University Address:Home Address:
Department of History1901 Rutgers Drive
Loyola Marymount UniversityThousand Oaks, California 91360
1 LMU Drive(310)338-3086
Los Angeles, California 90045(818)388-6575
Loyola Marymount University
August, 1996 to present
Visiting Assistant Professor
Loyola Marymount University
August 1994 to May 1996
Teaching Assistant
University of California, Santa Barbara
September 1987 to June 1990
CURRENT PROJECT“Yankee Girls Out West: Eliza Farnham and the Women’s Protective Emigration Society.”
PUBLICATIONSShe-Devil in the City of Angels: Gender, Violence and the Hattie Woolsteen Murder Case in Victorian Era Los Angeles. Forthcoming 2016, Praeger Press.
In the Affairs of the World: Women, Patriarchy and Power in Colonial South Carolina. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2002.
“Autonomy and the Female Planter in the Eighteenth-Century South Carolina Lowcountry.” The Journal of Southern History, May, 1997.
“Family Life.” In Veryan Khan, ed., Beacham’s Encyclopedia of Social Change: America in the Twentieth Century. Vol. 2. Osprey,
Florida, 2001.
“Sex and Gender.” In Veryan Khan, ed., Beacham’s Encyclopedia of Social Change: America in the Twentieth Century. Vol. 4. Osprey,
Florida, 2001.
BOOK REVIEWS:Review of The Politics of Fashion in Eighteenth-Century America by
Kate Haulman. The Journal of American History, forthcoming.
`Review of Seneca Falls and the Origins of the Women’s Rights
Movement by Sally McMillen., The Historian, February 2011.
Review of “Swing the Sickle for the Harvest is Ripe”: Gender and Slavery in Antebellum Georgia by Daina Ramey Berry. The Journal of American History, June 2008.
Review of Georgia’s Frontier Women. Female Fortunes in a Southern
Colony by Ben Marsh. The Register of the Kentucky Historical Society,
Autumn, 2007.
Review of Planatation Enterprise in Colonial South Carolina by S.
Max Edelson. The William and Mary Quarterly,October 2007.
Review of Scandal at Bizarre: Rumor and Reputation in Jefferson’s
America, by Cynthia A. Kierner. The Journal of Southern History,
May 2007.
Review of Laboring Women. Reproduction and Gender in New World
Slavery by Jennifer L. Morgan. The Historian, January 2007.
Review of Southern Manhood: Perspectives on Masculinity in the Old
South, edited by Craig Thompson Friend and Lorri Glover. The Journal
of American History, September 2005.
Review of Money, Trade and Power: The Evolution of South
Carolina’s Plantation Society edited by Jack P. Greene, Rosemary
Brana-Shute and Randy J. Sparks. The Journal of Southern History,
July 2005.
Review of Gender, Race and Rank in a Revolutionary Age: The Georgia Lowcountry, 1750-1820 by Betty Wood. The Journal of Southern History, May 2002.
Review of William Henry Drayton. South Carolina Revolutionary
Patriot by Keith Krawczynski.. The North Carolina
Historical Review, April 2002.
Review of A Fever in Salem: A New Interpretation of the New England
Witch Trials by Laurie Winn Carlson. The Historian, Fall 2001.
Review of A Colonial Woman’s Bookshelf by Kevin J. Hayes. The Historian, Fall 1998.
Review of Puritans at Play. Leisure and Recreation in Colonial New England by Bruce C. Daniels. The Historian, Spring 1997.
PRESENTATIONSCommentary on “Damned If You Do and Damned If You Don’t: Passionlessness in Victorian America,” paper presented at the 2003 Conference on Women and Conflict: Historical Perspectives. Santa Barbara, California.
Commentary on “Marriage, Family and Money in the Early South,” papers presented at the 2000 Southern Conference on Women’s History. Richmond Virginia.
“‘Is it possible that any of my slaves could go to heaven, and must I see them there?’ White Women and Slave Ownership in Colonial South Carolina.” Paper presented at the 1999 conference of the Institute for Southern Studies. Columbia, South Carolina.
“Sugar and Rice: The Female Planter in Colonial Barbados and South Carolina.” Paper presented at the 1996 conference of the Southern Historical Association. Little Rock, Arkansas.
“The Most Industrious Sex in That Place: Popular Perceptions of Women in Eighteenth Century South Carolina.” Paper presented at the 1996 conference of the Western Association of Women Historians. Los Angeles, California.
“In the Affairs of the World: The Female Planter in Colonial South Carolina.” Paper presented at the 1993 conference of the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association. Los Angeles, California.
EDUCATIONPhD, American History
(American Social History, Colonial America, Women’s History)
University of California, Santa Barbara 1994
M.A., History of Early Modern England
California State University, Long Beach 1987
B.A., American History
University of California, Davis 1978