This is an unpublished proprietary work of the PHI BETA SIGMA Alumni Advisor Work Group that is protected by United States copyright laws. Disclosure, copying, reproduction, merger, translation, modification, enhancement or use by anyone other than authorized agent of PHI BETA SIGMA or member of the Alumni Advisor Work Group without prior written consent of the Alumni Advisor Work Group is prohibited.

COPYRIGHT © 2010 PHI BETA SIGMA Alumni Advisor Work Group All Rights Reserved.

This copyright notice should not be construed as evidence of publication.

Jonathan Mason, Eastern Region

Arnold M. Black, Great Lakes Region

Kenyae J. Black, Great Lakes Region

Steven J.C. Russ, Great Lakes Region - Chair

David Miller, Southeastern Region - Chair

Joshua Busby, Southwestern Region

Demond Nichols, Southeastern Region

Antonio Jenkins, Southwestern Region

Dennis Lanham, Eastern Region





Table of Contents

Forward …………………………………………………………i.

Preface …………………………………………………………ii-iii.

Orientation ………………………………………………………..iiii.

Introduction ……………………………………………………….8-13

Advisor Program Infrastructure

Process of Selection

Minimum Qualifications

Characteristics of a Good Alumni Advisor

Responsibilities of the Alumni Advisor

Chapter Relations to Colleges/ Universities

Chapter Programming

Chapter Meetings

The Role of the Advisor …………………………………………14-15
Basics of Advisor Role


Goal Setting

Advisor Involvement ……………………………………………16-18

Advisor Pitfalls

Advisors as Human Beings

Motivating and Inspiring the Chapter

Relationship with Individual Members

Professional Development of Collegiate Members …………..19

National Programmatic Thrust ………………………………….20-23

Sigma Wellness

Living Well- Brother to Brother

HIV/ AIDS Epidemic

American Cancer Society

March of Dimes

Risk Management……..…………………………………………24-26

Chapter Programming and Reporting………………………….27


EVENT CHECKLIST……………………………..28-30





Appendix 6…ROBERT RULES OF ORDER ………………….38-43



The purpose of this publication is to acquaint you with your role and tasks as a chapter advisor. Your chief concern should be that the chapter and its individual members are fully trained, engaged, and conscious members of the Fraternity and that they are continuously developed during their membership on the collegiate level. In addition, the function of an advisor is not to run the chapter himself, but to guide the chapter on how to best operate on its own.The principal value of a fraternity as an educational institution lays in the experience which it provides its members; experience which must permit mistakes as well as successes. Advisors have an obligation to point out successes and mistakes and to help keep the latter from recurring and becoming excessive.

This manual is intended to be a useful resource guide to advisors of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated by outlining for them some of the considerations they will encounter, some of the questions they will be asked, some of the answers they will need to give, and a general scope of their responsibilities. The manual cannot substitute for an advisor’s judicious assessment of his work.


1.Chapters are different. Chapters are different not only in their statistical and physical attributes, but also above all in the quality of their organization, in their size and in their esprit. Therefore, an advisor must take the information contained in this manual and modify it to fit his particular chapter.

2.Advisors are different. By accepting this position and advisor agrees to assist the collegiate chapter in conducting its operations and in realizing its ideals and aspirations. However, each advisor will also have his philosophy and unique approach to advising and should take this into account.

3.Advisors are volunteers. The advisor is a volunteer and has other, more important demands on his time. The chapter must, therefore, avoid setting up unrealistic expectations of him.

4.Advisors are advisors, not dictators unless membership intake or fraternal law violations have taken place. If push comes to shove an advisor cannot force a chapter to do anything. His respect and authority are based upon the quality of his relationship with the brothers. In regards to membership intake violations and other violations of fraternal law the Advisor has the responsibility and right to invoke directions (instructions) to the chapter.

  1. There is often no right answer (and even where there is, the manual may not have it!)
  1. Common sense is supreme. In the end, the effectiveness of an advisor is likely to be determined by the efficacy with which he applied this famous trait to his advising.
  1. Consistency is the name of the game. Collegiate members of a chapter look for the advisor to be a stabilizing force not capricious one. His advice and instructions need to be consistent and not prone to emotion.
  1. Accountability is key. Effective advisors fully understand Fraternity policy and procedure and are able to hold collegiate chapters and individual members accountable to those.
  1. Responsibility to the college/ university. Advisors must understand the policies and expectations of the respective campus(s) for the chapter(s) that they advise which are related to student organizations and Greek Life. These policies directly affect the annual operations of the collegiate chapter and must be known clearly to each advisor.


Collegiate chapters of the Fraternity constantly change. As a result, maintaining or establishing a successful operation year to year becomes a difficult proposition. This is where a chapter advisor can have the greatest impact. The Alumni Advisor plays a major role in providing stability and continuity which isvital to a chapter’s success.

