Transportation is always one of the biggest challenges we face at the beginning of the year because of the number of students being transported to and from school each day. We have about 1500 students either riding the bus or being transported by a parent. It is imperative that ALL families follow the transportation guidelines. Our staff strives to make sure all students are safe and arriving and dismissing in a safe manner. If possible, students are encouraged to ride the bus to and from school. All of our buses are equipped with video cameras and many of our buses have a monitor on the bus. We have about 200 students being picked up by car on a daily basis, so delays are expected. If riding the bus is not possible, please review the important information below that MUST be followed when dropping off and/or picking up your child from school:
When dropping off and picking up students, you must follow the traffic pattern behind the school. Entering the wrong direction may potentially cause an accident. Cones are placed to block the area in the morning and afternoon.
Form a double line in the back of the building at the designated area. The double lane reduces the amount of traffic on Madison Pike 3035.
We have a designated merging area to help with traffic flow. Parents must merge at the appropriate area and must allow others to merge in the line. The merge begins at the end of the double lane before entering the loop and the merge should take place with one car at a time.
Students should only be entering and exiting on the right side of the vehicle. When students enter or exit the vehicles on the left side we are concerned there may be an accident. We want all of our students safe!
Vehicles must pull up to the sign that says “Student Pick up Drop off STOP Here” designated in the drop off/pick up loop. When cars do not pull forward, this causes an extreme disruption in the traffic flow. This also causes a delay in the process.
Parents must follow student drop off and pick up guidelines at all times. Parents should not be parking their cars and walking their children to the front door. Parents should remain in their vehicles at all times.
Please review your child’s pick-up number. Students not knowing their number is an on-going issue and slows down the process. We have adult assistance for the younger students. Students must know their number and be listening in the gym when the number is called. If your child’s number is called several times and he/she is not listening you may be asked to come inside and pick your child up from the main office at the end of dismissal.
The Kenton County School District is a smoke free campus. This includes smoking on SVA’s campus and inside vehicles.
Vehicles are not permitted to pass school buses when their stop signs are out. This includes when buses are parked and waiting in the SVA lot. Passing a bus when the stop sign is out is against the law and vehicles may be ticketed for the violation.
The school will ensure an adequate number of staff members are providing supervision during arrival and dismissal. If parents want to help with supervision, we welcome volunteers.
Safety is our number one priority at Summit View Academy and we truly appreciate your support. If all families follow the transportation guidelines we will be able to arrive and dismiss more efficiently.