New Policies, Plans, Strategies, Projects

Date revised screening carried out:
23 September 2010 to be revisited April 2011 / Completed by: Performance Support Manager
Children and Young People Service – Learning and Achievement / Contact Officer: Ann Jones


1.1About the Proposal (policy, plan, strategy, project, contract etc)

Title: / Admission Policy & Procedures for 2012/2013
Main aims and Objectives: / The County Borough Council, as Local Authority (the LA), is responsible for determining the criteria and procedure for admissions, and for the admission of all pupils to community primary, secondary and special schools and voluntary controlled schools.
The aim of the Admission Policy is to ensure compliance with admissions and transfers legislation, as required by the Welsh Assembly Government contained in the School Admissions Code July 2009 and will give full recognition to the expression of parental preference in the context of its duty to ensure the provision of efficient education and the efficient use of education resources.
Date for Adoption / September 2012
Adoption Process / The Admission Policy and Procedures are consulted upon annually. Consultation on admission arrangements for theacademic year 2012/2013should becarried out with headteachers, schools’ governing bodies, other admission authorities and neighbouring admission authorities from September 2010 to end of March 2011. Any objections/comments received should be taken to the Admission Forum in March 2011, with the Admission policy and arrangements determined by 15 April 2011. Consultation feedback to be added in April 2011.


Who is responsible for delivery / implementation?
Performance Support Manager (manages school admissions) in consultation with the Wrexham Schools’ Admission Forum.
Who has overall responsibility for delivery / implementation? / Chief Learning & Achievement Officer in consultation with the Wrexham Schools’ Admission Forum.

1.3Evidence and Data

List here the evidence and data used to inform this revised assessment
Wrexham County Borough Council, as Local Authority, is responsible for determining the criteria and procedure for admissions, and for the admission of all pupils to community primary and secondary schools, special schools and voluntary controlled schools. The Local Authority, through the Wrexham Schools’ Admission Forum, will consult school governing bodies annually in relation to any changes in admission criteria. The Local Authority will also consult and co-operate with the governing bodies and the Diocesan Education Authorities of aided and foundation schools in relation to admissions.
The Local Authority publishes its Admission Policy and arrangements annually in its composite prospectus:‘The Parents’ and Carers’ Guide to Education Services in Wrexham’.
Letters of consultation should becirculated in January 2011, together with the proposed Admission Policy and Procedures for 2012/2013 and the proposed admissions timetable for 2012/2013. Feedback should be considered at the March 2011 Admission Forum andthe proposed Admissions Policy and Procedures, together with the proposed admissions timetable and the determined arrangements should benotified to consultees by letter after 15 April 2011.
The most recent population projection statisticssuggest that the child population in Wrexham has been continually increasing from 2007, with approximately 23,106 children and young people aged 0-14 years living in Wrexham in 2006and between 23,233 and 23,600 in Wrexham 2008. Based on 23,600 children and young people aged 0-14, this is a percentage increase of around 2% since 2006 and sees continued increases in child population in the next ten years, with a predicted 25,600 children aged 0-14 years in 2020; a 10.7% increase.
According to WAG (2010) in 2008 there were 41,473 children and young people aged 0-25 in Wrexham.
Total male: 21,430 Total female: 20,043
Total 0-3: 6,539 0-3 male: 3,353 0-3 female: 3186
Total 4-7: 5,762 4-7 male: 2,940 4-7 female: 2,822
Total 8-10: 4,624 8-10 male: 2,387 8-10 female: 2,237
Total 11-16: 9,830 11-16 male: 4,911 11-16 female: 4,719
Total 17-19: 5,000 17-19 male: 2,602 17-19 female: 2,398
Total 20-25: 9,918 20-25 male: 5,237 20-25 female: 4,681
Total children in maintained nursery schools: 139 (Jan 10): Total Boys 75 Total Girls 64
Total children in primary education: 11,695 (age 3-11) (Jan 10)
Total Boys 6,000 Total Girls 5,695 (Jan 10)
Total young people in secondary education: 6,744 (age 11-19) (Jan 10)
Total Boys 3,510 Total Girls 3,234 (Jan 10)
Looked After Children and Children and the Child Protection Register:
At 31stMarch 2010 there were 26 children aged 4 and under who were looked after by the local authority and 74 children aged 5 to 15 years who were looked after by the local authority. At 31stMarch 2010, there were 61 children aged 4 and under on the Child Protection Register and 58 children aged 5 to 15 years on the Child Protection Register. The figures for Looked after Children exclude those that have a dual status i.e. A Looked after Child and on the Child Protection Register. Therefore, in adherence to guidelines, these figures are included solely in the child protection figures.
At 31st March 2010, there were 0 Looked after Children aged 4 and under or 5-15 who were unaccompanied asylum seekers.
July 1st 2010:
Total Children in Need: 723
Total looked after children: 130(including 17 who are both LAC and CP)
Total on Child Protection Register: 133(not including those children both LAC and CP)

