Stones and their metaphysical meanings

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quartz crystal types

One of the oldest stones used for curative purposes, quartz (or rock crystal) was used in first century rome as a cauterizing agent. In sixteenth century germany, it was known as the "vertigo stone" because it was thought to prevent dizziness. Powdered and mixed in dry wine, it was used to cure dysentery; in honey it helped mothers nurse their babies.

Abundance crystals

A clear quartz crystal with many tiny crystals growing at the base. This is a mothering, protective crystal, bestowing nurturance, love, abundance, fullness, sufficiency, creativity, well-being, success, good fortune, blessings and growth. Encourages our dreams and our wishes to thrive.

Artemis crystal also called candle crystal.

A long, thin, clear quartz crystal with a sharp, undamaged point. Promotes independence, freedom and love of nature. Protective of women, children, wild places and wild creatures. This crystal combines strength, action and directness with sensitivity and kindness. Helps us focus and speed our prayers, visualizations and thought-forms to their goal.

Artificially) faceted crystals

Clear quartz crystals that have been cut into rings, crystal balls, and pendants have the same attributes and energies as naturally-terminated crystals, with one exception. Without a natural termination, they do not focus and direct energy as well. They emanate a more diffuse energy.


Crystals covered or partially covered with smaller crystals. The larger crystal is the "old soul" and contains the wisdom and trust which attracts the smaller crystals. Used in meditation to provide insights to family and/or community problems. Also excellent for those employed in "service organizations" to help stimulate a group cohesiveness and willingness to work together.


A large crystal with a smaller crystal(s) which penetrates and is located partially in, and partially out of the larger crystal. It facilitates bridging between the inner and outer worlds, between the self and others, and the self and other worlds. It is beneficial when working with the aspects of spirituality, the advanced metaphysical areas, and attempting to share this knowledge with others.


Recognized by a large seven sided face located in the center front position of the terminated end of the crystal; a triangular face is located on the opposite (back) side of the crystal. It provides for a conscious connection to the higher wisdom which is available from the higher self and/or to the wisdom of experience and enlightenment which is available from the "other side". Channeling crystals can be used to bring forth light and love from the most truthful and knowledgeable portions of the self.

Some people feel that a clear quartz crystal wrapped in copper wire is best; some believe a crystal with seven-sided front facet and an opposite facet that is an equilateral triangle is good for channeling; others feel that all clear quartz crystals are excellent for channeling the higher forces.


Chlorite is one of the most favorable healing stones. Worn, carried or placed in ones environment, the properties of chlorite are overwhelmingly positive. It brings the energy to enhance cooperation and stimulates ones personal affinity with "all". It is a purifier and is quite useful for cleansing the aura, the chakras, and the energy meridians.

Clear quartz:

Is thought to amplify both body energy and thoughts. It can assist in the creation of power, clarity of thinking, meditation, cleansing, clearing the aura, spiritual development and healing. Clear quartz is considered the "stone of power". A dedicated healer. Pure white light passes through it easily, leaving all the colors of the spectrum unaltered and giving substance to the argument that clear quartz crystals can help balance all the elements needed to make us whole and fulfilled. Amplify whatever influences are present in an individual or location. Acts as a purifier and tunes into the frequency of each individual. Will unblock specific areas or organs blocked from transmitting or receiving the flow of energy throughout the body. Helpful in guiding our search for the meaning and importance of existence. Aids in meditation. Can be used in conjunction with any other stone or gem for specific physical problems. It will amplify the effects of individual stones and attune the treatment to the energy of an individual person.


Crystals which have grown together, free-standing or on a sandstone base. To foster protection, cooperation, purification, harmony, friendship and intimacy; to break up negative energy in the environment.

Crystal (clear quartz) it is also known as rock crystal or quartz crystal.

One of earth's most common minerals. Clear quartz crystals facilitate wisdom, clarity of thought, general healing, memory, meditation, communication, transformation, awakening, cleansing, pureness of heart, intention, higher consciousness, positive thoughts, harmony and love. This stone amplifies prayers, wishes and positive visualizations. Blue quartz crystals grant spiritual insight and enlightenment, peace and serenity. They also encourage emotional clarity and purity.

Crystal balls

Help us see the past and the future. Transport us to a place that is "between the worlds," a gate to other times, other realities. Promote divination, fortune telling, clairvoyance, spirit vision quests and the enhancement of psychic powers.

Crystal clusters (clear quartz)

Foster protection, cooperation, purification, participation, harmony, union, friendship and intimacy. They break up negative energy in the environment.

crystal: clear

. Many forms, colors. Probably the most versatile multi-purpose healing stone. Easy to cleanse, store information, energy in. Amplify energy & healing. Draws and sends energy. Opens brow & crown chakras for meditation. Stimulates natural crystals in body tissues & fluids to resonate at new healing frequency. In india - detected food poison by clarity change. Yin or androgynous. Chakras: all.


Crystals which have a curved shape or which the sides are curved. Produced during the developmental stages, this is a rare occurrence. They emanate a gentle yet powerful energy and can be used to cleanse the aura, promote flexibility in ones attitude, and provide strength in decisions, among other things.


Quartz is another variation that, much like moss agate, has pictures on its surface. These shapes often resemble plants or animals. Elestial crystals are crystals that generally have fewer side planes and blunt ends. These crystals are young and usually much smaller than most other quartz crystals.

Devic crystal

A clear quartz crystal with a great deal of fairy frost (the fractures and inclusions inside the crystal). Facilitates communication with the nature spirits- the devas and elfin folk who dwell on the earth concurrently with humans. Opens us to the beauty of nature.

Dolphin crystal

Near the base of a larger clear quartz crystal there may be a smaller crystal seeming to ride along with it. This is a dolphin crystal. It facilitates communication with dolphins and promotes unconditional love, wisdom, gentleness, playfulness, laughter and loyalty. Teaches us to protect and nurture all living things.

Double terminated

Crystal that is naturally faceted on both ends (terminals). To promote psychic ability and dream recall; to balance the body, mind and spirit.

Crystals that are naturally faceted at both ends. Promote psychic ability, dream recall and are balancing to body, mind and spirit. They allow easier access to the meditative states, the spirit world and to our own inner feelings and creativity.

Drusy (pronounced 'drew-zee')

Very small points which are described as "a myriad of very closely set tiny crystals".

The drusy clusters consist of tiny crystal points in their very formation, and are encrusted on either sandstone or quartz based matrixes. We like to think of drusy crystals for people who want to encourage ideas or thought forms ready to spring forth and grow.

Eight-faced quartz crystals

Eight-faced crystals provide conservation of energy, of resources. They stimulate the removal of obstacles in ones path and provide for further installation of energy in all endeavors. They are said to be of other-worldly origination and to bring the capacity for actualization on all levels. In addition, they are said to bring order to ones life, to impart an energy of manifestation and to produce a melding of the spiritual and the angelic realms.

A clear quartz crystal with eight facets enhances energy, success, prosperity, accomplishment, power and the wise use of that power.


The elestial crystal is recognized by natural terminations over the body and face of an etched and/or layered crystal. Used to assist one in overcoming emotional burdens, to bring the heart and intellect into synchronicity, and to help one look within and to find the love that has always been there.

: special form of clear/smoky quartz. Changes confusion/illusion to clarify, seeing truth, overview. Psychicness, openness to higher self / god . Spirituality. Stimulates crown chakra - pineal to rise above situations, emotions. Healing brain cells from drug/alcohol use. All-seeing stone brings infusion of light. Chakras: crown. Bridge stone to enhance energy flow between chakras.

Special form of clea / smokey qtz.

Changes confusion / illusions to clarity, seeing truth, overview. Psychicness, openness to higher self / god / spirituality. / pineal to rise above situations, emotions. May initially intesify lower thoughts (ego, denial, self-judging...) To release these blocks to open heart/mind.

Healing brain cells from drug / alcohol use.

Stimulates crown chakra


Empathic crystals are ones which are chipped or damaged in some way. They promote understanding, compassion, kindness and empathy. They open and heal the hearts of those who have closed them while also protecting the open-hearted from too much pain.

Extra-terrestrial crystal

A crystal with a single termination at one end and multiple terminations at the other end. It is believed this crystal will help channel space beings, celestial beings and guardian angels.

