Version: / 1
Author: / Prepared by Eithne Ni Dhomhnaill, Nursing Matters & Associates.
Issue Date: / August 2014
Review date: / August 2017.
Authorised by:
1.0Policy Statement:
The training and development needs of staff will be determined and supported in accordance with the role and purpose of the centre; strategic objectives of the centre; the role and job description of the post holder and the outcomes of performance reviews.
To ensure that staff are competent to deliver care that is based on best practice and a person centred approach to care delivery.
All staff in the centre.
4.1To outline the principles underpinning the training and development of staff in the centre.
4.2To ensure that residents are cared for by staff who have the necessary knowledge and competencies for best practice care delivery.
5.1Training needs analysis refers to the process of identifying the training needs of staff (NHS, 2006).
5.2Training and development needs refers to the identified needs of staff based on training needs analysis for training and development as determined by the staff members role in the centre; the role and purpose of the centre; the centre’s overall strategic objectives and the individual staff member’s performance appraisal.
5.3The centre’s ‘strategic objectives’ refers to the specific objectives of the centre as determined by:
5.3.1The role and purpose of the centre.
5.3.2The need to meet legislative requirements governing the activities of the centre such as health legislation, employment legislation, health and safety legislation and so on.
5.3.3The need to meet national policy and standards governing the activities of the centre such as the ‘HIQA Standards for Residential Care of Older People, (2009); SARI (2001) guidelines and Commission for Patient Safety ‘Building a Culture of Patient Safety’ (2008) and so on.
5.3.4Implementation of the centre’s policies and procedures.
5.3.5The need to provide a person centred approach to care for residents that is based on best evidence.
5.3.6The need for continuous quality improvement in the centre.
5.4Performance Appraisal: In this policy performance appraisal refers to both team performance appraisal and individual performance appraisal that is conducted at specified times and against agreed goals and action plans.
/Responsible Person.
This policy will be disseminated to and read by all personnel in the centre.
/Human Resources Manager /Director of Nursing or delegated to another named nurse.
A record will be kept of all those who have signed the policy acknowledgement forms.
/Human Resources Manager /Director of Nursing or delegated to another named nurse.
Where a new version of this policy is produced, the previous version will be removed and filed away.
/Human Resources Manager /Director of Nursing or delegated to another named nurse.
An explanation of this policy will be given on induction to all nursing and care staff and any other health care professional involved in providing direct care to residents. /Human Resources Manager /Director of Nursing or delegated to another named nurse.
Training needs analysis will be conducted on an annual basis and updated more frequently where changes to policy or practice affecting the centre occur. The training needs analysis will include requirements for orientation and induction of new employees. /Human Resources Manager and /or Director of Nursing or delegated to another named nurse.
A training and development plan will be developed on an annual basis and updated as determined by changes in training needs analysis. The training plan will be disseminated to all staff in the centre.
/Human Resources Manager and /or Director of Nursing or delegated to another named nurse.
All staff will receive an orientation and induction training programme on commencement of employment. /Human Resources Manager and /or Director of Nursing or delegated to another named nurse.
Each staff member will have an annual performance appraisal to include training and development needs conducted by Human Resources with their line manager / director of nursing. /Human Resources Manager and /or Director of Nursing and line managers.
Staff will fully prepare for and participate in the performance reviewprocess and to highlight any training needs they think they may have in order to fulfil their current job roles, do their jobs better or enhance the service. /
All staff
Staff who attend a training event, which is impacts/has the potential to impact on service delivery, are expected to share the knowledge obtained and if necessary to help the facilitation of changes in practice and the monitoring of the impact of those changes. /All staff.
Nursing staff have a professional responsibility to maintain their competence in accordance with professional codes and guidelines; legislative requirements and policy and evidence affecting their practice. /All registered nurses
All staff has a responsibility to identify and communicate to their line manager / Director of Nursing any deficits in knowledge, skills or competencies that may affect their performance in fulfilling their role and functions in the centre.
/All staff.
This policy will be reviewed two yearly or more frequently as changes to practice dictate.
/Director of Nursing or delegated to another named nurse.
7.0Training and Development System.
7.1A training needs analysis will be conducted on an annual basis.
7.2The training needs analysis will be comprised of both formal and formal methods, including:
Informal observation of performance.
Consultation with staff through staff surveys / meetings.
Review of organizational goals / objectives.
Feedback from residents on care.
Complaints analysis.
Incident, near miss and adverse events monitoring and analysis.
Review of national policy and / or legislation requirements.
Annual performance reviews.
Quality improvement activities including audit.
Annual review of the centre against standards and regulations.
