BSBITU306A Design and Produce business documents Assignment

Student Name:......

To achieve competency in this unit you need to attempt every section and receive a result of 60% in total

File Management Questions

Question 1 – Use the table at the end of this question to match the correct procedures with the following tasks:
(Note there are more procedures than tasks)

Task (1) Create a new folder (3 marks)

Task (2) -Move a file from one folder to another (3 marks)

Task (3) -Copy a file from one folder to another (3 marks)

Task (4)Delete a file (3 marks)

Task (5) Find out how much free space is on the Hard Drive (3 marks)

Procedure A –Right mouse button click on Start, left mouse button click on Explore, select the desired file, press Ctrl + C , then select the folder or place where you want to locate the file and press Ctrl + V

Procedure B - Right mouse button click on the file in Windows Explorer then select properties and ensure the Read Only Box is ticked – then press OK

Procedure C - Right mouse button click on Start, left mouse button click on Explore, select the desired file, press Ctrl + X , then select the folder or place where you want to locate the file and press Ctrl + V

Procedure D–Double Click on “My Computer” from the Desktop, Right Mouse button click on Removable Disk, left mouse button click on Properties, Select the General tab and the information you need is displayed on the screen.

Procedure E - Double Click on “My Computer” from the Desktop, Right Mouse button click on Local Disk, left mouse button click on Properties, Select the General tab and the information you need is displayed on the screen.

Procedure F–Select Start, Control Panel, System, General tab and the information you need is displayed on the screen.

Procedure G–Right mouse button click on Start, left mouse button click on Explore, select the desired file, Press the ‘Del’ key, then click on the “Yes” option.

Procedure H– Right mouse button click on Start, left mouse button click on Explore, select File from the menu options, then New, and the option you need for this procedure will be displayed in the drop down menu.

Question 5
Task / Procedure

Word Processing Assessment Practical Exercises

Complete the tasks listed below then match the procedure that will successfully complete the Task(5 Marks for each task)

Task 1 -(5 Marks) Make the font of the following quote Arial size 14.

“In just two days time tomorrow will be yesterday”

Task 2-(5 Marks) Right Justify the following quote:

“I used to be indecisive but now I am not so sure”

Task 3-(5 Marks) Make the following quote bold..

“I used to be vain but now I’m perfect”

Task 4 -(5 Marks) The next two paragraphs from Kite Surfers down to Task 5 are in block format – that is Justify Both – so that Left and right margins have a straight edge.

The block format is not appropriate in this instance so change it to Justify Left.

Off the beach clubs and members may be interested to know that kite surfing enthusiasts are being warned to observe safety rules or face on-the-spot fines.
Mr John Rowe of the NSW Maritime Authority said kite surfers needed to be aware they were operating a ‘vessel’ under marine legislation and needed to observe ‘distance off’ requirements.
Mr Rowe said NSW Maritime boating service officers who regularly patrolled NSW beaches and waterways had the power to enforce ‘distance off’ rules and write penalty notices or on-the-spot fines of up to $550 for kite surfers who may be causing nuisance, annoyance or danger.

A - Highlight the text , then select the following icon
B - Highlight the text, then select the following from the drop down list
C – Highlight the text , then select the following icon -
D - Highlight the text , then select the following icon -

Task 5 -(5 Marks)

Make sure you have the “always suggest corrections” options selected on your Spelling and Grammar Checker. (For Word 2007 follow the directions in Proofreading a Document in the Word Tutorial file , for Word 2000 select Tools, Options, Spelling and Grammar and tick the “always suggest corrections” box)

Check the following paragraphs (text in bold, italics) using the Spelling and Grammar tool. Each time a suggestion is offered accept it. Then answer the multiple choice question below

Today, I am incredibly upset by your attitude towards your mother and me. Untill you apologize and get a hair cut you will not be given access to the Hot Rod.

I know Moses and Elijah had long hair but they also walked everywhere they went.

You still haven’t explained the two hole in the exhaust pipe. I’m sure your girlfriends parents don’t appreciate there sleep being disturbed when you leave there place late on Saturdday night.

