GENERAL SECRETARY’S REPORT (Alan Hughes 0118 986 7430)
Still having some problems with continuous cruisers not leaving the required 5 metres between moored boats. The winter moorings cease tofunction after March so there is little point in introducing some more temporary signs that the boaters will remove. We now know the problems so next season should achieve what we want from Canals & Rivers Trust. It would be ideal to have full winter moorings on both the “wides”and the “short pound” with 5 metres between boats and then there is no room for the continuous cruisers. This will also help with the car parking on the “wides” as it is the continuous cruisers that take up all of the parking.
We had a long meeting with Reading B.C. recently where we could not come to any agreement regarding a new lease on the venue. The tree cutting has not been completed and will not be until next Autumn. We stressed that the Kennet is not fishing very well at present and this will figure in any negotiations. We are meeting them again on March 2nd on site and hopefully come to an agreement but it is not a done deal as we regard this venue as the most expensive we lease considering the length of the venue compared to price.
2017-18 SEASON
We are working on a new website to commence at the same time as permits go on sale for the new season. The website will include all the social media links so the Forum Page will be replaced by the link to Facebook where most of the discussion on RDAA takes place now. I am struggling to keep up with the way technology keeps advancing hence another reason that it is time to appoint a new Secretary.
We are at present asking for pics on Facebook, that after selection, four of these will be on the Rule Book that accompanies the permit card.We have received a good number of quality pics as you will see when the new permits are issued.
FISHERIES OFFICER’S REPORT(Del Shackleford 0784 603 8889)
Although I’ve been extremely busy this last month I haven’t got a great deal to tell you about.
Our project to create a mixed fishery within the bounds of the back bay at Flint has started. Other than we are well underway to removing the trees from the area there’s not much to report,as yet.
Due to the dissolved oxygen crash at Cottage Lane before Christmas, I decided to enlarge the channel between lake 1 and 2. This is to promote the passage/mixing of the water between the two lakes. It also has the benefit of allowing the fish to move between the two as and when they wish. I’m still waiting for the results of the Environment agencies water quality tests taken from lake two.
While I had the machine on hire for the work at Cottage lane I spent some time re-laying the track along the workings bank at Pingewood. Imanaged to get the stone for this from our neighbours as a freebee and a gesture of goodwill.
Alan and myself recently had a meeting with Canals and Rivers Trust regarding several issues we had raised with them. For the first time in a long time we both came away feeling that we had made some real progress with them. I can’t speak to much of the issues raised however one thing we raised is the possibility of installing a fish pass at County Weir. County Weir is whatis known as a ‘fixed head weir’ (which means it cannot be adjusted). Whilst this weir was surveyed and posted as suitable and passable for salmonids, no consideration was given to coarsefish. Although larger fish will be capable for leaping up the 300-450mm height difference this will be nigh on impossible for smaller fish especially juveniles. With us starting to stock the river with the results of the Roach project in the very near future, the last thing I want is to have fish washed into the Thames only for them to neve tor return because of a barrier.
Delegates Meeting :- AGM MONDAY MARCH 6th 2017
E.C. Meeting :- MONDAY March 13th 2017