1.4Groups Potentially Affected:

Circle any groups targeted or potentially affected by the proposal:
General public (service users / residents) – unspecified / Workforce of WCBC - unspecified
Men / Women
Transgendered people / Lesbians, Gay men and Bisexual people
Working parents / Single parents
Carers / People affected by domestic abuse
People who have a physical disability / People who have a sensory impairment
People who have restricted mobility / People who have learning difficulties
People who have poor mental health / Migrant workers
Refugees / Asylum Seekers
Young people(11-16 years) / Children (3 – 10 yrs) / 20.
Older People / Gypsies and Travellers / 21.
People who are Christian / People who are not Christian
People who define themselves as White British (English, Scottish, Welsh, any other White background) / People who define themselves as Mixed Race (White and Black Caribbean, White and Black African, White and Asian, any other Mixed background)
People who define themselves as Asian, Asian British, Asian English/Scottish/Welsh, Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, any other Asian background) / People who define themselves as Black, Black British, Black English/Scottish/Welsh, (Caribbean, African, any other Black background)
People who define themselves as Chinese, Chinese British, Chinese English, Scottish/Welsh / People who define themselves as any other racial or ethnic group*
State here other groups:
The Admissions Policy and Procedures impact on the admission of all pupils to community primary, secondary and special schools and voluntary controlled schools. Therefore the policy potentially affects people from different backgrounds and within the different groups listed above. As parents are also involved in their child’s schooling, adults above could be affected by the policy.

RELEVANCE TO LEGAL DUTIES - Initial assessment of the relationship between this policy / function to the Legal Equality Duties for Race, Disability and Gender