The Alumni Advisor is a constant source of information, advice and good judgment. He is available to the officers and members of the chapter for any purpose associated with the welfare of the chapter. It is the responsibility

In order to affect such a successful relationship with the chapter, the advisor must have certain personal characteristics:

  • A genuine and lasting interest in young adults. Advisors deal with a group of particularly sensitive young men who respond to genuine interest and who are very perceptive in identifying perfunctory and apathetic behavior in advisors.
  • A thorough and current knowledge and understanding of the particular campus culture that exists for Greek students and organizations on the respective campus where the chapter is located. It is also necessary to be aware of current trends in student culture for colleges/ universities nationwide.
  • A thorough and current knowledge and understanding of the Fraternity’s policies and expectations of its collegiate members/ chapters. People are impulsive and manifest a distinct desire to experiment with programs and policies that are frequently undesirable. As a chapter advisor, you must guide and direct this total learning process as it relates to the management and operation of the fraternity.
  • A thorough and current knowledge and understanding of the college/ university’s policies and expectations of its Greek members, chapters, and community.
  • An infinite amount of patience to understand young adults, and even more patience to forgive the many errors, which are a consequence of their dynamic learning experiences. Patience is a necessary virtue of fraternity chapter advisors.


Collegiate chapters cannot operate without the guidance of a Alumni Advisor

In an effort to protect the best interests of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated and contingent upon the guidelines outlined in our insurance policy, a reasonable control measure must be in place. In the advent of the litigious society we live in it is imperative that a collegiate chapter be mentored and guided by someone who has the necessary knowledge and skills to protect the Fraternity from potential lawsuit and reproach.


The local Alumni chapter (sponsoring chapter) should serve as the Fraternity’s local “hub-site” around which the Advisor system is designed. Each alumni chapter will be responsible for assigning advisors for each of the collegiate chapters in an area defined by the Regional Director or his designee. The Alumni chapter will convene a Collegiate Affairs committee to oversee the processes involving the collegiate chapters in general, and collegiate brothers specifically.

The Collegiate Affairs committee should report to the Alumni chapter on a basis that corresponds to the Alumni chapter’s meeting schedule. The Alumni chapter president will select a chairman of the committee who may or not be the State/Area Director of the defined area. The Collegiate Affairs committee may be designated as the Membership Intake Team for the same area, if the Regional Director so desires.

It is recommended that the alumni chapter recognize that larger collegiate chapters may need more than one advisor assigned to them. A “1:20 ratio” is recommended for those large chapters, commencing at a membership level of twenty financial brothers.


  1. The collegiate chapter may request a specific brother(s) as its advisor but the process is ultimately the responsibility of the alumni chapter.
  1. The alumni chapter shall interview those prospective members who are recommended and desire to be alumni advisors.A designated representative(s) of the alumni chapter shall meet with the collegiate chapter executive officers and college/ university officials to discuss the appointment of an Alumni Advisor.
  1. The alumni chapter shall complete its portion of the Alumni Advisor Registration Form and forward the completed form to the Regional Director or his duly authorized representative for approval.
  1. The Regional Director shall mail the approved/rejected Alumni Advisor form to the International Headquarters, who shall place the official seal properly signed and dated and mail the appropriate completed copies to the Regional Director, the Alumni Chapter, Collegiate Chapter and College/University within 15 days of submission.


  • The alumni advisor must be a current financial member of the sponsoring alumni chapter of the respective collegiate chapter as defined by the Regional Director and must remain financial during his full advising term.
  • An active, financial member of the Fraternity for a minimum of five (5) years, one (1) year of membership in an alumni chapter and four (4) years out of undergraduate experience.
  • The Advisor must be certified in the Membership Intake and Development process and should be trained as a “trainer”. In instances where there is no member of an Alumni chapter meeting all of the qualifications, the alumni chapter should contact the Regional Director for the purpose of receiving regional assistance from qualified members located in close areas. As a last option, the Alumni chapter may request a waiver of qualification(s) from the Regional Director on the brother of choice.
  • The Advisor must be abreast of the Fraternity and university/college policies and procedures and must attend such workshops or meetings the Fraternity or university/college deems necessary to provide training and certification to carry out its roles, duties and responsibilities.

Additionally, it is HIGHLY SUGGESTED that first priority be given to selecting advisors that:

  • Have registered for and attended the following:
  • One of the last two National Conclaves
  • Two of the last three Regional Conferences/Leadership Conferences
  • The last two State/Area or cluster meetings
  • Are free of involvement in hazing incidents (no proven documentation)
  • Have completed a Bachelor’s degree and/or advanced degree
  • Must have the ability and desire to travel to perform visitation of assigned schools
  • Acknowledge a commitment to non-reimbursable financial responsibility
  • Are be able to facilitate workshops
  • Have excellent public speaking abilities


The advisor should be the best brother available during the advisor selection process. He should be able to lend assistance in developing and implementing the most effective programs possible, in accordance with the standards and policies of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated.


