Module Description Template



/ Leg Ulcer Management: Level 5
Code / NA2109
Level / 5
Credit rating / 20
KSF Skills / 1, 3, 4, 5, 6
Pre-requisites / Evidence of learning at level 5 or Study Skills. In addition students should be registered nurses working in an environment where patients with leg ulceration are cared for.
Type of module / Extensive over one semester.
Aims / To assist practitioners to gain evidence based knowledge and develop practical skills for the provision of quality patient focused care in the management of leg ulceration and associated conditions
Learning outcomes/objectives / On successful completion of the module the student will:
1.  Demonstrate knowledge of the underlying pathophysiology affecting the arterial and venous systems of the lower leg.
2.  Demonstrate an understanding of and practical skills in the use of hand-held Doppler as an aid to inform clinical findings and diagnosis.
3.  Develop evidence based treatment plans, in collaboration with patients, following holistic assessment that considers multi-pathology and psychosocial issues.
4.  Demonstrate understanding of the wider multi-disciplinary approach to the management of complex aetiologies.
5.  Compare and contrast types of compression therapy and their appropriateness in different situations, understand their therapeutic effects and demonstrate competence in the application of compression bandages and hosiery.
6.  Recognise and treat appropriately/refer any skin problems associated with leg ulcers.
7.  Identify the factors that influence concordance with treatment and suggest strategies for improving quality of life.
8.  Recognise the importance of continuing aftercare and the prevention of recurrence.
Content / History of leg ulcer management
Epidemiology, social, economic and quality of life issues
Anatomy and physiology of lower leg and aetiology of ulceration
Doppler theory and practical application
Compression bandaging theory and practical application
Surgical intervention
Dermatology relating to leg ulceration
Management of the diabetic foot
Health promotion and prevention of recurrence
Use of compression hosiery and practical application
Intrinsic and extrinsic factors influencing healing;
Microbiology and infection control issues;
Professional issues: to include accountability, legal and ethical issues.
Teaching and learning strategies / Keynote lectures, group learning activities, practical skills workshops, invited speakers, problem based learning, practice based learning activities
Module hours 200
Taught hours 60
Student directed learning 70
Clinical practice learning 70
Learning support / Indicative reading:
Davies, A., G.L. Moneta and E.A. Nelson. 2003. Fast Facts: Leg Ulcers. London: Health Press.
Dunford, C. and B. Gunnewicht. 2003. Fundamental Aspects of Tissue Viability. Salisbury: Quay Books.
Marston, W. and K. Vowden. 2003. Compression therapy: a guide to good practice. In: Understanding Compression Therapy. EWMA Position Document (
Moffatt, C. 2007. Compression Therapy in Practice. Aberdeen: Wound UK Publishing.
Moffatt, C. and P. Harper. 1997. Leg Ulcers. London : Churchill Livingstone.
Moffatt, C., R. Martin and R. Smithdale. 2007. Leg Ulcer Management. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
Morison, M., C. Moffatt an P. Franks. 2007. Leg Ulcers – A problem based learning approach. London: Mosby.
Negus, D. 2005. Leg Ulcers: Diagnosis and Management. London: Hodder Arnold.
Royal College of Nursing. 2006. The nursing management of patients with venous leg ulcers. Clinical practice guidelines. London: RCN.
White, R., ed. 2002. Trends in Wound Care. volume I. Salisbury: Quay Books.
White, R., ed. 2003. Trends in Wound Care. volume II.
Salisbury: Quay Books.
White, R., ed. 2004. Trends in Wound Care. volume III. Salisbury: Quay Books.
White, R., ed. 2006. Trends in Wound Care. volume IV. Salisbury: Quay Books.
Assessment tasks / Assessment of theory. Weighting 50%
Students will be asked to submit a 2,500 word assignment:
A patient care study which discusses the evidence base for the nursing treatment and management of leg ulceration (e.g. assessment, use of doppler, use of bandaging, aftercare) and associated health and social problems.
Assessment of practice Weighting 50%
The assessment of 3 skills will take place in a laboratory / classroom setting.
Students will be assessed on the three skills identified with the module outline. The nature of doppler testing would not allow patients to be brought into a classroom setting for repeated testing without causing discomfort. The students will use each other to test out their skills. Scenarios (patient histories) will be devised in order to stimulate appropriate dialogue during the assessment of skills. A pass must be achieved for all three skills.
1.  The use of Doppler ultrasound to assess ankle brachial pressure index.
2.  Application of compression bandaging, multi-layer, short stretch and long stretch.
3.  Use and measurement of compression hosiery.
A pass in both theory and practice will be required to pass the module. (minimum pass rate of 40%)
Brief description of module content and/or aims (maximum 80 words) / This module offers the student an opportunity to gain theoretical knowledge and practical experience in relation to the nursing management of leg ulceration
Area examination board to which module relates / Undergraduate Continuing Professional Education.
Module team/authors/coordinator / Terry Shipperley, Module Leader, Paula Oliver, Gillian Bennett, Liza Twitchen
Semester offered, where appropriate / Two
Site where delivered / Falmer, Brighton
Date of first approval
Date of last revision
Date of approval of this version / 26/11/2010
Version number / 1
Replacement for previous module / The Professional Development of Nursing in Leg Ulcer Management - N18 - NA285
Field for which module is acceptable and status in that field / Nursing & Midwifery
Course(s) for which module is acceptable and status in that course / BSc (Hons) Professional Practice optional/mandatory.
School home / SNM
External examiner / Maureen Benbow (expires September 2009)