North Seattle Community College
Chemistry163 General Chemistry
AS 1519 Monday & Wednesday12-2:50pm
HS 2634A Thursday12-1:50pm
Instructor Office hours
Dr. Heather Price
Office: IB 2422A Tues9:00-10:50 am
Email: Wed10:00-11:50 am
Course Website: Thurby appt
Grades can be found in Canvas
Tel: 206-934-7020
Course Description
Chemistry 163 is the third class in a three-quarter sequence introducing the basic concepts in chemistry. Lab included. Topics include acid-base equilibrium, ionic equilibria, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, nuclear chemistry, transition elements, coordination compounds, and selected topics. Prerequisites: CHEM& 161, CHEM&162, and MATH 098, with a 2.0 or better. English proficiency at the ENGL& 101 level highly recommended. Laboratory credit is included.
Required Materials
- Chemistry by Silberberg, 7th Ed (textbook or e-book)Chapters 18-24
- scientific calculator (non-programmable)
- safety goggles or safety glasses
- class notebook
- carbonless-copy lab notebook or composition book
(6 points each) Learn smart pre-lecture (1 point each) and Homework (5 points each) assignments are done online and match closely with the readings and problems in your textbook. Due dates are listed on the course website. You can miss up to 20% of your Learn smart and homework and still receive full points. Access and/or purchase here:
Research Presentation
(30 points) Partner poster presentations will be given at Making Learning Visible on June 2, 2016. Register your research group at:
(10 points each) Quizzes will be given almost weekly and may or may not be announced. It is very important that you pay attention to what is discussed in class and that you keep up with problems sets to do well on quizzes. In most cases the quiz will be taken in collaboration with a group of your classmates. Everyone must turn in their own quiz to get credit.Make-up quizzes are not given.
Four exams will be given this quarter. They are 100 points each. The comprehensive final (the 4th exam) is the ACSexam. Make-up exams are not given.
Lab Attendance:
Lab participation is compulsory. If you miss more than one lab, you cannot pass the class. There are no make-up labs.
Pre-Lab Questions and Preparation:(3 points each)Pre-labsare assigned for each experiment and are designed to help familiarize individuals with the concepts and calculations that are necessary to complete the experiment. A major part of your pre-lab is to prepare yourself and your notebook prior to coming to lab, by completing the Purpose and Procedure sections. The pre-lab is due at the beginning of lab the day that particular experiment is being done. Pre-labs must be completed before starting lab work.
Lab Notebook:You will be required to keep a lab notebook in which you record all of your data and observations in pen (no pencils). This must be a composition book or carbonless-copy laboratory notebook (both available in the bookstore). NO 3-ring binders or spiral blank paper notebooks.Spiral carbonless copy notebooks specifically made for labs are ok. To turn in your lab work, photocopy the pages from your lab notebook, or tear out the carbon-copy (usually blue, yellow, or pink) from your notebook.
Post-lab Assignments: (12 points each) For each experiment, you will be asked to complete a post-lab assignment that will be due at the start of lab one week following the completion of the experiment. Late reports lose 1point, and an additional 2 points for each day late.To turn in your postlab, photocopy the pages from your lab notebook, or tear out the carbon-copy (usually yellow or pink) from your notebook. Do not tear the original pages from your notebook! Only photocopies or carbonless-copy pages will be accepted.
Missed Work
- Late prelabs earn zero points.Prelabs must be completed before taking part in the laboratory experiment or exercise.
- Late postlabs will lose 1 point, and an additional two points for each day late.
- No makeup quizzes or exams are given for any reason. In the rare case of an unforeseen emergency, or serious illness, studentswho present a valid, documented excuse for a missed exammay be allowed to substitute the finalexam percentage for one missing exam. Please contact meat least one week prior to an exam if you anticipate anyconflicts with official college functions so that arrangements can be made in advance. Note:Field trips in another class are not cases of “genuine emergency”.
Tutoring Center
I encourage you to use the free North Seattle Chemistry Tutoring Center for additional help with chemistry. Check out their website for the chemistry tutor hours and location:
School Closures
In the event of school closure due to weather or other emergency, the course will continue in online format. During school closures, assignments will be due at our next classroom meeting and due dates, quizzes, links to lab handouts, and prelab assignments will be available online on our course website:
Grades will be assigned according to the following scale:
Grade Scale
95% = 4.0 = A Excellent
80% = 3.0 = B High
65% = 2.0 = C Average
50% = 1.0 = D Minimum
<50% = 0.0 = F Unsatisfactory
Take control of your own learning
It is very important that you attend class daily. We will delve deep into conceptual chemistry during class time including visualization of very abstract chemical phenomena that will not be available outside of class. We will also be engaging in small group discussions that will help to clearly identify your progress, specific questions and areas that need improvement.
You must participate in discussions and problem solving sessions actively. You cannot learn without doing!! The need to bounce ideas and concepts off your fellow classmates is essential to gaining a strong conceptual understanding of chemistry. In addition to discussion during class time, I suggest that you find one or two classmates that you are able to work with and form a study group. Within this study group focus on concepts, ask questions and even teach each other the material. Talk to each other and learn!
You will always have unanswered questions even after doing everything mentioned above. As you do problems and discuss with your classmates, keep an on-going question sheet” and then, seek help! I am available during my office hours and will do my best to meet with you by appointment. Please come and see me!
Accommodations for special needs
If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability; if you have emergency medical information to share with the instructor; or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please provide the instructor with a letter of accommodation from the Office of Disability Services: Disability Services is located in CC 2346A, phone: 206-934-3697.