Weekly Overview – Spring (1)

Year: Reception/4+ (2017/2018)

Topic: “Superheroes”
Areas / Week 1
“What are superheroes?” / Week 2
“Hot and Cold” / Week 3
“Growing and Shrinking” / Week 4
“Colour changing” / Week 5
“Magnets” / Week 6
“Everyday Superheroes”
PSED / *Children talk about their own preferences and choices – who is your favourite superhero? / *Children share own ideas and preferences; Talk about thing they like or dislike / *Talking about superheroes and their enemies. What is an enemy? How should we treat enemies? What do we do if someone does something to hurt us? / *Talking about superhero families – children relate to own families or groups of people that they belong to / *Children bring in toy, costume or book about one of their favourite superheroes. Encourage them to explain why they like it. Children ask and answer questions. / *Children share experiences – Has anybody ever been a superhero to you?
PD / *PE Lesson
*Handwriting / *PE Lesson
*Designing/making their own ‘superhero’ dances by putting movements into patterns / *PE Lesson
*Talking about foods that give us strength. Why do we need to eat these kinds of food? Are they healthy or unhealthy?
*How can we make our bodies change shape/stretch/shrink? Children share and demonstrate ideas. / *PE Lesson
*Can you jump like a superhero? Count how many times you can jump between the two lines? Can you jump slower/faster/higher? Can you jump in/over the hoops? / *PE Lesson
*Fine motor skills – superhero puzzles; / *PE Lesson
CL / *Children share their own ideas during class/group discussions (Why are they called superheroes? Would you like to be a superhero? etc.)
*Class discussion: Do you know what a superhero is?
*Introduce the superhero characters to the children. / *Introduce the first ‘Superhero’ family again. Explain to the children that these heroes can make themselves hot and cold. Can you think of other superheroes that can do this? Can we do it? Can we think of things in the environment that can turn hot and cold? Encourage children to think of names for these heroes. / *If you could choose a superpower, what would you choose?
*Introduce next ‘superhero’ family – explain that these superheroes can stretch and shrink themselves. Can you do that? How?
Encourage children to think of names for these superheroes. / *Introducing another ‘superhero’ family – explain that this family can change colour. Can you think of thins in the environment that can change colour? Can we change colour? How? / *Talk about some of the superheroes that the children already know (Superman, Batman, The Incredibles, etc.).
*Introduce another superhero family and explain that they have magnetic powers. What does that mean? If you had magnetic powers, what would you do? / *Talking about being ‘super friends’ to each other – How can we do this? Show the children some pictures of themselves being ‘super friends’. Encourage them to take some photos of ‘super behaviour’.
Lit. / *Read “Eliot Jones, Midnight Superhero” – discuss the story.
*Children draw a picture of their favourite superhero and write an explanation why it is their favourite / *Read “Charlie’s Superhero Underpants” – discuss the story
*Story starters – “Hot Stuff” – children use the interactive resource to create a story
*Children create own ‘superheroes’ – write words as captions to describe their characters / Read “Avocado Baby” and “Baby Brains” – discuss how the babies are similar and different.
*Story Starters – “Tall Story” – children use the interactive resource to create a story / *Read “Aliens in Underpants save the world” – discuss the story.
*Rhyming words – find the rhyming words in the story. Encourage the children to think of some of their own.
*Story Starters – “Out of this world” – children use the interactive resource to make their own story. / *Read “Nat Fantastic” – talk about the powers that the boy has.
*Making their names using the magnetic letters. Can you make any other words? What do they begin with? Focus on sounds in words. / *Read “My Mum” and “My Dad” – talk about ‘everyday superheroes’. *Encourage children to think of people who help us every day and why we can call them superheroes – children write ‘thank you’ notes/letters to people who they think are ‘everyday superheroes’
Maths / *Counting superheroes
*Sorting activity – sorting superheroes into groups / *Freezing the ‘superheroes’ – using mathematical language such as full/empty, more/less, heavy/light
*Bury the superheroes in sand – children have to find them and record findings on a pictogram; counting and grouping the superheroes / *Pattern sequencing using superhero characters
*Sorting activity: Sorting plastic play food into healthy/unhealthy groups. How many healthy/unhealthy things have we found? Count and compare.
*Measuring quantities – cooking activity. / *Counting game – how many aliens did the superhero jump on?
*Provide a range of objects – children decide which is heaviest. Introduce and explain how to use balancing scales. Get the children to order the items. / *Counting the items that they have found sticking to the magnet
*Using ordinal language to describe superheroes. / *Comparing sizes: smaller/bigger
*Talk about the shape of the stamp/envelope/paper that children are using for letters – find other shapes in the environment
UoW / *ICT Lesson
*Superhero senses – identifying different textures, smells, sounds and pictures. / *ICT Lesson
*Children use ICT Resources to film their ‘superhero’ dances
*Interactive game – children have to use logical thinking to drag the superhero along the burning building to save the man.
*Hot/cold experiment – freeze the superhero characters – how do you think we can save them? / *ICT Lesson
*Talking about the texture of things – children describe how things feel/smell/taste.
*Experimenting: Making pizza dough. How far can you stretch it?
*Look at animals in the environment that can stretch or shrink themselves / *ICT Lesson
*Interactive game – use the superhero to jump on the aliens
*Colour changing experiment / *ICT Lesson
*Experiment: Children use magnets to go round the classroom to find things that will stick to the magnet or that the magnet will stick to.
*Interactive game – ‘puzzles’. Help the superhero fix the bridges by dragging the pieces into the correct places. / *ICT Lesson
*Take a walk to the Post Box to post the children’s ‘Thank You’ letters – talk about the post office and the work that people do that work for the postal services
EAD / *Music Lesson
*Discussion: What can we use in our classroom to build a place where these superheroes can live? Children experiment with different resources. / *Music Lesson
*Painting a picture of their superhero character (see Lit.)
*Listening to superhero music (CD-rom) – creating ‘superhero’ dances by using the children’s movements and putting them into a pattern – film the dances, watch them and give the children an opportunity to comment / *Music Lesson
*Interactive game – composing a ‘tune’ by making the superhero jump on the buildings / *Music Lesson
*Experiment with colour mixing
*Baking biscuits – talk about all the colour changes that they can see. What makes these changes happen? (UtheW) / *Music Lesson
*Making ‘Superhero’ masks / *Music Lesson
*Painting a picture of their Mum/Dad or somebody that is a hero to them.