Professional Practice Commission Meeting Minutes
April 7 & 8, 2014
Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Welcome and Spiritual Reflection
1.2.Present: Mary Holmen (Chairperson), Cindy Elkerton (Secretary), Kathy Edmison,Sandra Morrison, Anke Flohr, Lillian Curtis, Larry Beech, Marvin Shank,Francis Maza,Philip Weaver, Marion Magnusson, Nicolas El-Kada,Sue Cummings
1.3.Regrets: Helen Chan, a L’AIISSQ Representative
1.4.Meeting called to order by Mary H at 1:58pm.
1.5.Spiritual Reflection led by Lillian Curtis on day 1 and Francis Maza on day 2.
- Consultation with The Exchange Group, Monday 8:30-1:00
- Approval of Agenda and Agenda Process
3.1.MOTION: Francis Maza and Marion Magnusson: that the agenda, as distributed with alterations such as arise and the process for the meeting be approved. Carried.
- All members offered a few words of “check-in.”
- Approval of Minutes: October 45, 2013
5.1.MOTION: Lillian Curtis and Larry Beech: that the minutes from October in Pickering be adopted as corrected. Carried.
- Business Arising from the Aprilminutes
- Consultation with Exchange Group, conducted Monday 8:30-1:00
- Revenue neutral membership fees – Board to study issue and look at projection for implementation in context of looking at all fees. National Office will do the projections and look at the options and take it back to the Board in October 2014.
MOTION: Nicolas and Anke: that Mary urge the Board to change membership so Advanced students currently registered in a unit will get reduced student membership fees and any Associate not currently registered in a unit will be subject to a revenue neutral membership fee as compared to certified members. Carried.
- Approval of Reports as posted (Appendix 1-18)
7.1.MOTION: Larry and Francis: that all reports as read, circulated and posted be received for information. Carried.
- Highlights from reports
8.1.Atlantic - Those using the new peer review forms have identified some practical issues with the forms. The highlighting and fonts and spelling cannot be altered. Lillian will inform Jack Tattrie and hopefully he can fix this.
8.2.BC - Are there ways to do more of the peer review process as part of our annual membership renewal? A member would have to enter their continuing education to renew membership. This is done APC and other groups. Then once every five years that member would provide this data to the peer review team. This would ensure members get education ever year.
MOTION: Anke and Marvin: to collect continuing education data at the time of membership renewal as a requirement to membership renewal. Carried.
8.3.BC - Why don’t we require the Ethics module for all members? We require everyone to sign that they will adhere to the Code of Ethics so why not make them do the module? All members agree to this in principle and will work on this as part of the priorities from the Consultation with Exchange Group.
8.4.BC - What happened to the request for recognition such as that granted by APC for “Board Certified Chaplains.” Mary will follow up with the Board and report back to the PPC.
8.5.OCN - How can we be more transparent among health care centres/facilities when “issues” come up with candidates (this may need to be addressed by ESC, especially around CPE applicants). If something very serious happens with a student, and then tries to get into another unit, how can the next Teaching Supervisors know if the student does not disclose the information themselves? Teaching Supervisors can ask “have you ever applied to or registered with other units?” Mary will take this to the ESC and the Ethics Committee. Perhaps legal advice is required to protect privacy.
8.6.OCN - For both PPC and ESC: Can endorsement letters have a “shelf life” of 5 years? This will allow candidates who go forward to Teaching Supervisor certification to use the same endorsement again for all steps if completed within 5 years. PCC recommends this to ESC.
8.7.OSW - The issue of specialized designation within the inter-professional College raises a particular challenge for CASC members in Ontario. When a “Registered Psychotherapist” uses a tag to identify specialty of practice that person must demonstrate that the designation was earned and conferred by a recognized professional association using established standards. While certified members of CASC appropriately may use specialty designation, Associate members have a weak position with regard to this College standard. Because Associate membership in CASC is undifferentiated as to training, accountability, and scope of practice, Associate members are in a weak position to claim a specialty designation for “spiritual care” within the College. We need CASC standards that differentiate scopes of practice for Associate members in terms of training and accountability. Perhaps the Scope of Practice document being developed for CASC will meet this need. Marvin asks that we consider how the new Scopes of Practice document answers this need. This will be examined during the Scopes of Practice discussion.
8.8.ONE - PPC vision and planning, the work done this morning will impact ONE, we will see what outcomes there will be.
8.9.ONE - Possibility to develop a bilingual CASC website, this is a big concern in some areas of the country. Mary will bring this to the Board.
8.10.ONE - Ontario and BC experience and discussions about joining the college. There will be a national discussion this week that will look at these issues.
8.11.Alberta – One Page Summary of the Scope of Practice for Managers! The Scope of Practice document is too long and hard to understand for managers who are looking for a brief summary of our Scope of Practice and what certifies us as CASC Spiritual Care Providers / Chaplains. Alberta Health has a template that they use and our document does not work for them. An executive summary would be very helpful.
8.12.Peer Review Coordinator - The website pertaining to Peer Reviews is not complete. It is difficult to find who has been certified in the past as well as those who have never done a Peer Review. Jack has not been able to help to fix this problem. Since all messages to members about Peer Reviews are sent by email, could email addresses be added to each member who is certified or is this a privacy issue?
