21 March 2011
- OPENING WORSHIP – Rev Peter Willox opened the meeting in worship and welcomed everyone to the meeting. There were 61 members in attendance
- APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Apologies were received from John Parkinson, Peggy Barnes, Caroline Watson and Keely Willox
- MINUTES OF APCM 2010 – The minutes of the APCM held on 22 March 2010 were approved as a true and accurate record of proceedings. Proposed – Jane Parkinson, Seconded – Richard Bly.
- MATTERS ARISING – There were no matters arising, but the question of whether the minutes could be loaded onto the church website for people to read before the meeting was raised, as this would result in fewer paper copies being required. It was decided that this would be possible and the meeting agreed that this was a positive step to take.
- CHURCHWARDENS’ REPORT- Presented by Tony Watson.In June 2009 the five yearly quinquennial inspection of St John’s was carried out. Overall the report was positive regarding the fabric of the church but it did identify a number of areas where remedial work was required. In 2010 work was satisfactorily completed to the church roof including gutter repairs, re-pointing of copings/hip cappings and re-fixing slipped slates costing over £4,000. There has also been a programme of regular maintenance of approximately £4,000 covering a wide range of minor issues to keep our buildings safe and sound. The property team led by Martin Smith continues to do a great job and many thanks for their hard work in particular in helping to resolve problems often at very short notice. During the year the churchwardens and Peter completed a terrier review and the Inventory is up to date.
In late 2010 we completed the project to replace our old church boiler with 2 new fuel efficient boilers. This was a major expense of just over £16,000 and thanks to everyone who has contributed to the boiler fund to assist in this. We are now considering stage 2 of the church heating project which would require additional radiators for the church and would require a faculty. It is worth noting that we spent in total over £24,000 maintaining our buildings in 2010.
In 2011 there will be a significant amount of re-pointing of the outside of the church as recommended in the quinquennial report. To keep costs down there will also be a need for a small team to sand down and refinish the external doors to the church, vestry and church hall as well as the parish hall windows. The quinquennial report also recommended ongoing patching and maintenance of the parish hall asphalt roof. However this roof has given an increasing number of leaks in the past few months so options are currently being examined on this.
Tony stated that in his first year as Churchwarden he was amazed by the huge number of people who quietly undertake tasks which are unseen by most but help to facilitate the vibrancy that underpins much of what we do here at St John’s. They are too many to mention but Jane and Tony would like to thank you all for your creativity, diligence and care. Our final thanks go to the Parochial Church Council, as a whole, for supporting Peter and Jane and Tony in developing and maintaining God’s work here at St John’s.
- PRIEST IN CHARGE’S REPORT – Presented by Rev Peter Willox. Peter started by saying that it had been good to start the last year knowing that his role was going to be made full time. It was noted that whilst the benefice was still suspended, the role itself will change due to the Diocesan Plan. It had been suggested that the role could be re-suspended for a short period of time, but it was noted that there had been insufficient time to conduct a review as yet and that the new Bishop was also due to arrive soon. Peter expressed his thanks to the members of the Ministry Development Teams for the areas that they were developing and the work they were doing for the Church. Thanks were also expressed to Jane Wearing and Tony Watson for undertaking the role of Warden, as well as all those members of the congregation who had been involved in any capacity. Thanks were also expressed to the PCC members and those involved with the various Music teams. The meeting was informed that our two licenced Readers continued to go from strength to strength. Peter informed the meeting that Jan’s training would be an ongoing process which would involve him. Members present at the meeting were encouraged to let Peter know if they felt that anyone was being left out, as it was noted that the needs of the 8am and 10am congregations were different and should be treated accordingly.
- PCC SECRETARY’S REPORT (Already circulated) – Presented by Lynne Farrer. A detailed account of PCC activities was given, and Lynne explained the meaning of Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) to the members present. The meeting was informed that Karen had updated the legislative policies that we were required to follow, and that a file containing these was available for consultation. Thanks were expressed to Karen for doing this. The meeting was informed that there was a need for considering child safety around the building as the side gate can be left open. Those present were also encouraged to keep an eye on the building itself and report any issues to the Wardens. The meeting was also informed that Judith Wigley had attended one of the PCC meetings to discuss the future of the Otley Deanery Youth and Children’s Network, and that funds from the Mission Support Group had been re-allocated as a result of this discussion. The Network will be able to survive in its current format for the next two years thanks to the contributions received, and it is hoped that there will be ongoing discussions with the Methodists regarding support and development of the Network following their re-alignment. Further information regarding the support provided for this project can be found on the Mission Support Group noticeboard.
