9996Valid skip 13,616 20,841,848


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers who did unpaid activities for at least two organizations

Variable Name: VD1_04CPosition: 45Length: 4

In the past 12 months, how many hours did you spend on unpaid activities for this organization? (3rd organization)

Allowed values: 0001 : 4000


0001 : 1500# hrs spent on activities for org (3rd) 3,134 2,723,703

9996Valid skip 17,376 24,276,724


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers who did unpaid activities for at least three organizations

Section: Volunteer Specifics (cont'd)

Variable Name: VS1_05Position: 49Length: 4

In the past 12 months, how many hours did you spend on unpaid activities for all other organizations?

Allowed values: 0001 : 4000


0001 : 3744# hrs spent on unpaid act for oth orgs 1,399 1,179,563

9996Valid skip 19,111 25,820,864


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers who did unpaid activities for more than three organizations

Section: Volunteer Details (cont'd)

Variable Name: VD1DHRSPosition: 53Length: 5

Derived variable: Total number of hours volunteered

Allowed values: 00001 : 99999


00001 : 07488Total # hrs volunteered 13,309 12,444,342

99996Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VS1_01, VD1_04A, VD1_04B, VD1_04C and VS1_05.

Variable Name: VD1DE201Position: 58Length: 1

Derived variable: Number of volunteer organizations: Culture and recreation


0No organizations 8,868 8,207,713

11 organization 3,094 2,864,236

22 organizations 629 572,573

33 organizations 95 63,655

6Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085

9Not stated 623 736,165


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1CNP2A, VD1CNP2B and VD1CNP2C (ICNPO 12 categories).

Variable Name: VD1DT201Position: 59Length: 4

Derived variable: Total hours volunteered: Culture and recreation


0000No hours 9,418 8,872,722

0001 : 3240# hrs. to culture & recreation (12) 3,891 3,571,620

9996Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1_04A, VD1_04B, VD1_04C, VD1CNP2A, VD1CNP2B and VD1CNP2C (ICNPO 12 categories).

Variable Name: VD1DE202Position: 63Length: 1

Derived variable: Number of volunteer organizations: Education and research


0No organizations 9,833 8,748,764

11 organization 2,614 2,696,495

22 organizations 223 245,966

33 organizations 16 16,953

6Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085

9Not stated 623 736,165


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1CNP2A, VD1CNP2B and VD1CNP2C (ICNPO 12 categories).

Variable Name: VD1DT202Position: 64Length: 4

Derived variable: Total hours volunteered: Education and research


0000No hours 10,401 9,410,273

0001 : 5020# hrs. to education & research (12) 2,908 3,034,070

9996Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1_04A, VD1_04B, VD1_04C, VD1CNP2A, VD1CNP2B and VD1CNP2C (ICNPO 12 categories).

Variable Name: VD1DE203Position: 68Length: 1

Derived variable: Number of volunteer organizations: Health


0No organizations 10,213 9,572,303

11 organization 2,079 1,816,245

22 organizations 350 277,740

33 organizations 44 41,890

6Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085

9Not stated 623 736,165


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1CNP2A, VD1CNP2B and VD1CNP2C (ICNPO 12 categories).

Variable Name: VD1DT203Position: 69Length: 4

Derived variable: Total hours volunteered: Health


0000No hours 10,799 10,266,683

0001 : 3720# hrs. to health (12) 2,510 2,177,660

9996Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1_04A, VD1_04B, VD1_04C, VD1CNP2A, VD1CNP2B and VD1CNP2C (ICNPO 12 categories).

Variable Name: VD1DE204Position: 73Length: 1

Derived variable: Number of volunteer organizations: Social services


0No organizations 9,437 8,851,684

11 organization 2,836 2,522,534

22 organizations 375 297,694

33 organizations 38 36,265

6Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085

9Not stated 623 736,165


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1CNP2A, VD1CNP2B and VD1CNP2C (ICNPO 12 categories). This variable is the same as VD1DEX07.

Variable Name: VD1DT204Position: 74Length: 4

Derived variable: Total hours volunteered: Social services


0000No hours 9,991 9,501,784

0001 : 3120# hrs. to social services (12) 3,318 2,942,558

9996Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1_04A, VD1_04B, VD1_04C, VD1CNP2A, VD1CNP2B and VD1CNP2C (ICNPO 12 categories). This variable is the same as VD1DTX07.