Task 5 Question The following suggestions were offered by the Spelling and Grammar checker

(a) until , holes , Saturday , girlfriend’s , their

(b) until , holes , Saturday , their sleep

(c) until , holes , Saturday

(d) until , holes , Saturday , their


Task 6 -(5 Marks)

Highlight the word “incredibly” in the above paragraph from Task 5 –use the Thesaurus and paste each of the similar meanings here :………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Task 7 -(5 Marks)

You want to insert a copyright note on the bottom of a page –where do you find the” © “ symbol – describe the options you would select to complete this task …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………

Task 8 -(5 Marks) Import any Clip Art graphic and paste it into this document here

Task 9 -(5 Marks) ) Holden have a 250 page document with many references to the Torana TT36 – the marketing people now want to call it the Torana XX36 .

Use the Find and Replace Option to replace every occurrence of “Torana TT36” in the following paragraphs and replace it with the “Torana XX36”.

and answer the multiple choice question below:

The Torana Legend Lives Again
Holden today revived a famous Australian nameplate when it took the covers off a sensational show car called Torana TT36.

Holden drew on General Motors' global resources to build the hot pink Torana TT36, which is powered by an experimental 280kW twin turbo 3.6 litre Alloytec V6 engine, sports a glass roof and showcases bold directional design themes.

Not for production, this mid-sized hatch concept demonstrates the strength and versatility of Holden's design talent to a worldwide audience and emphasises its ability to react swiftly to changing customer demand.

Torana TT36 highlights Holden's rear wheel drive powertrain engineering expertise and the practical benefits to be gained by sharing GM global suspension and chassis components and modular structural systems.

The new millennium hot hatch pays homage to Holden's Bathurst-winning icon car of the seventies, the Torana A9X. It is 25 years since the revered V8-powered Torana A9X last conquered MountPanorama and wrote itself into Australian automotive legend.

Question for Task 9 - Thebest way to use the Find/ Replace Option is

(a)Highlight the word you wish to replace then copy it by pressing Ctrl C then select edit, Find, Ctrl V, then select the Replace Tab, type the replacement text in the “Replace with” window then select replace all.

(b)Select edit, Find, then type the word you wish to replace, then select the Replace Tab, type the replacement text in the “Replace with” window then select replace all.

(c)Highlight the word you wish to replace then copy it by pressing Ctrl V then select edit, Find, Ctrl X, then select the Replace Tab, type the replacement text in the “Replace with” window then select replace all.

(d)Highlight the word you wish to replace then select Ctrl F then select then select the Replace Tab, type the replacement text in the “Replace with” window then select replace all.

(e)None of the above

ANSWER …………………………….

PowerPoint Assessment Practical Exercises –on completion of these exercises you should save your PowerPoint File and attach it to your e-mail to your teacher.

Note if for some reason the version of PowerPoint does not have any of the particular features mentioned below (e.g . the SmartArt graphic “Pyramid List”. or the design Template “Civic” ) – do not panic this is just a guide – use anything that you think is similar or appropriate

In this exam you are required to create a PowerPoint presentation Resume. There are 2 parts to the exam:

1)Entering text into the presentation

2) Formatting the presentation

Part 1 – Entering Text into the Presentation


( a )Create the following slides.

/ Slide 1
·This is the title slide of the presentation.
·For the title of the presentation enter your name. Format the title as Bold, Italics and font size 80.
·For the subtitle of the presentation enter “Resume”. Format the subtitle as font size 55.
/ Slide 2
·This slide will contain your personal details.
·Enter the text shown on the left.
·Enter your date of birth.
/ Slide 3
·This slide will contain your mission statement.
·Enter the title “Mission Statement” then enter your own Mission Statement. An example of one is shown on the left.
·Under your mission statement insert the ClipArt image shown on the right, and enlarge it to fill the blank space. (Hint: in ClipArt search for “arrow"
/ Slide 4
·This slide will show your Education history.
·Enter the title “Education”.
·Insert the SmartArt graphic “Pyramid List”. This chart can be found in the Pyramid section of the SmartArt graphics.
·Enter three education institutions you have attended. An example of this is shown on the left.
/ Slide 5
·This slide will show your Employment history.
·Enter the title “Employment History”.
·Create a table with 2 columns and 4 rows.
·Enter the table headings “Job” and “Time Period”.
·Enter three jobs you have had and the time periods in which you had them. An example of this is shown on the left.

Part 2 – Formatting the Presentation


( a )Add a footer to each slide which shows your name and the slide number.

( b )Apply the design template “Civic” to the presentation.

Excel Spreadsheet Assessment Practical Exercises –on completion of these exercises you should save your Excel File and attach it to your e-mail to your teacher.

