The Fostering Services Regulations 2011 and the National Minimum Fostering Standards 2011 state that foster carers need to be reviewed at least annually to ensure that the placement offered is still meeting the expected standards of care for each child. As part of this review you are required to complete this form to ensure that appropriate and quality feedback regarding each placement is received.

Please complete the form below and email to; PLEASE NOTE THESE COMMENTS WILL BE SHARED WITH THE FOSTER CARER.

We also need to obtain feedback from the children in placement and also their birth family’s views on the placement. Can you please ensure their forms are completed and returned to the same email above or post to; Fostering Reviewing Team, Integrated Safeguarding Unit, 2 Great George Street, Leeds, LS2 8QB NB You may need to consider whether it is appropriate to send the form to the birth parents. (E.g. In a long term placement where the birth parent has played no part in the child’s life, the form maybe irrelevant.)

Name of child in placement / DOB / Date child was placed / Date child left / Reason placement ended
Name of Social Worker
Review Date
Foster Carer’s Name:
Supervising Social Worker

Please comment on the service offered by the foster carer under the following headings:

Be Healthy(Children are cared for in a safe, healthy and nurturing environment. H and S checklist adhered to, appropriate records are kept, children have a healthy diet and exercise, issues of drugs, alcohol and sexual health are discussed, contact with birth parents and siblings are promoted, life story work is kept, the foster carer acts as an advocate for the child, understands child development, ensures that children take part in leisure activities)
Stay Safe(Children are protected from all forms of abuse, maintains suitable accommodation, for the number age and needs of children, provides a safe and stimulating environment for individual children, attends child’s reviews, has a commitment to further training)
Enjoy and Achieve(Values diversity and promotes equality, shows ability to communicate with children, support learning and development under PEP, plays an active role in school – carer partnership, encourage child’s self-esteem, support children when moving to either independence or another placement)
Make a positive contribution(Sets appropriate boundaries, helps children with separation and loss issues, maintains confidentiality, adheres and promotes care plan, assesses and acts on this to meet children’s needs, ensures professional development)
Achieve Economic wellbeing(attends child’s review meetings, teaches the value of material goods, helps the child to develop skills, knowledge and competence necessary for successful adult living)
Summarise the main strengths of the carer:
Do you have any worries and concerns about the carer? Have you discussed them with the carer/Supervising Social Worker or team manager?




Please return to fostering officer within 10 days of receipt.