Assessment against the Race Equality Duty: / Y / N? / Rationale / reason:
  • Could it contribute to eliminating or addressing race discrimination under the Race Relations Amendment Act 1976 as amended 2001?
/ Yes / The Local Authority is obliged to offer a school place to all children aged 3-16 who reside in the County Borough, according to parental preference, provided that there is a space available at their preferred school. Therefore the criteria under this Admission Policy and Procedures are based purely upon parental preference and admission numbers. The Policy and Procedures (including the criteria) are strictly applied to reassure all communities that they will be treated fairly and without prejudice or favour. Furthermore, in cases where preferences are not met, parents may discuss the matter with the Admissions Officer of the Children and Young People Service/Aided Sector and, in the event of no agreement being reached, to appeal to an independent appeals panel. Therefore a robust appeals process will ensure that any race equality issues can be investigated on a case by case basis.
  • Could it contribute to promoting race equality?
/ Yes
  • Could it contribute to promoting good relations between persons of different racial groups?
/ Yes
Additional Comments
  • The Admissions Policy and Procedures acknowledge the importance of maintaining provision to Welsh medium and voluntary aided and controlled schools, with the policy making provision for parents who wish their children to receive their education through the medium of Welsh (see page 25 of ‘The Parents’ and Carers’ Guide to Education Services in Wrexham’ for the Welsh Language Policy).
  • The Admission Policy and Procedures (including the criteria)are based upon parental preference and admission numbers and are strictly applied to reassure all communities that they will be treated fairly and without prejudice or favour.
  • An Independent Appeals Panel is in place for parents who may wish to appeal against the refusal of their preferences (see page 16 of ‘The Parents’ and Carers’ Guide to Education Services in Wrexham’ for the Welsh Language Policy).
  • Non-English speaking children receive additional English language support from the English as an Additional Language Service (EAL) to help them to integrate into school life.
  • The Admissions Policy and Procedures contribute to the Council’s Race Equality Scheme through access to Welsh medium education for those who want to study through the medium of Welsh.
  • Community safety is an issue and WCBC takes its duty to promote good community relations seriously. To that end the Authority has in place a racial incident reporting scheme, Race Equality Scheme and Community Cohesion Strategy. The Admissions Policy contributes to Community Cohesion by making the English as an Additional Language (EAL) Service available to support pupils whose first language is not English.
  • The Education (Admission Forums) (Wales) Regulations 2003 requires all Admission Authorities to consult at least twice annually on proposed arrangements. Its role is to consider existing admission arrangements within a forum area; to promote agreement on admission issues; to consider the admission literature produced by each admission authority; to monitor the admission of excluded children, children in public care (looked after children), children with special educational needs and children who arrive outside the normal admission round; and to consider any other admissions issues arising. Core members of the Forum comprise: representatives of the community and voluntary controlled schools, voluntary aided schools, foundation schools, parent governors, local community (Elected Members), and officers of the LA. In addition, representatives of neighbouring LAs, Early Years Partnerships and Special Education Needs are invited to attend. Therefore the consultations and forums have a broad representation to ensure that the arrangements are consulted on widely and feedback informs arrangements and that the admission of excluded children, looked after children, children with special educational needs and children who arrive outside the normal admission round are monitored.

Assessment against the Disability Equality Duty: / Y / N? / Rationale / reason:
  • Could it contribute to promoting equality of opportunity between disabled and other persons?
/ Yes / Wrexham Local Authority promotes inclusion of children with special or additional learning needs.Parents can express a preference for a school of their preference and if there is a space available and the school can accommodate and support the child’s needs then they will be admitted.
  • Could it contribute to eliminating discrimination that is unlawful under the DDA 1995?
/ Yes
  • Could it contribute to eliminating harassment of disabled persons that is related to their disability?
/ Yes
  • Could it help to promote positive attitudes towards disabled persons?
/ Yes
  • Could it encourage participation by disabled persons in local life?
/ Yes
  • Does it take account of disabled persons’ disabilities – even where that involves treating disabled persons more favourably than other persons?
/ Yes
Additional Comments
  • The Admission Policy and Procedures (including the criteria)are based upon parental preference and admission numbers and are strictly applied to reassure everyone that they will be treated fairly and without prejudice or favour.
  • A robust appeals process will ensure that any disability equality issues will be investigated on a case by case basis.
  • In addition to the Access Strategy, the Local Authority has an obligation to ensure that a pupil with a Statement of Special Educational Need is admitted to a school able to meet those needs. In considering parental preferences, criteria will be applied unless the LA has agreed with an individual governing body an alternative order of priority, as published in the school's prospectus. Where more parents have expressed a preference for a school in a particular year than there is room for, a selection criteria will be applied in a specific order, with the proposedsecondcriterion being that the Local Authority will give priority to children who have exceptional medical, or educational (additional learning needs) needs, which in the opinion of the Admission Authority justify admission to a particular school (see page 11 of ‘The Parents’ and Carers’ Guide to Education Services in Wrexham’).

Assessment against the Gender Equality Duty: / Y / N? / Rationale / reason:
  • Could it contribute to the elimination to unlawful discrimination (of men, women or transgender people) under the
  • Sex Discrimination Act 1976? Or
  • Equal Pay Act 1975?
/ Yes / The Local Authority believes that equality lies at the heart of quality education and that all individuals should have an equal right to develop and achieve their full potential through the education system. Education and lifelong learning should encourage mutual respect – equipping all with an awareness of diversity and its value to prepare them for a life in which all can contribute to society and feel a belonging within it.
  • Could it contribute to the elimination of harassment, including sexual harassment?
/ Yes
  • Could it help to promote equality of opportunity between men and women?
/ Yes
Additional Comments
  • The Local Authority works against all forms of discrimination endeavouring to ensure that lifelong learning can meet the needs of all. The Authority has in place Gender Equality Scheme and Community Cohesion Strategy.
  • The Admission Policy and Procedures (including the criteria)are based upon parental preference and admission numbers and are strictly applied to reassure everyone that they will be treated fairly and without prejudice or favour.
  • A robust appeals process will ensure that any gender equality issues will be investigated on a case by case basis.