MOTION: Lillian and Anke: that the website be altered to include Peer Review date so that the Peer Review Coordinator can generate lists with accurate information. Carried.
8.13.Peer Review Coordinator - The unavailability of the Ethics Module to some regions is more and more causing members to put off receiving their certificate. This also changes the date when a new Peer Review is required. Mary will connect with the National Ethics Committee about this so the NEC will try to get the online ethics module up again.
8.14.Peer Review Coordinator - Deferrals are given when I receive directly from the member their email that states their reasoning for this. Regional PPCs are asked, please, that when someone asks for a deferral that they get in touch with the Peer Review Coordinator directly. Regional reps agree to this process.
8.15.Peer Review Coordinator–After the regional PPC Chair has done all they can to support members to complete their Peer Review, it is the Peer Review Coordinator’s responsibility to send a registered letter to every member who declines to do their Peer Review telling them about the implications of their decision according to the CASC Manual.
8.16.Pastoral Counsellor’s Coordinator - Pastoral counselling Specialists and Teaching Supervisors would like issues related to distance peer reviews and distance supervision to be addressed by the PPC. There is a provision in the Manual that Peer Reviews may be done by distance with various technology. Mary will connect with the ESC regarding distance supervision.
- Professional Practice Issues
- Peer Reviews (Lillian Curtis) (Appendix 16 and 17) – on February 20, 2014 there was a teleconference and the PPC ratified the list of members who have completed peer review in 2013.
- Standards Revision (Kathy Edmison) (Appendix 18) There were some small editorial changes made to Chapter 3. Some nomenclature changes were made. The Peer Review pilot process is a work in progress and feedback will help to made needed revisions.
Kathy informed the PPC about the results of the survey on titles and nomenclature. 25 out of 39 responded. Results can be found in the report
The Peer Review form was revised to include query about a student who may have been in an ethics investigation or appeal under the Code of Ethics or any investigation by the Board.
9.3.Awards of excellence in pastoral practice, research - on February 20, 2014 there was a teleconference and the awards were named. Mary notified the recipients.
There is concern about the research award is it always go to a PhD researcher. Perhaps the terms of reference can be reviewed. Professional practice has to be taken in to account. Perhaps more detailed criteria is needed. Perhaps having a more balanced Research Committee. Perhaps we can lift up members who not only do research but encourage others to do research. Can the award hold up the member that is doing research at a lower level, as a DMin or even Masters level? The PPC will set up a committee to review and revise the Research standards. Sandra, Lillian, Nicolas, and Kathy have volunteered to work on this.
This small group will work with the Research Committee on the issues identified.Standards Revision chair will also change the PPC reporting form to have research more strongly highlighted for review by the PPC.
9.4.Scope of Practice – Philip Weaver presented a three category draft of Scopes of Practice. There was a lively discussion and Philip was asked to make changes to bring the document in-line with CASC language and clean up the ambiguity in the document. He will have a revision available in one month for discussion by the PPC in a teleconference. Eventually the final document can be sent to the membership and an e-vote can take place.
9.5.CASC Ontario Council - Council members on PPC: Marvin Shank, Anke Flohr, Nicolas El-Kada, Kathy Edmison, and Cindy Elkerton
9.5.1.Marvin began to share with the PPC the work that the CASC Ontario Council has been involved in. There was no provincial group that could work on issues all together Ontario-wide so this Council was to meet this need. There is a lot of work going on with a smaller educational standards committee that is looking at collaborations with theological colleges, and standardizing curriculum across CPE units. PPC members from other provinces had many wonderings about the situation and the Council members present tried to give feedback. Some work on educational standards has been ongoing since last Commission meeting. There is a partnership with the OMC that the Council has been cultivating. There will be an Ontario member’s caucus Thursday morning of this week.
9.5.2.There was a lot of discussion about how the CRPO will impact CASC on a provincial and national level. Kathy shared that there was a document of aligning competencies of CASC and CRPO. Kathy forwarded this document to all PPC members. Mary will report to Board from PPC that work is continuing and that PPC and ESC are responsible to revising and managing the CASC Competencies.
9.6.Provincial colleges/government relations/profession development (formerly known as College Development Issues)
9.6.1.Atlantic – In Nova Scotia a scan of the provinces has just been completed of how Spiritual Care is happening in different areas. A committee will then review the data and see how it can be used as a working document. In New Brunswick, the conservative government has been involved with Spiritual Care. In Newfoundland, the government reviewed Spiritual Care and after the review, all were given salary increases.
9.6.2.Manitoba - The Mental Health and Spiritual Health Care Branch of Healthy Living, Senior and Consumer Affairs announced the hiring of a Provincial Spiritual Health Care Coordinator for Manitoba, Judith Burch, as of August 26, 2014.
9.6.3.Saskatchewan – Saskatchewan Organization of Health Associations are looking at the pay ranges of Spiritual Care and they have increased by 2 pay scales. Little else in the area of College or designation developments
9.6.4.Alberta – not much with government developments
9.6.5.British Columbia – Looking at removing themselves from the Task Group of Counsellor Regulations. The main message from the government is that they do not want to see a College. The BC Framework seems to be enough in the way of protecting the public.
