SAFEGUARDING TRAINING – Requirements and Expectations
The current training programmes have been developed and adapted to best meet the needs of volunteers and clergy in the diocese. Clergy and others who have Bishop’s Licence (Readers, Lay Pioneers) and those in recognised ministry (RLMs) are now required to attend training every three years.
New clergy to the Diocese (including curates) - New Clergy and Lay Leaders Advanced training day, followed by the normal clergy pattern of training every three years
Trainee Readers – Advanced training (with Derby Diocese) during final year, followed by Standard training every three years
Trainee RLMs - New Clergy and Lay leaders Advanced training day, followed by Standard training every three years
Retired Clergy with PTO – Standard training every three years
Parish Incumbent Clergy, Associate Clergy, Curates – Training every three years, alternating between Standard and Advanced
Readers and RLMs – Standard training every three years
Parish Safeguarding Coordinators – Specific Training every three years
Any of those in these categories would be encouraged to attend additional Specific or Advanced training if the need arises (lack of understanding in practice, issues in the parish, the need to manage an offender, etc) and that would count as one of their training sessions required.
Some clergy have attended training during three past three years, so we need to make clear to them that they do not need to attend a further session until three years has passed. This will help in spreading the demand.
This pattern of training will mean that at the moment the current planned Standard sessions would provide enough capacity to meet the increased demand, and we don’t need to rush into providing more Advanced training until Martin is settled into the role.
An introduction to safeguarding children, young people and adults. The session is delivered as a briefing with limited interaction, and covers the legal and practical aspects of safeguarding in the context of the church’s ministry, and is suitable for those beginning their work and those who need a ‘top up’. This is the base-line requirement for all those who hold a Bishop’s Licence or are recognised RLMs, including all Clergy, those who hold PTO, and all Readers, as well as key volunteers from parishes. This takes place regularly at least monthly at venues around the diocese, and by request (subject to trainer availability). Maximum 50 per session.
This training is specifically for clergy an key lay leaders, covering issues including mental health, domestic abuse, the consequences of safeguarding failures in parishes, and learning from past cases. There will be opportunities to discuss current cases emerging in the diocese in order to learn from them and therefore ensure good practice. The style is based around discussion and interaction, and is most appropriate for those who oversee ministry in the parish. This takes place at least twice a year at venues around the diocese. Maximum 20 per session.
There are other specialised training events offered, usually by invitation. These include sessions that focus specifically on the needs of adults, training for Parish Safeguarding Coordinators, and events for clergy who are currently managing offenders in their parish.
Why do I need training? There are many examples from cases within and outside this diocese where those with leadership responsibilities in the church have failed to spot, respond to, or take the necessary action when faced with Safeguarding issues. This training provides the information required to ensure that all clergy and lay leaders know what to look out for, and what to do both for children and young people, and for vulnerable adults.
What training needs to be attended? All clergy, Readers and RLMs need to attend one of the above-mentioned courses at least every three years. Incumbents, Associate clergy and curates should alternate between Standard and Advanced training.
Who keeps a record? As clergy, Readers and RLMs are in professional roles and licensed or recognised by the Bishop, they are therefore expected to keep a record as part of their professional development and book themselves on to appropriate training when the time comes. It is not the responsibility of the diocese to remind them, but attendance is likely to be looked at during ministry reviews. Incumbents should ensure that Readers and RLMs have attended training every three years.
Why is it every three years? Legislation, requirements, guidelines and interpretations of good practice change frequently, and so regular re-training is necessary to ensure that all leaders are up-to-date with current law and practice.
When should I be trained? If you have attended training within the past year you should plan to attend a suitable session in 2 years’ time. It would make sense in the long-term to attend a session during the year after your DBS renewal.
Is that all that needs to be attended? There may be specific cases where a safeguarding issue is being managed in a parish or a church is managing an offender when specific additional training will be offered and should be taken up. This will count as a required training session.