  1. Be present at all of his assigned Collegiate Chapter Meetings.
  1. The Advisor is directly responsible to the Regional Director or a duly authorized representative for the supervision and guidance of the collegiate chapter. He shall advise, assist, consult and guide the collegiate chapter on all fraternity matters related to the activities, programs and projects it engages in, such that they are implemented in accordance with the standards and policies of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity and the college/university where the collegiate chapter is located.
  1. Meet regularly with college/ university personnel responsible for Greek Life and secure and maintain current copies of the school guidelines for Greek-lettered organizations.
  1. Assist the Collegiate Chapter in carrying out the Membership Intake and Development Process. The advisor must be present at ALL activities which are included in this process and must sign all appropriate documents as required by this process.
  1. Keep the Regional Director or a duly authorized representative, the Collegiate Affairs Committee and the sponsoring alumni chapter informed of the status of collegiate chapter(s) and its members, and of all incidents or violation of fraternal or university rules or regulations which might require immediate action.
  1. Assess the behaviors and decisions of the collegiate chapter(s) and its individual members to ensure they are as closely aligned with the stated organizational values as possible.
  1. Help the collegiate chapter(s) to maintain a close, working relationship with the college/ university officials, other Greek organizations on the respective campus, as well as with all other Phi Beta Sigma chapters (alumni and collegiate) within the immediate area/ region.
  1. Act as the liaison member of the Alumni chapter to the Collegiate Chapter and shall keep them abreast of the respective activities of the chapter(s) (via regular submission of typewritten reports) and encourage reciprocal participation in each other’s chapter activities, programs and projects.Advisor reports should also be routinely sent to the State/Area Director and Regional Director and national officers upon request.
  1. Assist the chapter(s) in meeting all Fraternity deadlines (e.g. the payment of National dues and chapter fees by December 31, completion of the annual chapter report and sending in all forms and reports relating to the membership intake process)
  1. Help the chapter(s) to understand the role of National and Regional officers and encourage the full utilization of these officers.
  1. Assist the chapter(s) in planning programs, service and social events. He should advise the chapter(s) on the review and implementation of the National and Regional constitutions and by-laws and on proper Fraternity protocol and Robert’s Rules of Order (the most current version).
  1. Assist in the fiscal development of the chapter(s) and instruct the chapter in the utilization of standard Phi Beta Sigma financial forms and bookkeeping procedures.
  1. If deemed necessary, the Advisor will participate in any investigations of the chapter(s) activities. The results of the investigations will be forwarded through the Collegiate Affairs committee and Alumni chapter to the Regional Director, if necessary.
  1. Encourage the chapter to maintain accurate and consistent records and updated contact information with the Corporate Headquarters.
  1. Know and understand the college/ university deadlines, policies and regulations related to student organizations and Greek Life and should hold the collegiate chapter(s) and its members accountable to these.
  1. Attend all mandated meetings of the Fraternity and facilitate the participation of the collegiate chapter(s) that he advises in the same meetings. This includes local alumni chapter meetings, state/area meetings, regional leadership conferences and Conclaves of Phi Beta Sigma.
  1. Ensure that the chapter is appropriately represented at all mandatedmeetings of the Fraternity.This includes local alumni chapter meetings, state/area meetings, regional leadership conferences and Conclaves of Phi Beta Sigma.
  1. Encourage chapter(s) to participate in all competitions.
  1. Coordinate a minimum of three (3) opportunities per year for the professional development of the collegiate chapter(s).
  1. Ensure each semester that all brothers are financially active with the chapter and national organization and have the minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) required for graduation or to remain in good standing with the college/ university and the Office of Greek Life. If an active brother does not meet the minimum GPA requirement; place the brother on academic probation, assist the brother in raising his GPA and notify the State Director.
  1. Review and approve contracts to ensure they are in compliance with the rules and regulations of the fraternity and the school, that the chapter can meet its contractual obligations and that the contracts do not create liability for the organization (legal review is encouraged before signing).
  1. Certify that all chapter brothers are regularly enrolled and taking courses leading to their first academic degree. Ensure that brothers who have graduated are transferred into an alumni chapter within 60 days of graduation.
  1. Review and advise the collegiate chapter on their annual budgeting process to ensure that they are sound and in compliance with the rules and regulations of the fraternity and the school.
  1. Assist the collegiate chapter(s) in goal-setting and maintaining regular expectations regarding his role with the chapter.
  1. The Advisor shall coordinate and implement Collegiate Transfer Month and Collegiate Graduation Recognition Months, September and June, respectively.
  1. Organize and sponsor a program concerning alcohol use, drugs, race, culture,

gender, or hazing to raise membership awareness at least once a semester.