Part 1 - Multiple ChoiceCircle the correct answer

1.“<Ctrl> + <C>” is the keyboard shortcut for:

( a )Copy

( b )Cut

( c )Paste

( d )Crop

2.“<Ctrl> + <X>” is the keyboard shortcut for:

( a ) Multiply

( b )Cut

( c )Cross out

( d )Paste

3.What is the cell reference of the highlighted cell?

( a )3,C

( b )3C

( c )C,3

( d )C3

4.To display formulas in an excel spreadsheet, enter the keyboard shortcut

( a )<Ctrl> + <*>

( b )<Ctrl> + <~>

( c )<Ctrl> + <#>

( d )<Ctrl> + <@>

5.In an Excel spreadsheet, the cell reference “$A$5” is”

( a )A relative cell reference

( b )A mixed cell reference

( c )An absolute cell reference

( d )A combination cell reference

6.To add up the values in the cells below, you would use the formula:

( a )=SUM:A1to D1

( b )=SUM(A1:D1)

( c )=SUM-A1:D1

( d )=SUM|A1+D1|

7.Clicking will:

( a )Move to the cell on the left

( b )Move to the worksheet on the left

( c )Redo the last action.

( d )Undo the last action.

8.Clicking will

( a )Save the spreadsheet

( b )Close the spreadsheet

( c )Exit Excel

( d )None of the above

9.Spreadsheets can be used to:

( a )Perform calculations

( b )Represent data graphically

( c )Organise and analyse data

( d )All of the above

10.This is a

( a )A column chart

( b ) A bar chart

( c )A pie chart

( d )A line chart

Part 2 – Excel Exercise

In this exercise, you are required calculate the payroll for Jake and Elwood Chartered Accountants.

The payroll is calculated as follows:

▪Employees are paid for all hours worked.

▪Normal hours worked are paid at the Base Rate of Pay.

▪O/T 1 hours are paid at 1.5 times the Base Rate of Pay

▪O/T 2 hours are paid at 2 times the Base Rate of Pay

▪Super is calculated at 9% of normal hours.

▪Taxation calculated at 35%.


( (a) Create the above spreadsheet model ensuring that:

1.The layout – size, style of text look provide a neat easy to read spreadsheet – similar to the example above

2.The figures in the Base Rate of Pay, Gross Earnings, Super, Taxation and Net Earnings columns are formatted as “Currency”

3.The figures in the Normal Hours, O/T 1 Hours, and O/T 2 Hours columns are formatted as “Numbers” with zero decimal places.

4.The range A14:I14 where the Totals will be calculated has a border that is a single line on top, and a double line on the bottom.

5.Make sure all cells are wide enough to fit the data.

( (b) Using the spreadsheet model, calculate:

1.Gross Earnings



4.Net Earnings

5.Totals using the Sum function. (Note: function is “=SUM”)

6.Averages using the Average function (Note: function is “=AVERAGE”)

7.Min using the Min function (Note: function is “=MIN”)

8.Max using the Max function (Note: function is “=MAX”).

To save you some typing just copy and paste the raw data in the blue font below

Superannuation / 9.00%
Taxation rate / 35.00%
Name / Normal
Hours / Base Rate
of Pay / Gross
Earnings / Super / Taxation / Net
Abrahams, P / 35 / $18.00
Coxsix, D / 35 / $25.00
Fallon, D / 35 / $25.00
Jones, M / 35 / $23.00
Lim, B / 35 / $30.00

( (c)Using the same spreadsheet:

1.Create a bar chart that shows the Gross Earnings of each employee. Note: The employee names should be on the vertical axis and the Gross earnings in dollars should be on the horizontal axis.

2.Add the vertical axis title “Names”

3.Add the horizontal axis title “Earnings”

( (d )Create a memo in Word which includes the information from the Excel spreadsheet.

1.In Word, create the following document.

TOJake Blues
General Manager
FROMStudent Name
DATEToday’s date
SUBJECTHours worked
Dear Jake
Please find below the information you requested.
<Insert Spreadsheet here>
<Insert Bar chart here>
Kind Regards
Student name

2.In Excel, copy the cell range A1:F15

3.In Word, paste the spreadsheet where instructed.

4.In Excel, copy the chart

5.In Word, paste the chart where instructed.

You are now ready to submit your assignment. By submitting your assignment by e-mail to your teacher you are acknowledging that this is your own work and there is no plagiarism.”

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December 2010