A Pack of Wolves Level: 40

DRA Oral reading addendum (to be completed after oral reading and student prediction)

Student: ______Date: ______


T: Now it’s time to read and enjoy this story by yourself. When you are done, please come to me and I’ll ask you to tell me what happened in this story.


As the student retells, underline and record on the Story Overview the information included in the student’s retelling. Please note the student does not need to use the exact words.

T: Start at the beginning and tell me what happened in this story.

Story Overview:

The Gray Wolf

  1. There are five different types of wolves: Arctic wolf, Great Plains wolf, Rocky Mountain wolf, Mexican wolf, and Eastern timber wolf

Life in a Pack

  1. Gray wolves live in packs of about 6 to 15.
  2. They are known for their howl. Their howl warns others to stay away, to start a chase, or for fun.

How Wolves Hunt

  1. Wolves work together to hunt. One wolf goes for the throat while the others grab the rear legs
  2. Gray wolves hunt large animals like deer or elk.

Parenting: A Group Effort

  1. Female wolves give birth to 4 to 6 pups.
  2. After 6 months the pups are old enough to hunt their prey.
  3. Many pups die before they’re a year old from accidents, disease, or attacks from predators.

Protecting Wolves

  1. There are people today who are working to find ways to protect wolves and the places they live.

__ Tell me more.
__ Tell me what wolves do to take care of their young.
__ Tell me how wolves hunt.

Literal Comprehension:

Tell 3 facts about gray wolves:

  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______

Interpretation: Why do you think wolves are able to survive in the wild?





What do you think is the most important thing about gray wolves? ______



Tell why you think it is important: ______



Metacognitive awareness:

Name one strategy that you used to help you understand this text. (The teacher may show this list of strategies to the student)

___ I recalled what I know about the topic.
___ I asked myself questions as I read.
___ I made connections.
___ I thought about the reason why things happened.
___ I pictured what was happening.

Give at least 2 specific examples from this book that show how you used this comprehension strategy.