9.7.PPC Budget/financial update–Mary presented the budget with actual monies spend and proposed expenditures for information.
- Meeting with PPC and ESC (Board and special guests from the Board)
- Ontario College update from Marvin. Marvin told the group about what’s happening with the CRPO
- He endorsement letter can be valid for five years, this was agreed by ESC and PPC.
- ESC would like PPC look at adding a requirement to the Peer Review process that members must be involved in one Specialist review or Advances consultation every five years. There would be exemption for those already serving on CASC committees, councils, commission, etc.
- ESC would like to add a requirement that Basic 1 applicants have Master level courses in theology and psychology. There was a lively discussion with many examples, both in support and opposition.
- Meeting with PPC, NEC, ESC, Board, National Office
- Contract Position – Executive Lead – CASC/ACSS. This person will be a visionary strategic leader. This person would provide leadership, operational planning and management, program planning and management, community relations/advocacy. Excellent salary, fulltime for 36 months, benefits included.
Second contract position - Marketing and Communications Lead - Excellent salary, fulltime for 36 months, benefits included.
Finances were shown and options of fulltime and part time were given. There was a lively discussion about both positions.
- New Business
- Living Human Documents Project – Margaret and Doug head this project. There is $300 in the budget which is a PPC line item. This group maintains a record of members who have died.
- New PPC member package – We will talk more about this when we get the report from the Consultation group.
- Election of Chairs for Research Committee
MOTION: Philip and Sue: that Tom O’Connor and Tracy Trothen continue as co-chairs of the Research Committee and one of them will attend the PPC meetings. Carried.
12.4.Election of Chair of Marketing, Promotion and Advocacy Committee –
MOTION: Larry and Nicolas: that Evelyn Schaller will act as Chair of the Marketing, Promotion and Advocacy Committee and she will attend the PPC meetings. Carried.
12.4.1.Terms of Reference for both committees–PPC recommends that each committee develop their own Terms of Reference to come back to PPC by October 2014 for PPC’s review.
12.5.Student membership open to College/University students in other disciplines? (OSW ESC) – a lively discussion ensued. PPC decided that these students can become Associate members in CASC and are not to be given student rate/designation.
- Parking Lot
- Professional Practice Commission Succession Planning
Alberta PPC Rep – currently vacant
L’AIISSQ PPC Rep – currently vacant
Susan Cummings, year 2 of 1st term as Atlantic PPC Chair
Nicolas El-Kada, year 1 of 1st term as Ontario Northeast PPC Chair
Anke Flohr, year 2 of 1st term as Ontario Central and Northwest PPC Chair
Marvin Shank, year 2 of 2nd term as Southwest Ontario PPC Chair
Marion Magnusson, year 2 of 1st term as Manitoba PPC Chair
Francis Maza, year 2 of 2nd term as Saskatchewan PPC Chair
Philip Weaver, year 1of 2ndterm as British Columbia PPC Chair
Lillian Curtis, year 2 of 1st term as Peer Review Coordinator
Kathy Edmison, year 2 of 1st term as Standard Revision Chair
Larry Beech, year 2 of 1st term as Pastoral Counsellor’s Chair
Cindy Elkerton, year 2 of 1st term as PPC Secretary
Sandra Morrison, year 1 of 2 as PPC Vice-Chair
Mary Holmen, year 3 of term as PPC Chair
- Adjourn and Goodbye
- Appreciation was expressed from Mary Holmen to all present. Appreciation was expressed to Mary Holmen from the group.
- Dates for the Pickering PPC meeting are Friday, October 3 and Saturday, October 4, 2014
- Dates for the Hamilton PPC meeting are Monday, April 6 and Tuesday, April 7, 2015
- Meeting adjournment
MOTION: Sandra and Sue: that Mary Holmenadjourn the PPC meeting at 1547 hours. Carried.
Index of Appendices
BC Region – Philip Weaver / Appendix 1Alberta Region – Helen Chan / Appendix 2
Alberta AHS Role Clarity / Appendix 3
Alberta Memo CPE / Appendix 4
Saskatchewan Region – Francis Maza / Appendix 5
Manitoba Region – Marion Magnusson / Appendix 6
Ontario South West Region – Marvin Shank / Appendix 7
Ontario North East Region – Nicolas El-Kada / Appendix 8
ONE College Registration Support / Appendix 9
Ont Central & Northwest Region – Anke Flohr / Appendix 10
Atlantic Region – Susan Cummings / Appendix 11
Pastoral Counsellor’s Report – Larry Beech / Appendix 12
Journal of PCP Report – Peter Barnes / Appendix 13
CHPCA Report – Peter Barnes / Appendix 14
PPC Chair’s Report – Mary Holmen / Appendix 15
Peer Review Coordinator Report – Lillian Curtis / Appendix 16
Peer Review Coordinator Motion – Lillian Curtis / Appendix 17
Standards Revision Report - Katherine Edmison / Appendix 18