District English Learner Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
May 24, 2016Time
The meeting started at 6:10pmAttendees
Melissa Diaz-Novato Unified School DistrictMonica Velasquez-Hamilton
Sara Torres-Lu Sutton
Irma Manion-Loma Verde
Karla Sanchez-Rancho
Carmen Moreno-San Marin/Pleasant Valley
Monica Prada-San Ramon
Sandra Souder-SJMS
Cari Trevor-Olive
CinthiaAngelicola-Novato High School
Alison Coelho-Pleasant Valley
SiomaraHerrate-Loma Verde
SuzanneHirshfield-Novato Unified School District
Jim Hogeboom-Novato Unified School District
Paula Kelly-Marin Community Clinic
Hannah Bichkoff-Marin Community Clinic
Gregory Mack-Novato Unified School District
Maria Aguila-Novato Unified School District
Agenda Topic
Welcome/Introductions/DELAC Meeting Schedule 2015/2016 Meeting AgreementsPresenter: Monica Velasquez
Ms. Velasquez welcomed everyone to the meeting and provided attendees with the meeting agenda. Melissa Diaz read the meeting agreements to the attendees.
Agenda Topic
Federal Funding-Title IIIPresenter: Suzanne Hirshfield
Ms. Hirshfield began by talking to the committee about the process to apply for federal funding, specifically in regards to students who are English leaners. As she reported, the Title III funding has 2 specific goals: 1. To help students achieve English fluency and 2. To help students achieve mastery of content standards.
As reported by Ms. Hirshfield, in regards to the 2016/17 school year, there are two funds:
- LEP (Limited English Proficiency) = $127,000
- Immigrant (born outside of the U.S., been in U.S. under 3 years)= $14,000
Ms. Hirshfield went on to explain that as a district we are building our upcoming budget on the following:
Title III: 2 instructional ELD coaches, one for secondary and one for elementary
It was reported to the committee that we are utlizing LCAP funding to pay for the consulting services of Clark Consulting Team, which supports our ELD teachers at the secondary level.
Ms. Hirshfield gave this opportunity for the group to ask questions:
-Cinthia Angelicola wanted to know if any of the funding was going to be used towards mental health, Ms. Hirshfield replied that not directly from Title III.
-Irma Manion had a question about newcomers as defined in the two goals that Ms. Hirshfield had mentioned. Ms. Hirshfield responded by talking aot the way that the budget was built, and restated the defintion of a newcomer.
Mr. Hogeboom added that all Title funds that we receive as a district that we get is federal funding, and that the guidelines are strict on how the money is to be used.
Once Ms. Hirshfield is done answering questions, she asks Monica Velasquez to sign a document stating that the above information was shared with the NUSD DELAC.
Agenda Topic
Master PlanningPresenter: Jim Hogeboom
***Mr. Jim Hogeboom, Superintendent asked to be added to the agenda.
Mr. Hogeboom reports there are some updates to share with the group:
-Facilities Master Planning process is focused on:
1. 3 different tiers (updates)-$40 million
2. technology, A/C, modular furniture- $60 million
3. remaining money is targeted towards secondary schools
Mr. Hogeboom also went on to report that:
-Lynwood is currently housing one of the district’s central kitchens, and there is plans to move it off of the Lynwood campus.
-Olive is looking adding a new administrative building and multipurpose room
-Solar at 10 of the schools
-NHS parking lot to be redone
He continued by noting that there will be a board meeting on Saturday, May 28. He realices that different schools have different neeeds, and there’s a focus on equity vs. equality.
In June there will be another board meeing to look at the language for a bond to be put on the ballot.
Mr. Hogeboom stated that the district is going to need a lot of help to help us get the bond passed.
He also talked about negotiations, and reported that there will be a 5% increase for teachers, and a one-time 2% payment for teachers of $1500. Classified employees and management generally get whatever certificated get.
Karla Sanchez had asked Mr. Hogeboom to attend this month’s DELAC meeting and address the following:
-The DELAC Needs Assessment and LCAP, looking at how we are able to help our students.
-How to create more programs
-How to spend more money
Karla asked Jim to come to listen to DELAC on what DELAC would like to have offered, including more affordable sports programs, parents getting more help
Mr. Hogeboom stated that the law states that you can not charge studnets who want to participate in a school activity. You can only ask for a donation.
Cinthia Angelicola: When parents can’t afford something, then their kid just doesn’t participate. There should be a uniform message on who to go to at the schools.
Karla Sanchez-We should have a meeting of who to go to, what to do…a lot of stuff that parents aren’t aware of.
Gregory Mack: We’re struggling to put teams on the fields at certain levels, some teams aren’t happening becausee there’s not enough kids.
Irma Manion: Girls on the Run is happening at Loma, and each school should have a team and more involvement.
Alison Coelho-We should consider having a sports day, where there’s information given about each sport.
Carmen Moreno: We have to keep ion mind that students must have a 2.0 to participate in sports.
Karla Sanchez: This is a great way to get men involved in sports.
Cinthia Angelicola: We have to careful how we frame it at the high school.
Agenda Topic
Marin Community Clinic/Redwood ClinicPresenter: Hannah Bichkoff and Paula Kelley
The Marin Community Clinic, partnering with Redwood Clinic shared information with the DELAC about servies and agencies available to families.
Both used a Powerpoint to present information to the group. The presenters allowed the group to ask questions as the presentation went along.
The following was the Powerpoint/taling points used:
Agenda Topic
Approval of MarchMeeting MinutesPresenter: Monica Velasquez
DELAC attendees were given a copy of the minutes from the Aprilmeeting. Ms. Velasquez asked the attendees to look over the minutes, after allowing time for review, she asked for approval of the April mintues. Alison Coehlo from Pleasant Valley motioned to approve the meeting mintues. Carmen Moreno from San Marin seconded the motion to approve the minutes.
Action Item: Approval of April Meeting minutes.
Yes- Vote passed unanimously / No
Agenda Topic: Needs Assessment Survey 2015/2016
Presenter: Ms. DiazIt was reported to the DELAC by Melissa Diaz that at this time, the district was still receiving Needs Assessment Surveys She explained that the results will be calculated and shared at the first DELAC meeting of the 2016/17 school year.
Agenda Topic
2015-2016 Reclassification CeremonyPresenter:Ms. Diaz
Melissa Diaz started by thanking everyone for the help on the success of the Reclassificaiton cermeony.
The following suggestions were made by members of the committee for planning next year’s ceremony:
- This year’s venue offered a lot more space in comparsion to last year.
- It would be nice if we could have a list of students, to know exactly who is attending.
- Students might check-in when they get there.
- Chairs up in front for the reclassified students only.
- Clapping shouldn’t happen until all students from one school are called.
- Asking parents to stay for the entire ceremony.
- Site admin more involved in the ceremony.
- A picture taken of students as they leave the stage
- Have the ceremony in April
Public Comment
There was no public comment at the meeting.Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 8:00pmMinutes prepared by
Name: Melissa Diaz SignatureDate:June 13, 2016