The Churchwarden’s and PCC Secretary’s reports were approved at this stage. Proposed – Ruth Taylor, Seconded – John Sheen.|{ould be treated left out, as it was noted that the needs of the 8am and 10am congregations were different an
- TREASURER’S REPORT & PRESENTATION OF ACCOUNTS FOR 2010 – Presented by John Sheen. It was noted that this had been a group activity, with David Moore being responsible for the day to day accounts and Richard Archer for the Free Will Offering scheme. Anthony Elston had acted as Independent Examiner and Julia Jordan had been responsible for drawing the accounts together. It was noted that the income from Hall Hire for events was £12,123 and the overall total expended for Mission in 2010 was £15,591. Those present were informed that planned giving for the last year was £97,643 and that we had received an additional £1,251. The SHARE forms the main expenditure, and the meeting was informed that an additional £3,000 on top of the budgeted figure had been paid due to the fact that we had received additional income. It was noted that the SHARE had increased by 7.6% between 2009 and 2010.
Repairs to the Church had totalled £24,597 and the main area of expenditure was the boiler. It was noted that the PCC had allocated £5,000 from the 2009 and 2010 budgets for this project and that we were now almost up to £5,000 with the contributions received and gift aid generated from these. The remainder for the first phase of the project is £1,000. The question of whether this was for the whole project was raised, and those present were informed that the first phase concerned the replacement of the boiler itself. There is an additional second phase to the project which concerns enhancement of the radiator system and it was noted that the PCC would be discussing this further. The SHARE for 2011 was presented. The meeting was informed that the balance sheet showed how much the Church was worth as of 31 December 2010. It was noted that the final tax refund for the year had now been received. Our main liabilities concerned heating, lighting and sundries. The 2011 budget was presented along with a detailed breakdown of expenses. It was noted that the anticipated SHARE payment for the year was £71,000 of the SHARE request of £106,979. The continued non-payment of our SHARE is an issue which needs to be addressed.
The difference between Unrestricted and Restricted funds was explained. Unrestricted funds e.g. Free Will Offering are those which can be used for anything, whereas Restricted funds e.g. Mission giving, the Boiler fund can only be used for the projects the money is given for.
Thanks were expressed to Richard Archer and Richard Bly for all the work they undertake for the Church in Free Will Offering and tax reclaim.
The key priorities for 2011 were presented. It was noted that the tax rebate will reduce to 25% from the 6th April, and any Annual Free Will Offering payees were encouraged to get their payment in before this date so that the Church can make use of the current tax rate. The key areas are as follows:-
- Maintaining the growth of St John’s
- Maintaining the payments towards the Diocesan SHARE
- Maintaining and investing in our Church Property.
It was noted that we currently run at a loss, and that the implications of this need to be carefully considered by all of us. We need to re-think our attitudes if our Church is to function, and the Ministry Development Teams need to give careful consideration to the overall vision of St John’s. The Alpha courses which have been run in the past have had a profound effect on people’s faith, and it was felt that when people caught the vision of St John’s this would hopefully lead to an increase in their giving. Thanks were expressed to the Finance Team for the work they had done throughout the year. It was noted that as the Church was now registered with the Charities Commission, the Charity number should be on the front of the Annual Report and Accounts, and John agreed to add this.
The meeting approved the Treasurer’s report and accounts, as well as the 2011 budget. Proposed – Helen Martin, Seconded – Sue Smith.n second phase to the project which concerns replacement of the radiator system and it was noted that the PCC responsio Moore being responsible for the day to day accounts and Richard Archer for the Free Will O
- ELECTORAL ROLL OFFICER’S REPORT – Presented by Tony Watson on behalf of Dorothy Tait. There are currently 162 people on the electoral role – 53 Male and 109 Females. There are 117 members resident in the Parish, and 45 non-resident members. In the past year there have been 4 deaths, and 4 new applications have also been received. The meeting was informed that 1 late application had been received, and that this would be added to the list of members after the meeting. It was noted that Dorothy would be standing down from this role as from today. Anyone interested in taking on this role was advised to see Jane Wearing, Tony Watson or Peter Willox. Thanks were expressed to Dorothy for undertaking this role.
