2004 Edition
/The Flyer
Newsletter of the Robins AFB Post:Society of American Military Engineers
The Monthly Mentor
Mentoring sessions in 2004 will offer several exciting topics. Furthering our mention of them last month, here is a recap, with more details on February’s session.
February - Several sustaining members will present attributes of their mentoring programs for newly hired personnel. This will be conducted using a panel discussion on different introductory activities offered by various companies for new engineers. Besides sustaining members, there will be uniformed personnel also discussing activities offered to help initiate the young engineer into the profession and the firm for which he or she is employed.
April - Panel discussion on career paths available in the private sector.
May - Availability and importance of continuing engineering education choices.
Are You Presenter Material?
Any sustaining member who would like to conduct a general meeting presentation session is invited to contact Lt. Michelle Gill, Programs Chair, at .*****************************
Happy Hour
Every 3rd Friday of the Month, all SAME members are invited meet at the Wellston, behind the Officer’s Club, for a drink or two./ What's Going On...
Wednesday 21January 2004
Fire Training Facility, Robins AFB
As mentioned in last month’s Flyer, the Robins SAME Post is sponsoring a trip on the Base to this recently completed $2.9M facility. Mr. Rick Powers, one of the Post’s Executive Directors, along with the contractor, and Mr. Tom Schnoover of the Robins AFB Fire Department are providing a talk on the project and a subsequent demonstration of various constructed components.Attendance is limited to the first25 individuals who notify Lt. Michelle Gill (). As of the date this edition of the Flyer was emailed we had a capacity crowd sign up. If you’re still interested, but not signed up, you may want to con-tact Lt. Gill and check on cancella-tions.
We will tour in the afternoon, so attendees can have lunch prior to boarding the tour bus; the bus departs from the Officers Club at 1300 hours.
Post It Notes
SAMSOG Equipment Update….As we mentioned in last month’s Flyer, the Surveying and Mapping Society of Georgia (SAMSOG), led by Donaldson, Garrett & Associates, Inc., is gathering equipment for ship-ment to Air Force personnel at Kirkuk Airbase via our SAME Post. This equipment will be used to train, and subsequently be provided as a gift, to local Iraqi technical staff.
In a meeting December 13th several personnel from the Post met with SAMSOG members to review the equipment and discuss shipping details. Our thanks to Lt. Michelle Gill, Ms. Nancy Manley, and Mr. Bob Mussro for working the details.
The types of equipment that have been collected for shipment include:
theodolites/total station tools;
automatic levels;
Alidale w/plane table/tripod;
manytripods, stakeout and level rods, tapes, radios, measuring wheels, and chargers; and
Sokkia GPS equipment.
Our hearty, and grateful! thanks to all of our friends at SAMSOG (pictured to the left with about 25% of the tools to be donated).
ColLinden Torchia
(478) 926-5820 X 114
Vice President
Mr. Mark MacEwan
(404) 225-5514
Mr. Bob Mussro
(478) 328-6181
Ms. Becky McCoy
(478) 926-1197 x163
Sustaining Members Chair
Mr. Kenneth Branton
(678) 356-8223
Young Members Chair
LtCol Joe Ballard
(478) 926-3353 X 28001
Membership Chair
Nancy Manley
(478) 926-3353 X 28100
Programs Chair
Lt Michelle Gill
(478) 327-1052
Events Chair 2nd Lt Chris Mercer
(478) 926-5321
Executive DirectorsMr. Bill Brown
Mr. Steve Coyle
Mr. Rick Powers
LtColKeith Yaktus
327-1050 / Sustaining Member Firms
ARCADIS Geraghty & Miller
Contact: Mark Lethbridge
(770) 431-8666
Cape Environmental Management
Contact: Steve Hvizdzak
Carothers Construction Inc.
Contact: Matt Mills
(601) 939-8886 / Fax 939-2077
Donaldson, Garrett & Associates, Inc.
Contact: Elaine Hollis-Prichard
(478) 474-5350 / Fax 477-2534
Earth Tech, Inc.
Contact: Bill Brown
(478) 329-8870 / Fax 329-1062
Flint EMC
Contact: Ronnie Sanders
(478) 988-3500 / Fax 988-3559
Geotechnical and Environmental
Contact: Pat Rhodes
GeoSyntec Consultants
Contact: Bob Mussro
(478) 328-6181
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Contact: Jennifer Dement
(229) 420-8810
MACTEC Engineering and Consulting
Contact: Jeff Vanatten
Merrick & Company
Contact: David Luke
(770) 923-6670 / Fax 923-3466
Montgomery Watson
Contact: Jerry Gaccetta
(404) 814-3070 / Fax 814-3080
Rosser International, Inc.
Contact: Noah Long
(404) 876-3800 / Fax 874-3528
Technicon Engineering Inc.
Contact: Randy Peacock
(478) 743-8415 / Fax 743-8239
Contact: Mr. Ken Branton
(678) 356-8223 / Fax (678) 356-0055 /
Spotlight on the
SAME National Website
Due the tour this month there will be no general meeting and thus no Sustaining Member Firm spotlight. Instead we’d like to highlight the SAME national website; recently improved and much more useable than ever.Face it, in this world of rapid changes and demands the need for folks on the move is ‘right there’ data. The fact you’re even reading this piece says you want information on the website, and you need it now!
Check out the homepage will give you:
- “News Now” – late breaking items of real interest, such as, the 2004 Member Company & Public Agencies Directory; or the annual SAME high school engineering and construction camps
- Left side headers with pull down menus, including:
- how to join, find Posts, check out educational opportunities, and national committee activities;
- available jobs;
- staff contacts;
- advertising opportunities
- Post financial reports; and
- members only information.
- updatepersonal/firm profiles;
- review a committee’s activities, such as SF 254/255 issues under the Industry Affairs Committee;
- administrative and operational data for posts, regions and national SAME offices; and
- an electronic bulletin board for info/idea exchange.