OFFICERS / DESCRIPTIONPresident / Chairs all General and Executive Board Meetings. Prepares agendas for the meetings, and sends out meeting notices/reminders. Is primary point-of-contact between M&D’s Club, the school, and other McAuley organizations. Represents M&D’s Club at school functions and in the community
Vice-President / Performs all duties of the President when the President is unavailable. Oversees the work of committees to ensure that they are properly organized. Oversees the administration of the M&D’s Club communication tools. (e.g. voicemail, website, email system, newsletter and school mailbox). Collects and organizes information from M&D’s Club officers and chairpersons on a monthly basis and submits the information to the school for publishing in the newsletter. Compiles and oversees list of M&D’s Club volunteers. Provides copy of volunteer email addresses to President. Coordinates volunteers and distributes to respective committee chairpersons. Performs other duties as assigned through the Executive Board. Plans and prepares for the Mom & Dad’s club gift to the McAuction.
Treasurer / Keeps and reports the accounting of all checks for disbursements as authorized by the McAuley M&D’s Club in accordance with the budget. Provides detailed report of the financial condition of the McAuley M&D’s Club monthly at general meetings. Provides a summary report, including beginning and ending balances, at each meeting. Provides guidelines for the handling of money and the reconciliation of income and expenses for officers and chairs. Provides expenditure and re-imbursement forms to Officers & Chairs. Reviews bank statements with President on a monthly basis.
Corresponding Secretary / Maintains physical binder for all record retention and information pertaining to McAuley M&D’s Club at a designated location in the school (closet). Back-up to the Vice President for communication tools (e.g. voicemail, website, e-mail system, newsletter and school mailbox). Sends condolences, thank-you cards, remembrances, get well wishes, etc. Provides pin-on name tags for Advisors, Officers, Chairpersons, and Parish Representatives. Performs other duties as assigned through the Executive Board.
Secretary / Records and has available for dissemination the minutes of all General and Executive meetings in a timely fashion. Provides copy of meeting minutes to Executive Board Members for approval. Keeps records of all meeting minutes and committee reports, and submits copies of all official records to the Corresponding Secretary for archival. Keeps records of the attendance for each meeting. Makes table name cards for meeting attendees. Performs other duties as assigned through the Executive Board.
Baccalaureate / Responsible for the Senior Class Baccalaureate Reception, which is held at the McAuley High School; at the end the school year. Responsible for ordering food and drink items for the event, set-up and clean-up after the event. Responsible for recruiting junior parent volunteers to serve families at the event, and collecting donations from junior parents. Responsible for coordination of all activities for the event.
McAuction Grand Raffle / Responsible for coordinating the mailing of the Grand Raffle letter/tickets for McAuction and communication with the McAuction committee. Assists the President in purchasing the M&D McAuction donation. Responsible for organizing the Grand Raffle table at McAuction and scheduling volunteers for the Grand Raffle at McAuction.
Entertainment / Coordinates volunteers, and orders refreshments for M&D’s Club events and activities. Chairs the Father-Daughter Dances. Works with the school Service Hours Coordinator to get student volunteers for events such as Open House, etc.
Membership / Responsible for M&D’s Club Membership, and Student Directory Solicits M&D’s Club membership via the principal’s newsletter, and at various school functions such as Freshman Picnic, Follow-Your-Daughter’s Schedule Night, etc. Compiles and maintains the database of member email addresses, and submits copy to President. Responsible for compiling and printing of Student Directories.
Mother-Daughter Breakfast / Responsible for coordinating the Senior and Mother-Daughter Breakfast, usually held in early May. Responsible for soliciting junior parent volunteers to provide breakfast casseroles and serve at the event. Responsible for ordering coffee and drinks, breakfast items, and tableware for the event. Coordinates all activities for the event.
Public Relations / The PR chairsolicits and organizes Parent Ambassadors to help with phone calls to new families for the school. They follow up with parents of students whom shadow as well as parents whom do not register their daughter for the next school year. They place senior yard signs as well as incoming freshman yard signs.
Student Raffle / Responsible for organizing volunteers for the Student Raffle in January and February. Oversees counting of Student Raffle ticket and funds on turn-in days at school.
Ways and Means / Responsible for overseeing all M&D’s Club Fundraising activities, including but not limited to: Mattress Sale, Surveys, Fundraising cards (LaRosa’s Buddy Cards, Kroger’s), and Spring Flower Sale (Moeller’s Greenhouse) (All of these are subject to change.) Is responsible for keeping adequate numbers of fundraising items on-hand, re-ordering items in a timely fashion to prevent outages, record-keeping of all sales and donations of fundraising items, reporting of sales and status of fundraising items at the M&D’s Club meetings, and organizing volunteers for fundraising events