16JULY 2008
Ms Sarah Skelton(SS)Plane Training (Chair)
Mrs Lyn Spicer(LS)Flightline (Secretary)
Capt. Colin Adair(CA)First Choice
Ms Karen Bath(KB)CTC
Ms Heather Derbyshire(HD)Easyjet
Ms Helen Reynolds(HR)XL
Ms Marie Russell(MR)Eastern Airways
Mrs Sue Adair(SA)CAA
Ms Alison Fowler(AF)First Choice
Mr Rick Heybrook(RH)Loftwork
Mr Martin Evans(ME)Global Air Training
Mrs Jane Neal Smith(JS)London Met University
Mrs Janice Fisher(JF)CAA
Ms Paula Robinson(PR)ITS
Ms Jacqui Gough(JG)BA
Ms Elizabeth Albone(EA)Easyjet
Mr Dave Turner(DT)Monarch
- Apologies received as above.
- Minutes of Last Meeting
2.1SS welcomed all to the eighth meeting prior to reviewing the last minutes.
2.2Nomination for Secretary accepted by LS and approved by the Group with thanks to HR for taking on the role at the last meeting and producing the minutes.
2.3Access to the RAeS website had been achieved by most members but some problems still exist.SS confirmed that communication through e-mails within the group is effective and looks forward to this continuing.
2.4A decision has been made regarding membership that if a member is proactive within the Group they may be an individual member or an
airline representative – the criteria as set in the TOR must be met.
- Update of possible New Members
3.1SS advised the Group that she had contacted Emirates as per agreement from meeting on May 30thto ask if they may wish for a representative to join the Group. After the initial interest there has not been any feedback from them. SS will inquire again and if this is unsuccessful SS asked the group if they would consider William Tootall as a representative from
Quantas based at Heathrow (A380) as he has shown an interest. SS had spoken with DannyBarrowclough from Thomas Cook, who had previously also expressed an interest in joining the group. The Group have agreed that DB be invited to the Meeting in October.
3.2The Group would still like to pursue the possibility of a representative from Virgin Atlantic to join the Group and KB will contact Sheila Johnstone.
3.3SS suggested the Group should endeavour to have a representative from an Operator intending to operate the A380 in order to gain a good balance within the Group and be able to move forward with our objectives. In addition RH suggested that Cranfield may be able to assist us with work currently being carried out re the A380 and that we should look into this.
Action – SS to contact William Tootal, SS – Danny Barrowclough KB - Sheila Johnston/Virgin ME - Cranfield
- Current Membership Criteria
4.1SS reminded the Group of the criteria for membership as some members
have not been able to commit to at least two meetings per year. Where
discussions have taken place with prospective new members, they have been advised of the criteria. RH suggested a correspondence list for
prospective overseas members and that consideration could be given to
feedback through e mails etc. as their input would still be valuable. Some members showed concern as to how to designate duties in this situation.
4.2SS suggested that following the Conference the Group may be approached by others to become members.
Action – SS to contact members absent for two or more meetings.
- Attendance of Cabin Crew Member on other Standing Group Meetings
5.1Following a discussion with the Human Factors Group Committee through
SS, a request was made for the Cabin Crew Standing Group to liaise with them. Members were invited to volunteer to SS if available to attend the next HFGC joint meeting on 31 July. Further discussion followed and all agreed this was to be encouraged.
Action – Any interested member to inform SS of availability.
- Update on Human Factors Conference – 2008/09
6.1RH updated the Group on planned Human Factors Group Committee Conferences including all Standing Groups. Any further information re Conferences will be forwarded to LS.
24/25 September 08Conference – Flight Crew Training – Advanced Technology at Hamilton Place
8 November 08Human Factors Make a Difference/Cranfield
March 09 (proposed)In Design for Systems Safety
May 09Rail in Aviation HFG
Action – RH to forward details of HFG:Eng meeting / Cranfield to LS
- Review of 6 collected skills lists
7.1SS explained that the aim of discussion was to choose the lists to be used
at the Workshops for the Conference.
7.2RH asked as a crucial issue how it can be shown that a particular set of
skills and behaviours are suited to a particular context plus other points raised.
7.3All agreed that the underpinning knowledge and research has not been done surrounding the issueof cabin crew skills and behaviours and may be a project for the future.
7.4SS stated that the intention is the use skills and behavioural liststo be ableto continue the work from the classroom to on line. The Group was then encouraged to discuss the 6 models of Skills Lists that had been supplied to be used in the classroom and as a debrief tool. Issues regarding how to advise delegates on the use of the skills lists at Conference were then explored. All agreed on the following lists:-
1)Groups Concept List
2)G.B. Airways - previously used
3)Monarch – presently used
4)Air New Zealand – presently used
5)Operational Skills Blue Air – presently used
6)RH suggested that we explore the possibility of using a skills list from another industry that are currently in use
SS reminded the Group that permission must be granted as per the action
Action – HD to contact David Turner/Monarch, KB, Air New Zealand,
HD, Easyjet (previously used by GB Airways), ME, Blue Air, Romania
Action – RH to contact Life Boat Society / Jeremy Bultler, NHS, MR
Local Police Force.
8.Dates for Conference
8.1Confirmed as – preparation dayWed 28 January 09
ConferenceThurs 29 “ “
SA confirmed room availability at Aviation House and bookings made,
provisionally on 28th from 1400 (rooms 1 & 2) and on 29th all day
(diners room, rooms 1 & 2)
Action – SA to speak to JF re FODCOM
- Update and discussion of workshop sessions for Conference
9.1Review of details of the Agenda for the Conference from previous
meetings. The context of each item was explained in depth by SS (draft
version) up to Workshop tasks and a list was distributed to each member.
9.2Each task was then viewed on its merit through discussion for inclusion in
the Conference Workshop sessions, also how to group suitable delegates to meet the tasks. It was agreed that because of time constraints 2 tasks were selected with an option of a further task to be considered depending on how many CRMI Trainers/Managers are attending.
Action – CA to rewrite the introduction and layout of the workshop plan for presentation by AF.
SS – to detail the agreed tasks and distribute to Group
- Dates for 2009
15 Jan 2009
16 Apr 2009
16 July 2009
15 Oct 2009
Date for next meeting – Thursday 16 October 2008
Proposed run through for Conference Monday 15December 2008
Planned meeting Thursday 15 January 2009 – to be decided
Post Meeting Note:
SS has spoken with Capt R Calvert and it is agreed that the ‘rehearsal’ will be on 15th December and that Capt Calvert will attend.
HFCCSGMeeting 8 – 17 July 2008