GOOD PRACTICE - Initial assessment of the relationship between this policy / function to Sexual Orientation, Religion and Belief, Age and Transsexual equality.

Sexual Orientation: / Y / N? / Rationale
  • Could this be relevant to the Employment (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003?
/ No / Not an Employment Policy
Additional Comments
  • The Admission Policy and Procedures (including the criteria)are based upon parental preference and admission numbers and are strictly applied to reassure everyone that they will be treated fairly and without prejudice or favour.
  • A robust appeals process will ensure that any sexual orientation issues will be investigated on a case by case basis.

Age: / Y / N? / Rationale
  • Could it be relevant to the Employment (Age) Regulations 2006?
/ No / Not an Employment Policy
Additional Comments
  • The Admission Policy and Procedures (including the criteria)are based upon parental preference and admission numbers and are strictly applied to reassure everyone that they will be treated fairly and without prejudice or favour.
  • A robust appeals process will ensure that any ‘age’ issues will be investigated on a case by case basis.
  • The Policy focuses upon children and young people aged 3-16 , however we acknowledge the role of parents by stating the following:
In terms of the annual admission procedure, the following stages exist:
arrangements (admission pack) to enable parents to express preferences as to which school they would wish their child(ren) to attend;
if two parents cannot agree on a preference of school, they must seek independent legal advice, and if necessary, an appropriate court order, before submitting their single application form to the LA;
consideration of preferences by the LA/Admission Authority in accordance with the published admissions criteria and in compliance with preferences up to the admission number for each school;
in cases where preferences are not met, parents may discuss the matter with the Admissions Officer of the Children and Young People Service/Aided Sector and, in the event of no agreement being reached, to appeal to an independent appeals panel. The right to appeal does not apply at nursery stage;
parents who express a preference other than at the normal stages/phases of admission will be given the same opportunities as those outlined under Policy and Procedures for Admission to Schools (page 9); (see also late or early applications page 3). Normally, a change in school can only be effected at the beginning of a school term but changes arising from exceptional circumstances may be effected during the course of a school term.
Religion and Belief / Y / N? / Rationale:
  • Could it be relevant to the Employment (Religion and Belief) Regulations 2003?
/ No / Not an Employment Policy
Additional Comments
  • The Admission Policy and Procedures (including the criteria)are based upon parental preference and admission numbers and are strictly applied to reassure everyone that they will be treated fairly and without prejudice or favour.
  • A robust appeals process will ensure that any religion and belief issues will be investigated on a case by case basis.
  • However in terms of the religion and belief of parents and children, the Admissions Policy states the following: The Local Authority will ensure that parents wishing to have their children educated at a denominational (Church) school will have the opportunity to express their preferences for such a school. Admissions to voluntary aided schools are subject to the criteria established by the governing body of such schools. (Refer to page 7-8 of the ‘The Parents’ and Carers’ Guide to Education Services in Wrexham’). Admission policies can be viewed online at following the link to Education and Learning, School Admissions and Transfers, Admission Policy. Anyone interested in applying for places should approach the schools directly for further information before stating their preferences on the LA's admission application form.

Gender Reassignment / Transsexual / Y / N? / Rationale
  • Could this be relevant to the Employment Regulations protecting people on grounds of gender reassignment?
/ No / Not an Employment Policy
Additional Comments
Not applicable to this Policy
  • The Admission Policy and Procedures (including the criteria)are based upon parental preference and admission numbers and are strictly applied to reassure everyone that they will be treated fairly and without prejudice or favour.
  • A robust appeals process will ensure that any sexual orientation issues will be investigated on a case by case basis.