River Valley Alliance Church - Journey Road Map
Steps to Wholeness - Walking in Victory
Today we begin our final study of this section, "A Call to Holy Living." Let's briefly review what we've learned.God wants us to live out our salvation by leading holy lives. While on the earth, we will experience the ongoingconflict of our old and new natures. We can have victory over the old nature as we choose to walk by the power ofthe Spirit, submitting our lives to the Lordship of Christ. A key to growing spiritually is to cultivate the habit ofwalking in the light - confessing our sins to ourselves, God and an other human being.
Today's lesson will equip us to handle temptations we inevitably will face over the course of our lives. Let's learnabout the final steps to wholeness - walking in victory!
Read Galatians 5:16
Once again, what is the key to overcoming the demands of the sinful nature in our lives?
Read 1 Corinthians 10:13
This is an awesome verse to memorize and think about in the midst of temptation. Let's look more closely at thisamazing truth.
First, what do you notice about the nature of temptations you will face in you life?
It should help you to know that any temptation is commonly experiences by others. You are not alone! Do not letSatan trick you into thinking that you're the only one with a particular problem. If you open up with others, youwill quickly see that all people are subject to a wide-variety of temptations!
Will God ever allow you to be tempted beyond what you can resist? _____ Yes ____ No
Will God always provide a way for you to escape the temptation?_____ Yes _____ No
As we seek to have Jesus live His life through us by faith, His Spirit empowers us to resist temptation. He alwayswill provide a way of escape, and we'll never be tempted beyond what we can resist in His power!
Read Hebrews 4:14-16
How is Jesus like you and me?______
In His humanity, He was tempted in every way you and I are! In fact, since He never sinned, He was tempted inthe fullest way possible!
How is Jesus unlike you and me? ______
Isn't it good to know that Jesus has never sinned?!
These verses teach us to confidently turn to the throne of grace, to receive grace and mercy to help in the time ofneed. Next time you face temptation, what is a wise course of action for you to take?
Read Colossians 3:1-17 (For further study, read Romans 8:12-16, Ephesians 4:11-5:8, and 2 Timothy 2:21,22)Notice in verses 1-4 the interplay between salvation past, present and future! Since we will live eternally with God,what does He want us to value the most? ______
It sure makes sense to value eternal things over worldly things, doesn't it?
Read verses 5-11 By now you will notice many familiar concepts. Did you notice the contrast between your old selfand your new self? Write down the fruit of the old nature:
Once again we see that we have a choice to make between our two natures. As we choose to live according to ournew nature, we "put to death" our old nature with every choice. The old nature no longer has power over us - we donot need to obey it's commands to sin. We only sin if we choose to. When we live according to the new nature, weshow that the power of sin is dead, and we show what it will be like to live in heaven eternally with God -- free toobey His every command!
Read verses 12-17 Here we find a rich summary of all the lessons we've learned up until today!In verse 12 how does Paul refer to Christians?______
We are chosen by God, holy and dearly loved!
Can you list the virtues that God wants you to "clothe" yourself with?
What an attractive wardrobe!
What is special about the virtue of love? ______
As we live according to the new nature we are, by faith, having Jesus live His life through us. The power of sin isbroken! We can choose to be filled with His Spirit and live a life pleasing to God. As we do, His fruit will beevident in us -- leading us to love others with the eternal love of Christ!
The final steps to wholeness are simply to cultivate a life long habit of walking in the Spirit.Always remember:
1. Your old nature is powerless to overcome character defects!
2. The life of Christ in you is the only way to overcome your character problems!
3. To walk in His Spirit, you must continually walk in total dependence and surrender to His Lordship.
4. Be quick to confess the exact nature of your sins to yourself, God and another person.
5. Sincerely ask God to change you in areas of character weakness.
6. If you've hurt anyone by past mistakes, go to them and seek forgiveness where appropriate and makerestitution whenever necessary.
7. Daily renew your mind and sincerely desire to know and do God's will.
8. Seek to have the love of Christ flow through you as you take opportunities to help others.