7.3An annual training plan will be prepared by (specify) and updated as required by changes to policy and / or practice.
7.4The training plan will include the orientation / induction programme for all grades of staff employed in the centre.
7.5Staff will be required to attend training as determined by the training plan and agreed in the individual performance review.
7.6All training provided by or on behalf of the centre will be evaluated by staff and management in the centre.
7.7The centre will access appropriate learning materials and utilise skills and experience of staff by creating an effective training resource in response to identified learning needs.
7.8Staff will be provided with mentoring and coaching by more senior staff or line management in accordance with identified training and development needs.
7.9The centre also make use of any training resources which are made available to through statutory bodies and agencies and will select appropriate courses from their programmes to suit the needs of staff.
7.10The centre will provide training workshops to address the need for mandatory training in accordance with statutory and legislative requirements including:
Health and safety(HIQA Standard 26.3).
Cardio pulmonary resuscitation (in accordance with roles).
Fire safety(HIQA Standard 26.3).
Manual handling/Patient Moving and Handling (HIQA Standard 26.3).
Recognising and Responding to Elder Abuse(HIQA Standard 21.4).
Infection Control (updates annually – HIQA Standard 26.23).
First Aid (HIQA Standard 26.3).
Behaviours that are Challenging (in accordance with role - Regulation 7(1) and HIQA Standard 21.4).
Falls Management (in accordance with role - HIQA Standard 26.3).
Medication Management updates (annually for registered nurses only – HIQA Standard 15.1).
End of Life (in accordance with role- HIQA Standard 16.4)
Food Safety training (in accordance with role - HIQA Standard 19.12 and Standard 26.28).
Maintenance of equipment and machinery (in accordance with equipment /machinery used in the course of their work - HIQA Standard 26.3).o
Policy and Procedures Implementation (in accordance with role - HIQA Standard 29.4).
7.11Performance Review.
7.11.1All staff will have an annual performance review undertaken by the human resources manager and / or his/her line manager/director of nursing as appropriate.
7.11.2The aim of the performance review will be to measure the performance of staff against agreed targets and goals for key performance areas and identify any learning and development needs for future performance.
7.11.3Targets, goals and action planning for performance will be commensurate with the role and functions of the staff member in the centre.
7.11.4Each staff member will prepare for his/her appraisal by reflecting on and completing the appropriate section of the performance appraisal/review form.
7.11.5A mutually agreed time for performance review will be arranged between the staff member and human resource manager and/or line manager/director of nursing.
7.11.6On completion of the review, the staff member and his/her line manager will agree and document goals, targets and action plan for future performance. A copy of the performance review will be retained in the staff member’s employment record.
7.12Methods of Delivery for Training and Development Needs.
7.12.1The methods employed for training and development will be determined by the annual training plan and will include a combination of the following:
Formal face to face training.
Use of appropriate e-learning resources such as An Bord Altranais ‘medication management’ training programme.
Reflective practice meetings.
Care planning reviews.
‘On the job’ coaching and mentoring.
Attendance at external study days / conferences as appropriate.
Involvement in internal and / or external projects / initiatives relevant to the centre.
(This list is not exhaustive and other forms of training and development may be included as appropriate).
7.12.2A training register will be maintained in the centre and will include the names and dates of training programmes as well as the names of all staff who participated in each training session / programme.
- Health Information and Quality Authority (2007) National Standards for Residential Settings for Older People
- Health Act 2007 (Care And Welfare Of Residents In Designated Centres For Older People) Regulations 2013.
- Office for Health Management (2002) Management Competencies for Nurse and Midwife Managers.
- Irish Business and Employers Confederation. Making Training Count: How to Conduct an Effective Training Needs Analysis accessed at:
- National Health Service Connecting For Health (2006) Training Needs Analysis Guidance Document accessed at:
- Department of Health (UK), (2004).The NHS Knowledge and SkillsFramework (NHS KSF) and theDevelopment Review Process. Accessed at:
Name of Staff Member: / Department: / Position:
Name of Manager: / Position/Title: / Date of Review:
Self Assessment (To be completed by staff member prior to performance review).
Key Performance Areas. / Previous Goals/Targets. / Self Assessment of Performance / Performance Rating(Fair / good/very good/excellent).
Self Manager
Key Performance Areas. / Future Goals / Targets. / Action Plan (include personal / professional development needs and how these could be met).
Agreed Future Performance Plan. (As agreed by staff member and manager).
Key Performance Areas. / Future Goals / Targets. / Action Plan (include personal / professional development needs and how these could be met).
Additional Comments.
Staff member: / Date:
Manager: / Date: