/ Barrow-upon-Soar
Parish Council
Awarded RCC Best Village 2005 & 2006
Mrs Lesley M Bell
Clerk to the Council
12 High Street
Leicestershire LE12 8PY
Tel 01509 416016


A meeting of the Full Parish Council will be held on Tuesday3rdJuly2007 at 7.15pm at the Parish Council Office 12 High Street.


  1. Declarations of Interest – Standard list to be created and approved following which additional Declarations only will need to be notified
  2. Confirmation of Minutes of a Meeting of the Full Council 5th June 2007
  3. Matters Arisingfrom Minutes as above – included at appropriate agenda item
  4. Mr Paul Lillie - Pillings Lock Marina–Presentation
  5. County Council Matters

 Dropped kerbs @ Babington Road

 Raised Footpath toward Quorn

 Footpath@ Bridge Street/Proctors Park Road

  1. The Slabs
  2. Public Participation – Consideration to undertake prior to commencement of meetings to accommodate Best Practise – Public Participation should not form part of the meeting (Good Councillors Guide/Code of Conduct)
  3. Police Report
  4. Clerks Report

Availability of Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting to Members of the Public in Attendance prior to next Annual Parish Meeting

Civic Awayday - Confirmation of Date

Nomination for Trustee to Townlands Charity

Instruction to Handyman/Assistant Clerk – to be undertaken only by the Clerk –Councillors concern should be made either in writing or verbally directly to the Clerk in order that appropriate instruction is issued

Confirmation of Date for Alcohol Control Zones meeting

Bike Rides Event – report and thanks

Cemetery Chapel opening report and thanks – Consideration to display Cemetery plans and ledgers @ future openings

  1. Confirmation of Minutes of a Meeting of the Playing Fields Committee held on 7th June 2007
  2. Matters Arising

Resident request for work to trees @ Mill Lane Recreation area – blocking light and signal @ residence/Quotations for work to trees @ King George

Confirmation of Acceptance of proposed solution offered by Monster Play relating to the Venus Roundabout

Multiplay unit excluded from order to accommodate grant funding application

  1. MillenniumPark

 Confirmation of date of sub-committee meeting

  1. Confirmation of Minutes of a Meeting of Cemetery & Other Grounds Committee held on 13th June 2007
  2. Matters Arising

New water stand/Post – In hand Handyman to complete

Removal of old seat – removed

Garden of Remembrance area – consideration for cultivation to be carried out by village group

  1. Consideration ofMemorial Applications

Additional Inscription to existing memorial In memory of the late Lewis Holders

  1. Confirmation of Minutes of a Planning Committee Meeting held on 2nd July2007
  2. Matters Arisingfrom Minutes as above
  3. Confirmation of Minutes of the Policy & Finance Committee meeting held on 26th June 2007
  4. Matters Arising from Minutes as above
  5. Consideration of Quotations received to date

Painting to Parish Council premises 12 High Street

  1. Consideration torenew subscriptions
  2. Chain of Office – update
  3. Best Village Application judging held on 21st June 2007 Cllrs. Slater, J Rodgers & the Clerk in attendance/Presentation to be held @ Beaumanor Hall 9th September 2007 commencing 3.00pm. Invitation open to all to attend from 11.00am take own pic-nic/Cream teas will be available
  4. Post Office Closure – support to Barrow upon Soar Post Office – Cllr. Childs
  5. Consideration to Formation of Group to Offer Support to the Elderly – Cllr. Childs
  6. Use of Roundhouse for local artist/craftsmen – Cllr. Childs
  7. Approval of Cheques/Direct Debit Payments
  8. Sileby Road

 Confirmation of Phase 2 meeting to be held on Thursday 4th July 2007 @ 10.00am @ the Parish Council Offices – County Council Officers have confirmed attendance

  1. Borough Council Matters
  2. CBC Area Forums in Charnwood Consultation – Parish Council response
  3. Report of a Meeting with Representative of PCT/Health Centre regarding Proposals for Utilisation of 106 Monies
  4. Issues Arising from the Parish Plan

Youth Action Group

Traffic Action Group

Business Forum

Heritage Group

Village Hall Action Group

Health Forum– Report of a Meeting with Representative of the PCT/Health Centre

  1. Disability Discrimination Act– update
  2. Correspondence for Discussion – see below
  3. Meeting Reports by Representatives
  4. Close of Meeting

Discussion Forum

1 / Cllr. Pepper - co-option of councillors concern regarding procedure undertaken – minutes of Annual Meeting 15th May 2007/Full Meeting 5th June 2007confirm procedure resolved by Full Council
2 / Vitalise – essential breaks for disabled people/carers – request for vital revenue funding support
