Edge PTO
Meeting Minutes
October 9, 2014
- Call to order
Annie Gilbar called to order the regular meeting of the Edge PTO at 3:03 pm on October 9, 2014 in Room 2. Edge PTO Board Members, Faculty and Parents in attendance.
Minutes from last meeting approved. Angel Squire motioned. Mrs. Brown second.
- Old Business
a) Papa Johns – Pam Huzzard – First Papa Johns fundraising Tues Sept 23-25th. Event raised $170. 78! Way to go Edge Tigers! This may be our best yet.
b) Adopt A Class – Pam Huzzard, Treasurer – Teachers will be getting thank you notes in their boxes to sign for the sponsors. Please return these to the PTO box to be mailed out to the sponsors after signatures. End of October all funds collected thus far will be distributed to teachers. Any classrooms not fully adopted will be adopted or subsidized by the PTO fund. As of the current date, there are 18 regular classrooms not fully adopted along with Music, PE and Media Center.
c) Cookie Dough – Initial reports of $17,500 in sales for cookie dough. Edge keeps roughly 40% of profits.
III. New Business
a) T-Shirts – Order Forms going home next week.
b) Movie Night and Opening night for Book Fair tomorrow night from 5:30-7:30. Movie will be Spooky Buddies and will begin at 6:00. Free event with concessions for purchase. Bring popcorn bag that will go home with students today for a free bag of popcorn.
c) Fall Festival will be Saturday November 15th from 2:00-5:00 pm. All volunteers are needed for this event as well. We will have face painting, bounce houses, etc. Bounce House rides will be $10 per child with a cap of $25 for families with more than 2 children. * Must be siblings. More info out later on this event. Please email a PTO member if you are interested in helping out with this or any event. Teachers who volunteer will be entered into a drawing to win a prize. Sign-up sheets going in teachers boxes after meeting.
- PTO Requests
1) Maria Lewis - $100 use for miscellaneous needs (ie field trips, supplies) for children who cannot afford them.
i. Voted on and unanimous decision for.
2) Dr. Dawson - $3,000 for outside lunchroom tables to replace broken ones currently there.
i. Voted on and unanimous decision for.
- Open Floor and Questions
Announcement made by Dr. Dawson that Annie Gilbar will be replacing Mrs. Magda Hinojosa as Secretary at the end of October. Annie will still continue to help out with PTO.
- Meeting Adjourned –3:20 by Annie Gilbar