Honors Chemistry Syllabus 2015-2016

Instructor: Mrs. Meredith Hauge

Holy Family High School College Preparatory 400 E. Lomita Ave Glendale, CA 91205

Room Number: 205/Lab 207 & 208

Contact Information: Phone: (818) 241-3178 ext. 588

Office Hours: Thurs. and Fri. during Lunch and Thurs. and Fri. after school by appointment

Expected GAELs Integrated Student Outcomes

A student who graduates from Holy Family High School College Preparatory will be…

Godly… nurturing our relationship with God through spirituality and participation in our faith.

Academic… expanding our intellect with focus and discipline driven by curiosity and wonder.

Expressive…creating, refining, and communicating works that articulate our ideas and beliefs.

Leaders… taking initiative and carrying out God’s vision to build and strengthen communities.

Servants… using our many gifts to create a more just world by honoring our responsibility to others.

I. Science Department Philosophy

The Holy Family Science Department works to awaken in the students a curiosity about the world around them and a sense of social and spiritual responsibility toward it. To succeed in meeting the challenges facing students today, the science department provides students with intellectual tools that prepare them for success in college and the world beyond. This curriculum prepares the student to become a scientifically literate citizen in our culturally diverse world.

II. Course Description

This class seeks to introduce students to various facets of chemistry and its applications, such as:

Atomic and Molecular Structure

Chemical Bonds

Conservation of Matter and Stoichiometry

Gases and Their Properties

Acids and Bases


Chemical Thermodynamics

Reaction Rates

Chemical Equilibrium

Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry

Nuclear Processes

Course Objective

  • Develop a solid foundation of knowledge of the atomic structure and its configuration
  • Understand the periodic table on how elements are organized in it.
  • Identify different chemical reactions and chemical compounds
  • Write chemical equation to predict lab results
  • Calculate chemical product amounts using stoichiometry
  • Write lab reports
  • Identify and use lab equipment

Materials: There are a couple of items that will help you be successful in Honors Chemistry. The items should be brought every day and will count toward your participation grade in class

  • 1” or larger three- ring binder- binder set up will be discussed in class
  • Binder dividers
  • Loose, lined paper.
  • Writing instruments (Pen or Pencil)
  • Scientific Calculator
  • Flash Cards for quizzes
  • Textbook- Modern Chemistry: Holt McDougal, 2012
  • iPad

Late Work:Students will be given as many days as absent to make up homework. Missed labs must be arranged for at lunch or after school.

Grading Policy: Your semester grade will be based upon the points you accumulate with assignments weighted in the following manner.

  • Homework/Classwork 30%
  • Labs/Projects/Presentation 25%
  • Quiz/Test 20%
  • Final 20%
  • Participation/ Binders 5%

Extra Credit: Extra credit opportunities will be discussed in class.

Tutoring: If you find that you are having difficulty grasping a topic, please do not wait to the last minute to see me. I am here to help you be successful, so don’t be shy about asking me for help. I am available most days at break and at lunch and by appointment after school.

Our Class Rules

  1. All school rules will be followed in the classroom
  2. Only one person may speak at a time. If you would like to speak, raise your hand.
  3. Be on time and ready to work when the bell rings
  4. Only water bottles allowed in class.
  5. Keep all electronics in your back-pack and out of sight. Cell phones seen or heard will be taken
  6. You have a total of 3 bathroom passes per semester, so GO BEFORE CLASS.
  7. Lab Safety procedures will be followed at all times!

IV. Course Outline

Quarter 1

  • Chemical elements
  • Scientific measurements
  • Atoms
  • The structure of the electrons in the atom
  • Introduction to Mendeleev’s periodic table
  • Covalent bonds vs ionic bonds

Quarter 2

  • Chemical names and formulas
  • Equations and reactions
  • Stoichiometry
  • The kinetic theory
  • The ideal gas law
  • The phases of matter

Quarter 3

  • Solutions
  • Compounds in solutions
  • Acids and bases
  • The use of pH
  • Reaction energy and kinetics

Quarter 4

  • Chemical equilibrium
  • Oxidation-reduction reactions
  • Hydrocarbons
  • Other organic compounds
  • Radioactivity

Honors Chemistry Class Aggrement

I have read the course outline and understand the rules and goals of the Honors Chemistry class.

If any problems shall arise, I will contact Mrs. Hauge.








