15th Australasian Bat Society
Conference and AGM
University of Melbourne, 11 – 13 April 2012
This form is intended for completion by one delegate only. Please photocopy for additional
registrants. Further copies can also be downloaded from the ABS website:
Julia Stammers
Australian Research Centre for Urban Ecology (ARCUE)
C/- School of Botany, University of Melbourne
Melbourne VIC 3010
Tel. (03) 8344 0146
Fax (03) 9347 9123 / Direct general enquiries to:
Rodney van der Ree
Tel. (03) 8344 3661
Lindy Lumsden
Tel. (03) 9450 8694
Registrant Details
Title ...... First Name ...... Last Name ......
Name for Badge (if different from above) ......
Organisation ......
Address ......
...... City ......
State ...... Post code ...... Country ......
Phone / Mobile (...... )......
Email ......
If you DO NOT wish to have your contact details included in the list of delegates in the conference handbook, please tick this box…r
Special requirements (dietary, medical or disability) ……......
I wish to present: ...... spoken paper(s)
...... poster(s)
The titles and authors are: (if more than one paper, please indicate if spoken or poster)
Abstracts for papers and posters must be emailed to Julia Stammers () by
25th February 2012.
If you DO NOT wish to have your abstract published in the Australasian Bat Society Newsletter and Bat Research News, please tick this box…r
Registration Fees
Full conference registration includes the welcoming function, the three-day conference with morning and afternoon teas, lunch and registration pack (which includes the conference handbook). A day rate is also available for those who are unable to attend for the full three-day programme. Day registrants receive a registration pack plus morning and afternoon tea and lunch on the day of attendance.
Early registration (before 20 January 2012) Standard $175 r
Student / Unemployed / Retired $125 r
Normal registration (21 Jan – 25 Feb 2012) Standard $200 r
Student / Unemployed / Retired $145 r
Day registration (accepted up til and including the day of attendance)
Please indicate which days you will, or are likely to, attend: Wednesday 11th r $100/day
Thursday 12th r
Friday 13th r
REGISTRATION (please tick category above) $......
Early registration: before 27 January 2012
Normal registration: 28 January – 25 February 2012
Abstracts due: 25 February 2012
Social Activities
Tuesday Evening Welcome Function at City of Melbourne Bowls Club, Flagstaff Gardens
Cost for welcome function is included in the registration fee for delegates and $20 for each accompanying person. Gourmet finger food sufficient for dinner will be provided. Drinks will be available at the bar.
Number of accompanying persons ...... Total cost $...... (A)
(NB: Payment is only required for additional people, do not include payment if it is just you coming).
Thursday Conference Dinner at the Melbourne Zoo
Gourmet BBQ, side dishes and dessert. Both vegetarians and meat-eaters are catered for. Drinks available at the bar. There is no access to the main part of the zoo at night but you can soak up the sounds of the zoo while detecting for bats. To encourage all participants to attend, sponsorship has been obtained so that we can subsidise the cost for students/unemployed/retired registrants. Accompanying people will be charged at the full price, unless this provides significant hardship – if so contact the conference organisers.
Conference registrants Standard $70/person r
Student / Unemployed / Retired $40/person r
Accompanying people $70/person Number ......
Total cost $...... (B)
Friday night visit to the Grey-headed Flying-fox colony to watch flyout
Pizza and drinks will be provided for dinner. A bus is available for those that need transport.
Food and drinks $15/person Number of people ......
Bus transport $10/person Number of people ......
Total cost $...... (C)
Field Trip – Kinglake Ranges Wilderness Camp
The field trip will commence on Saturday morning and finish Sunday late morning. All food and accommodation is provided. Bus transportation is available. The cost for the food and accommodation for students/unemployed/retired conference registrants will be subsidised to encourage attendance. Accompanying people will be charged at the full price, unless this provides significant hardship – if so contact the conference organisers.
Food and Accommodation
Conference registrants Standard $175/person r
Student / Unemployed / Retired $125/person r
Accompanying people $175/person Number ......
Bus transport $40/person Number of people ......
Total cost $......
Conference T-shirt @ $20/shirt
Size S M L XL
Number required ......
TOTAL COST (all prices include GST)
Registration + Social Activities + Field Trip + T-shirt $......
There are three options for payment of conference fees.
The preferred payment method is Internet Banking Transfer as this considerably reduces workload and
saves the ABS the credit card fee.
1. Internet Banking Transfer
Payment can be transferred directly into the ABS bank account via internet banking. The details required for payment are :
BSB: 063184
Account Number: 10125666
Account Name: Australasian Bat Society
When using internet banking, please ensure that the delegates name used on this form is entered under
‘Your name / Payee Name’
r I have used internet banking to transfer AU$ ...... to the ABS bank account.
When entering ‘to account description’ details, please insert ‘ABS C12’
2. Cheque or Money Order
My payment by cheque r or money order r for AU$ ...... payable to the "Australasian Bat Society" is attached.
3. Credit Card
Please debit my MasterCard r or Visa r for the amount of AU$ ......
My card number is : a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
Expiry Date : a a / a a
Card holder's name ...... ……………......
Signature ......
Please email my receipt/tax invoice r Please post my receipt/tax invoice r