Variable Name: VD1DE205Position: 78Length: 1

Derived variable: Number of volunteer organizations: Environment


0No organizations 11,842 10,991,836

11 organization 770 662,774

22 organizations 66 41,438

33 organizations 8 12,129

6Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085

9Not stated 623 736,165


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1CNP2A, VD1CNP2B and VD1CNP2C (ICNPO 12 categories). This variable is the same as VD1DEX08.

Variable Name: VD1DT205Position: 79Length: 4

Derived variable: Total hours volunteered: Environment


0000No hours 12,450 11,710,842

0001 : 4000# hrs. to environment (12) 859 733,500

9996Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1_04A, VD1_04B, VD1_04C, VD1CNP2A, VD1CNP2B and VD1CNP2C (ICNPO 12 categories). This variable is the same as VD1DTX08.

Variable Name: VD1DE206Position: 83Length: 1

Derived variable: Number of volunteer organizations: Development and housing


0No organizations 11,270 10,577,763

11 organization 1,303 1,059,937

22 organizations 106 67,701

33 organizations 7 2,777

6Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085

9Not stated 623 736,165


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1CNP2A, VD1CNP2B and VD1CNP2C (ICNPO 12 categories). This variable is the same as VD1DEX09.

Variable Name: VD1DT206Position: 84Length: 4

Derived variable: Total hours volunteered: Development and housing


0000No hours 11,876 11,298,626

0001 : 3330# hrs. to development & housing (12) 1,433 1,145,716

9996Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1_04A, VD1_04B, VD1_04C, VD1CNP2A, VD1CNP2B and VD1CNP2C (ICNPO 12 categories). This variable is the same as VD1DTX09.

Variable Name: VD1DE207Position: 88Length: 1

Derived variable: Number of volunteer organizations: Law, advocacy and politics


0No organizations 12,068 11,185,808

11 organization 579 491,564

22 organizations 39 30,806

33 organizations 0 0

6Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085

9Not stated 623 736,165


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1CNP2A, VD1CNP2B and VD1CNP2C (ICNPO 12 categories). This variable is the same as VD1DEX10.

Variable Name: VD1DT207Position: 89Length: 4

Derived variable: Total hours volunteered: Law, advocacy and politics


0000No hours 12,681 11,913,667

0001 : 4000# hrs. to law, advocacy & pol (12) 628 530,676

9996Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1_04A, VD1_04B, VD1_04C, VD1CNP2A, VD1CNP2B and VD1CNP2C (ICNPO 12 categories). This variable is the same as VD1DTX10.

Variable Name: VD1DE208Position: 93Length: 1

Derived variable: Number of volunteer organizations: Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism


0No organizations 12,336 11,373,465

11 organization 345 332,510

22 organizations 5 2,202

33 organizations 0 0

6Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085

9Not stated 623 736,165


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1CNP2A, VD1CNP2B and VD1CNP2C (ICNPO 12 categories). This variable is the same as VD1DEX11.

Variable Name: VD1DT208Position: 94Length: 4

Derived variable: Total hours volunteered: Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism


0000No hours 12,953 12,101,729

0001 : 0800# hrs. to phil interm & vol (12) 356 342,614

9996Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1_04A, VD1_04B, VD1_04C, VD1CNP2A, VD1CNP2B and VD1CNP2C (ICNPO 12 categories). This variable is the same as VD1DTX11.

Variable Name: VD1DE209Position: 98Length: 1

Derived variable: Number of volunteer organizations: International


0No organizations 12,329 11,339,436

11 organization 343 351,269

22 organizations 13 16,702

33 organizations 1 770

6Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085

9Not stated 623 736,165


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1CNP2A, VD1CNP2B and VD1CNP2C (ICNPO 12 categories). This variable is the same as VD1DEX12.

Variable Name: VD1DT209Position: 99Length: 4

Derived variable: Total hours volunteered: International


0000No hours 12,944 12,059,879

0001 : 1820# hrs. to international (12) 365 384,463

9996Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1_04A, VD1_04B, VD1_04C, VD1CNP2A, VD1CNP2B and VD1CNP2C (ICNPO 12 categories). This variable is the same as VD1DTX12.

Variable Name: VD1DE210Position: 103Length: 1

Derived variable: Number of volunteer organizations: Religion


0No organizations 9,623 9,065,465

11 organization 2,849 2,452,457

22 organizations 192 164,282

33 organizations 22 25,973

6Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085

9Not stated 623 736,165


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1CNP2A, VD1CNP2B and VD1CNP2C (ICNPO 12 categories). This variable is the same as VD1DEX13.

Variable Name: VD1DT210Position: 104Length: 4

Derived variable: Total hours volunteered: Religion


0000No hours 10,205 9,763,220

0001 : 5415# hrs. to religion (12) 3,104 2,681,122

9996Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1_04A, VD1_04B, VD1_04C, VD1CNP2A, VD1CNP2B and VD1CNP2C (ICNPO 12 categories),. This variable is the same as VD1DTX13.

Variable Name: VD1DE211Position: 108Length: 1

Derived variable: Number of volunteer organizations: Business and professional associations, unions


0No organizations 12,330 11,424,316

11 organization 333 264,831

22 organizations 23 19,030

33 organizations 0 0

6Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085

9Not stated 623 736,165


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1CNP2A, VD1CNP2B and VD1CNP2C (ICNPO 12 categories). This variable is the same as VD1DEX14.

Variable Name: VD1DT211Position: 109Length: 4

Derived variable: Total hours volunteered: Business and professional associations, unions


0000No hours 12,943 12,141,167

0002 : 1600# hrs. to bus/prof assn & unions (12) 366 303,175

9996Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1_04A, VD1_04B, VD1_04C, VD1CNP2A, VD1CNP2B and VD1CNP2C (ICNPO 12 categories). This variable is the same as VD1DTX14.

Variable Name: VD1DE212Position: 113Length: 1

Derived variable: Number of volunteer organizations: Not elsewhere classified


0No organizations 12,542 11,547,929

11 organization 141 157,606

22 organizations 3 2,642

33 organizations 0 0

6Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085

9Not stated 623 736,165


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1CNP2A, VD1CNP2B and VD1CNP2C (ICNPO 12 categories). This variable is the same as VD1DEX15.

Variable Name: VD1DT212Position: 114Length: 4

Derived variable: Total hours volunteered: Not elsewhere classified


0000No hours 13,156 12,273,519

0001 : 1440# hrs. to N.E.C. (12) 153 170,823

9996Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1_04A, VD1_04B, VD1_04C, VD1CNP2A, VD1CNP2B and VD1CNP2C (ICNPO 12 categories). This variable is the same as VD1DTX15.

Variable Name: VD1DEX01Position: 118Length: 1

Derived variable: Number of volunteer organizations: Arts and culture


0No organizations 11,839 11,026,422

11 organization 742 609,587

22 organizations 86 63,201

33 organizations 19 8,966

6Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085

9Not stated 623 736,165


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1CNPXA, VD1CNPXB and VD1CNPXC (ICNPO 15 categories).

Variable Name: VD1DTX01Position: 119Length: 4

Derived variable: Total hours volunteered: Arts and culture


0000No hours 12,445 11,748,322

0001 : 2400# hrs. to arts & culture (15) 864 696,020

9996Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1_04A, VD1_04B, VD1_04C, VD1CNPXA, VD1CNPXB and VD1CNPXC (ICNPO 15 categories).

Variable Name: VD1DEX02Position: 123Length: 1

Derived variable: Number of volunteer organizations: Sports and recreation


0No organizations 9,590 8,782,620

11 organization 2,587 2,456,349

22 organizations 448 426,515

33 organizations 61 42,693

6Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085

9Not stated 623 736,165


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1CNPXA, VD1CNPXB and VD1CNPXC (ICNPO 15 categories).

Variable Name: VD1DTX02Position: 124Length: 4

Derived variable: Total hours volunteered: Sports and recreation


0000No hours 10,157 9,461,894

0001 : 3240# hrs. to sports & recreation (15) 3,152 2,982,448

9996Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1_04A, VD1_04B, VD1_04C, VD1CNPXA, VD1CNPXB and VD1CNPXC (ICNPO 15 categories).

Variable Name: VD1DEX03Position: 128Length: 1

Derived variable: Number of volunteer organizations: Education and research


0No organizations 10,025 8,951,534

11 organization 2,459 2,534,965

22 organizations 191 207,779

33 organizations 11 13,899

6Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085

9Not stated 623 736,165


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1CNPXA, VD1CNPXB and VD1CNPXC (ICNPO 15 categories).

Variable Name: VD1DTX03Position: 129Length: 4

Derived variable: Total hours volunteered: Education and research


0000No hours 10,595 9,614,892

0001 : 5020# hrs. to education & research (15) 2,714 2,829,450

9996Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1_04A, VD1_04B, VD1_04C, VD1CNPXA, VD1CNPXB and VD1CNPXC (ICNPO 15 categories).

Variable Name: VD1DEX04Position: 133Length: 1

Derived variable: Number of volunteer organizations: Universities and colleges


0No organizations 12,471 11,482,535

11 organization 198 205,380

22 organizations 15 19,102

33 organizations 2 1,160

6Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085

9Not stated 623 736,165


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1CNPXA, VD1CNPXB and VD1CNPXC (ICNPO 15 categories).

Variable Name: VD1DTX04Position: 134Length: 4

Derived variable: Total hours volunteered: Universities and colleges


0000No hours 13,092 12,216,850

0001 : 2452# hrs. to universities & colleges (15) 217 227,492

9996Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1_04A, VD1_04B, VD1_04C, VD1CNPXA, VD1CNPXB and VD1CNPXC (ICNPO 15 categories).

Variable Name: VD1DEX05Position: 138Length: 1

Derived variable: Number of volunteer organizations: Health


0No organizations 10,771 10,101,605

11 organization 1,632 1,381,207

22 organizations 252 200,409

33 organizations 31 24,956

6Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085

9Not stated 623 736,165


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1CNPXA, VD1CNPXB and VD1CNPXC (ICNPO 15 categories).

Variable Name: VD1DTX05Position: 139Length: 4

Derived variable: Total hours volunteered: Health


0000No hours 11,367 10,810,917

0001 : 3560# hrs. to health (15) 1,942 1,633,426

9996Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1_04A, VD1_04B, VD1_04C, VD1CNPXA, VD1CNPXB and VD1CNPXC (ICNPO 15 categories).

Variable Name: VD1DEX06Position: 143Length: 1

Derived variable: Number of volunteer organizations: Hospitals


0No organizations 12,025 11,092,676

11 organization 640 590,502

22 organizations 21 24,999

33 organizations 0 0

6Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085

9Not stated 623 736,165


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1CNPXA, VD1CNPXB and VD1CNPXC (ICNPO 15 categories).

Variable Name: VD1DTX06Position: 144Length: 4

Derived variable: Total hours volunteered: Hospitals


0000No hours 12,638 11,813,909

0001 : 2403# hrs. to hospitals (15) 671 630,433

9996Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1_04A, VD1_04B, VD1_04C, VD1CNPXA, VD1CNPXB and VD1CNPXC (ICNPO 15 categories).

Variable Name: VD1DEX07Position: 148Length: 1

Derived variable: Number of volunteer organizations: Social services


0No organizations 9,437 8,851,684

11 organization 2,836 2,522,534

22 organizations 375 297,694

33 organizations 38 36,265

6Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085

9Not stated 623 736,165


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1CNPXA, VD1CNPXB and VD1CNPXC (ICNPO 15 categories). This variable is the same as VD1DE204.

Variable Name: VD1DTX07Position: 149Length: 4

Derived variable: Total hours volunteered: Social services


0000No hours 9,991 9,501,784

0001 : 3120# hrs. to social services (15) 3,318 2,942,558

9996Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1_04A, VD1_04B, VD1_04C, VD1CNPXA, VD1CNPXB and VD1CNPXC (ICNPO 15 categories). This variable is the same as VD1DT204.

Variable Name: VD1DEX08Position: 153Length: 1

Derived variable: Number of volunteer organizations: Environment


0No organizations 11,842 10,991,836

11 organization 770 662,774

22 organizations 66 41,438

33 organizations 8 12,129

6Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085

9Not stated 623 736,165


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1CNPXA, VD1CNPXB and VD1CNPXC (ICNPO 15 categories). This variable is the same as VD1DE205.

Variable Name: VD1DTX08Position: 154Length: 4

Derived variable: Total hours volunteered: Environment


0000No hours 12,450 11,710,842

0001 : 4000# hrs. to environment (15) 859 733,500

9996Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1_04A, VD1_04B, VD1_04C, VD1CNPXA, VD1CNPXB and VD1CNPXC (ICNPO 15 categories). This variable is the same as VD1DT205.

Variable Name: VD1DEX09Position: 158Length: 1

Derived variable: Number of volunteer organizations: Development and housing


0No organizations 11,270 10,577,763

11 organization 1,303 1,059,937

22 organizations 106 67,701

33 organizations 7 2,777

6Valid skip 7,201 14,556,085

9Not stated 623 736,165


20,510 27,000,427

Coverage: Volunteers

Note: Based on: FV1FVOL, VD1CNPXA, VD1CNPXB and VD1CNPXC (ICNPO 15 categories). This variable is the same as VD1DE206.

Variable Name: VD1DTX09Position: 159Length: 4

Derived variable: Total hours volunteered: Development and housing