Emerson “Self Reliance” SRQ practice exam section

  1. The primary purpose of the passage is to

A)Encourage others to live their own life.

B)Respond to others influence with hostility and distrust.

C)Truly be oneself, the person has to disconnect from society and be independent minded to live a fulfilled life.

D)Convince the readers that nature is the best influence.

  1. The tone in the passage is best described as





  1. Which of the following best describes the relationship between the first and second sentences of the passage?

A)The first sentence is trying to convince the audience to be true to oneself; the second is illustrating how they can do that.

B)The first sentence states an opinion; the second is a continuation of that opinion.

C)The first sentence presents the authors argument; the second provides a point to support the idea.

D)The first sentence criticizes education and its influential power; the second encourages exploration.

4)At which point in the passage does a major shift occur?

a)“Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string” (paragraph 2)

b)“Great men have always done so, and confided themselves childlike…” (paragraph 3)

c)“The nonchalance of boys who are sure of a dinner…” (paragraph 4)

d)“The power which resides in him is a new in nature…” (paragraph 1)

5)Which of the following devices is not used in the passage?



c)Parallel Structure and Anaphora

d)Rhetorical Question

6)What is the meaning of the first paragraph?

a)The only way to get anywhere in life is to imitate those around you.

b)Think and act for yourself

c)Work hard for what you want out of life

d)Be thankful for everything you receive and don’t take anything for granted

  1. The author employs which of the following in developing the arguments through the passage?
  2. Asyndeton
  3. Imagery
  4. Personification
  5. Simile
  1. I and IV
  2. II and III only
  3. I, II, and III only
  4. I, II, III, and IV
  1. In which of the following paragraphs does the author use alliteration?
  1. Paragraph 1
  2. Paragraph 2
  3. Paragraph 3
  4. Paragraph 4
  1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
  1. To inform the reader of the importance of being yourself, finding opportunity, and acting upon that.
  2. To critique circumstances regarding the ideas expressed in the rest of the passage.
  3. To broaden ideas in response to being alone.
  4. To contrast examples that reflect personal understanding.
  1. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(a)To encourage people to isolate themselves from the world so they are not influenced

(b) Call attention to the people who only follow what society says

(c)Inform each individual to avoid conformity and false consistency, and follow their own instincts and ideas.

(d)Inform each reader to follow conformity and false consistency, and avoid their own instincts and ideas

  1. Which of the following best describes the function of sentence “Society is a joint-stock company, in which the members agree, for the better security of his bread to each shareholder, to surrender the liberty and culture of the eater?”

(a)To compare society and its evils to a joint-stock company and its evils

(b)To emphasize that society is a joint-stock company

(c)To introduce the shareholders of a joint-stock company

(d)To explain how society and its members function as a joint-stock company

  1. The author’s relation to the reader is best described as that of

(a)An angry leader

(b)An informed commentator

(c)A close ally

(d)An acknowledged historian

  1. The point of the major shift between paragraphs 1-7 and then 8 to the end of the piece is to what?

a. Create a more personable relationship between the reader and the speaker.

b. Create a sense of confusion in the writing.

c. Go from a professional tone to a more relaxed tone.

d. Go from a personable tone to a vague tone.

14. Which paragraph(s) help the reader understand the purpose?

  1. Paragraph 9 (the last paragraph)
  2. Paragraph 5
  3. Paragraph 7
  4. Paragraph 2


b)I and III


d)II and IV

15. The author’s relation to the reader is best described as that of

a. Father to son.

b. Boss to employee.

c. Friend to friend.

d. Husband to SO.

  1. The italics above the first paragraph serve what purpose?

a)To be used later as a reference.

b)To be used to contradict the purpose of the passage.

c)To foreshadow what the author is trying to illustrate.

d)To be shown as evidence of why the author’s position is correct.

  1. The chief effect of the word “piquancy” is to….

a)Establish one component of youth.

b)Expand the idea of infancy conforming to no one.

c)Provide a childlike approach to the passage.

d)Tend a tone of mocking humor.

  1. The attitude that the author has toward imitation is one of….

a)Acceptance of imitation.

b)Interest for imitation.

c)Disdain of imitation.

d)Desire for imitation.

  1. The attitude of the author towards conformity is one of. . .





  1. The author’s relation to the reader is best described as that of. . .

(A)A sympathetic mentor

(B)A wise leader

(C)An opinionated soothsayer

(D)An independent nonconformist

  1. The purpose of Emerson using anaphora (lines 2-8) is to. . .

(A)Add to the effect of a sentence through repetition

(B)Challenge people to think deeper through the syntax

(C)Give examples that pertain to the “conviction” men arrive at in their education

(D)Give example using common phrasing that people would relate too.

  1. The tone in the passage is best described as
  2. Motivational
  3. Moralistic
  4. Dramatic
  5. Impressionistic
  6. In paragraph one the author’s main discussion is that..
  1. You determine your future
  2. People become more reliant on others than on one self, a man should depend on one self.
  3. One can be given things but can’t achieve ones goals unless worked for.
  4. Envying someone else and not following oneself is ignorant.
  1. The primary purpose of the passage is
  1. Envy can lead you to destruction of yourself
  2. One should not give into society
  3. Imitating others is suicide
  1. What is the tone in the passage and how does it create a relation with the author and the reader?

A: The tone is serious, it employs a feeling of concern between the author and the reader.

B: The tone is anxious, an anxious tone creates a shocked mentored relationship between the author and the reader.

C: The tone is impactful, this creates an important learning relationship between the readers and author.

D: The tone is educated, throughout the passage the author uses his prior experiences to create an impactful relationship between the parties.

  1. Which of the following does the author employs to create purpose?

A: Analogy

B: Commonplace

C: Sarcasm

D: Simile

  1. Which of the following words would be effective in changing the meaning of the sentence using the chief effect? (Lines 29-30).

A: Iron to rusty

B: thyself to Yourself

C: Vibrates to thrum

D: String to Rope

  1. In the second and third paragraph, a shift in tone occurs in the development of his argument. In which line does this shift occur?

a)“Hark! in the next room his voice is…” (lines 62-63)

b)“Accept the place the divine province…” (para. 2)

c)“What pretty oracles nature yields us…” (para. 3)

d)“And we are now men, and must accept…” (para. 2)

  1. Paragraph eight lines (149-151) implies that…

a)The opinions of others matter more than your own.

b)Peace is found within your own perception of life

c)Peace is found within yourself and others.

d)Conforming with the triumph of principles given to you by other people will bring you peace.

  1. The context of the lines 107-108 creates what kind of tone?





  1. The primary purpose of the first 8 lines is…

(A). to inform the reader of the main idea

(b). to address the stance on self-reliance

(c). there is a time in education when a man must think for himself

(d). that every man’s thought is his own

(E.)To highlight the reasons in Waldo onion

  1. How do the words “relieved” and “gay” influence the mood of the text?

a) To exaggerate the feelings of men

b)To radiate the mere feelings of pure accomplishments from man

c)To prove that men can show excitement through their own terms

d)To show how men are proud and boastful through accomplishments

e)That the hardest work can bring out even a man’s happiness

  1. What is the effect in using frequent alliteration in paragraph 3?
  1. To emphasize the idea of self-reliance
  2. To give a rhythmic structure
  3. For a specific style to enhance the overall mood of the text
  4. O allow the readers to easy see his few points
  5. To prove his opinion
  1. The author employs which literary device(s) in developing the arguments in the passage?
  1. Antithesis
  2. Anaphora
  3. Consonance
  4. Asyndeton

A) I, II, III, and IV

B) III and IV

C) I, II, and IV

D) II and III

  1. The primary purpose of the passage is to

A)Invoke a call of duty to the reader

B)Promote self-efficiency

C)Employ a sense of non-conformity

D)Nourish your kin

  1. The author’s relation to the reader is best described as that of

A)A sympathetic ally

B)An agitated citizen

C)An educated politician

D)An activist of the transcendentalist movement

37. The chief effect of the word “Whoso” in paragraph seven, line 1 is

a)To provide an allusion to Whoso, creator of nonconformity

b)toconnect to the audience through the usage of 1800’s dialect

c)To create an informal tone

d)The idea of self-reliance was created by a man named Whoso

38. The author employs which of the following rhetorical devices in developing the argument in the passage?

  1. Anaphora
  2. Historical Context
  3. Chiasmus
  4. Kairos

a)I and II

b)All of the above

c)I, III, IV

d)I, III

39. The primary purpose of the second paragraph is to

a)Portray pathos through a metaphor

b)Lighten the mood of the passage

c)Use ethical examples to connect to the audience

d)Make an allusion to God through the word “divine”