Multiple Subject Learning Plan: Multicultural


What is the overarching conceptual theme of the learning plan?

What are the main ideas?

What content do you plan to introduce and/or invite your students to share?

Is this going to be an integrated learning plan?

Background Knowledge/Experience Student Profiles

What knowledge/experience should your students have had to meet the goals of the learning plan?

What are the profiles of the students in your class in terms of culture (ethnicity), race, socio-economic class, gender, exceptional needs etc.?

Goals/Anticipated Outcomes

You need to know what theory is driving your goals!

What are your teaching goals for this learning plan? (Content, Concepts, Process…)?

Will you develop your goals alone, use a text, draw on the State standards, involve your students?

Think carefully about the verbs you use to express your Goals. “Students will describe…” is very different from “Students will think critically...”


How will you know if the learning plan achieves your goals?

What assessment strategies will you use? Will you use a Rubric? Authentic assessment?


How much time will this learning experience take?

Is it part of a larger unit?


What materials will you need to make this learning plan work for all of your students?

Plan: The Hook (Into)

How will you invite students into the learning plan?

How long should this phase take?

What kind of critical multicultural teaching strategies will you use in this phase?

What questions will you ask your students?

Plan: Procedures (Through)

Describe what happens in this learning plan.

What kind of critical multicultural teaching strategies will you use in this phase?

What questions will you ask your students?

How will the students know if they are on the right track?

Plan: Wrap Up

How will you debrief?

How will students know if they have met the goals of the learning experience?

Plan: Extensions (Beyond)

What kind of extensions will you use with this learning plan?

Will these be for early finishers or for all students?

How will this learning experience connect to the rest of the unit or future work students will do in this area?

Critical Multicultural Teaching Strategies

(Integrate these strategies into your description of the plan above. Explain WHY you have chosen these strategies.)

What critical multicultural teaching and learning strategies will you employ at each stage of your learning plan to engage all of your students?

Your strategies should address the students’ needs, knowledge and interests in terms of culture, ethnicity, language/bilingual learners, race, class, gender, and special needs. For example, your strategies might consider second language/standard English language learning, preferred participation structures (student grouping), and students’ social and cultural knowledge (“Funds of Knowledge”)? THE STRATEGIES YOU CHOOSE SHOULD BE BASED ON YOUR STUDENTS’ PROFILES.

Art Potentials

In what ways can you embed creative and artistic activity in the learning plan, or in extensions to the plan?

Technology Opportunities

In what ways can you use technology to help students achieve the learning plan goals?

Standards (if applicable)