Faden (pronounced fah-den)

A crystal in which the inclusion of one or more white thread-like fibrous formations occurs. The faden is visible within the quartz structure because it is surrounded by either a fluid filled or gaseous chamber. The fiber is located usually at or in proximity to the center of the crystal, perpendicular to the termination of the crystal and may be linear and undeviating or curved/bent. Is is a crystal of connection, stimulating and furthering connective forces between the self and that which is chosen as the recipient. It is also a stone for astral travel.

Fairy frost

Clear crystal with fractures and inclusions within (sometimes called "devic"). To facilitate communication with the spirits in nature; to open our hearts to the beauty and magic of nature; to encourage us to care for mother earth.

Generator points also called merlin

Excellent quality crystal points with a centrally located point (the facets on the point or tip are equidistant from one another, desirable for generators or wand making). They foster wisdom, focus, magical power and the wisdom to use the crystal in a proper manner.

Golden healer

A quartz crystal which is partially or totally covered with a transparent golden-yellow mineral. This has been used to assist one in attaining and maintaining contact with the spiritual worlds and to incite healing on all levels. It is an excellent stone for use in all healing situations and promotes the recognition of methods and techniques which will further recovery from all disorders.


Imprints left on the surfaces or facets of a crystal, where they grew in close proximity to another crystal. The imprints show how something is affected by outside influences, thereby changing the shape or form of the original structure, but the original structure adapts to its environment to allow for growth and change, while still maintaining its basic inherent truth and beauty.

Included or inclusions

When one is attracted to and uses included quartz, the quartz inclusion will work with the person to provide the further nourishment and qualities required. Usually the chlorite and hematite included quartz provide the most powerful healing-type of included quartz.

Chlorite included: chlorite is one of the most favorable healing stones. Worn, carried, placed within ones environment, or used as an elixir, the properties of chlorite are overwhelmingly positive. It attacks anger, hostility, and exasperation, and dissipates the dissenting energy.

Manganese included: i am told that most of the inclusions in the crystal from the mines i gather crystal from are manganese inclusions. The color of manganese inclusions range from metallic grey to grey-black to black. It is a mineral of bonding, bringing others closer and activating the energies of cooperation in group efforts. It furthers a firm impenetrable resolve, such that that which one initiates, one completes.

Crystals: usually clear or smoky quartz crystals with various types of inclusions, such as: deposits of other minerals which create unique effects, phantoms, fractures that form rainbows & other shapes. These crystals offer a highly educational experience, for when one looks into them, letting their imagination go, they are looking into the depths of their very selves.

Inner child crystal

A clear quartz crystal which has another, smaller crystal partially embedded in it. Helps us go back to our childhood and heal the child within. Excellent companion during psychological therapy or counseling. Helps us treat the child within with love and sensitivity.

Isis face

A five sided facet to put you in touch with and help you strongly amplify your feminine energy. They put you in touch with the power of the goddess. This is a helpful crystal for both men and women.

Japan law twin

Has been used to stimulate the synthesis of the perfection of the subtle bodies to the state of the physical body. Also used to dissipate and to transmute deviations, working out problems on both the physical and subtle levels. Excellent for clearing the aura and for aligning the auric body with the physical structure. Stabilizes emotions, to dispel anger, and to encourage one to "expect a miracle" among other qualities.


Recognized by a three or six-sided indented shape located on the crystal. The indent becomes narrower as it goes within the crystal, and ends within the crystal, usually in an apex termination. It is used to unlock the "doors" to healing concepts and to those aspects of the self which tend to be illusive. It further helps to answer questions like - why can't i..?

Kundalini quartz

Kundalini quartz comes from the congo in africa. It is a quartz crystal with a smoky quartz phantom with hematite inclusions. Kundalini can be defined as the potential energy stored in the nerve center at the base of the spine. It is also said to be an individual's experience of the universal creative energy. These black phantom quartz are called kundalini quartz because of their ability to raise one's energy level from the base chakra (1st) through the crown chakra (7th) and above. The hematite grounds, the smoky quartz balances and moves primal energies in the body, and the quartz transmits and amplifies energy. Raising the kundalini will lead one to a more spiritual, less ego-centered life.