GETTING STARTED ABC’s-Invite-Expose-Close!


Sign up CEO if you want to maximize your earning potential


Sign up $10 plus Product

1) Make LIST of all your Friends/Family/Acquaintances anyone that you know. BTW- Do Not pre-judge. People are looking for a change.(Use your computer contact list-cell phone list-Christmas card list-social groups you do or have belonged to-church –clubs-business ‘s you’ve done business with-social media etc.

2) Order your CD’s and cards

3) Follow the Simplicity of the System below


1) Invite-By handing out the Dr. Wallach “Dead Drs. Don’t Lie” CDs OR the Pharmacy cards! The CDs and the Cards are door openers to talk about our opportunity with either health/wealth or both.

(Order the CDs for only $1each for a total minimum order of $50 go to or 1 800 755 4656 Order DDDL with Tracks and personalized with your name-ID number-email-phone number and website (optional).

Pharmacy cards go to on that page is the link to order the cards. REMEMBER-the cards are a door opener-YOUR big money is building a big organization.

1000-$55.45 (only $105.45 for 5 times the amount)

5000 $105.45 10000-$200.45

2)Expose-local meeting-live presentation calls daily-recorded presentation calls--3 way (generally with your sponsor or other up-line)-video business presentation and coding bonus.

Live Presentation CALLS Mon-Thur-1pm 4pm 7pm 9:30pm EASTERN (11am-2pm-5pm mtn) LIVE (15 minutes)with VP Steve Schulz of YGY/FDI

Friday-1pm-4pm-7pm eastern (11-2-5 mtn time)

Sunday 9:30pmeastern (7:30 mtn)

1 212 990 8000 Pin 75555#

RECORDING 24/7 1 641 715 3900 PIN 561661


(Business Presentation 16 minutes)

(CODING BONUS-Explains how to earn the most money- approx.. 30 minutes)

(Additional video on coding-approx. 30minutes)

3)Close-Ask them to join your business

The one that does the most 3 waya wins!

This business is nothing more than getting to know people and fulfill what they are looking for. To help people find their dreams and accomplish their goals. Often its asking questions to help them get in touch with their Dreams!

It’s the A-B-C’s

A Find out where they are AT

B Find out where they want to BE

C Change-are they ready to make a change? You cannot get from where you are to where you truly want to be without change!

D Decision-Are you ready to make the decision to change, to go after the Dream?

E Everything else (forget the everything else-stick to the basics)

Find out the AT-BE-CHANGE-that’s every call-every meeting-every encounter!If time is limited get their name and number, then call them within 24 hours and start the simple steps: Where are they AT-Where do they want to BE-Are they ready for a Change!Its simple just follow your Secret to Success by following the Simple System!