- MINISTRY DEVELOPMENT TEAM REPORTS – The meeting was informed that reports would be presented from each of the three Ministry Development Teams
a. Outreach and Community – Presented by Phil Chappell. The group has met four times, and has covered a range of issues, with particular emphasis being on how we communicate with the outside community. The scope of the group concerns both local and overseas mission. All those with an interest in local mission activities had been invited to attend the November meeting, and it was noted that there was a lot going on which members of St John’s were involved in. There is a huge commitment amongst those involved towards keeping these groups going. Local mission leaders have also been invited to the group meetings to inform us of the things that are going on in the Diocese. There has been a commitment for 2 years funding to the Deanery Youth and Children’s Network. It was noted that Fairtrade Fortnight was a way in which we could witness outside of the Church. Paul Bilton had attended the latest meeting to inform the group of the challenges which exist in his area, and to give us a flavour of the type of projects our SHARE goes towards supporting. The group intends to maintain its overseas mission links with the main Mission Support Group, and it was noted that several inspiring visits from our overseas Mission Partners had taken place in the previous year. Strong relationships were being built up as members of the Mission Support Group visited our Mission Partners. The group had decided to twin the local and overseas Mission Projects in the form of a monthly prayer calendar.
b. Discipleship and Spiritual Growth – Presented by Mary Hulett. Membership of this group includes Tony Watson, Roger Fry, Andy Rayment, Rob Malley, Joey Moore, Peter Hulett and Mary Hulett. The group has met on six occasions, and is concerned with the development and nurture of faith across all groups. The team had reviewed the existing small group provision and had begun the process of ensuring that more members of the congregation could access these.This was done by circulating a questionnaire to the congregation. Rob Malley took on the role of small group co-ordinator with the PCC’s approval and joined the team as a result of this. The result of the questionnaire is that there is now an additional group meeting on Tuesday mornings which has 9 members, and a group for men which meets fortnightly on a Wednesday evening and has 7 members.
As part of the development and nurture of faith across the Church, the group felt that it was important to make more use of the bible study notes which are available as this is the 400th year of the King James Bible. The group’s second area of concern relates to the work that we undertake with our children and young people in Church in terms of developing their understanding and faith, and enabling them to look at their place within the overall life of the community of St John’s. This is particularly relevant to those who are reaching the end of their CYFA years. The group also feels that it is important to recognise the needs of those who lead the various groups and that they should be provided with support and encouragement in this area of work.
The group’s third area of concern relates to the practical ways in which we welcome both visitors and newcomers to the Church. The group has made better use of the notice boards at both entrances to the Church, as well as using display boards in Church to provide more information about the Christian Life which exists at St John’s. The group is now focusing on the main notice board outside Church. The group is also mindful of the fact that we all have a responsibility towards welcoming newcomers, helping them get to know us and making them aware of the range of activities that we offer at St John’s which they may find interesting.
c. Vision and Vocation – Presented by Jane Wearing. This group is concerned with maintaining the Church Vision and developing this area. The group has met six times and has set out 5 areas of priority. The first concerns the development of Prayer Days, and a calendar of events has now been established. The second relates to the development of creative worship sessions, and it was noted that there is a great deal of talent amongst the congregation of St John’ s which is very under-resourced at present. The meeting was informed that a sub-team had now been set up to progress this idea further, and a series of dates will be in place soon. The third area relates to the establishing of geographical cluster groups which will act as both social and fellowship groups and will also provide support networks when required. This idea will be launched at the weekend away – the fourth area of focus, and the meeting was informed that this would be taking place at St John’s this year due to the current financial climate. The dates for the weekend away are 16-18 September. Finally there are also a series of meet and greet afternoons for newcomers planned.
- DEANERY SYNOD REPRESENTATIVE’S REPORT – Presented by Lynne Farrer. The Deanery Synod met four times in 2010, and a wide range of issues were discussed. The meeting was informed that the PCC received the minutes of the meetings, along with additional correspondence, and had the opportunity to respond to any issues which were raised. There are regular opportunities to engage with other members of the Deanery through discussion exercises. Issues that we have considered include:-
1)What forms of publicity and outreach work are undertaken by Churches in the various cluster groups?