Teacher:Nicole Marincola Unit Title: FootballGrade level: 9Number of classes: 10Duration of classes:40minutes; No. of Students: 24
A. Unit Context
Unit guiding frameworkThis football unit is structured to increase students’ performance level and to provide the students with the knowledge needed to perform at the best of their ability. The unit will incorporate team work and inclusion while learning the rules, formation, skills, and history that are associated with football. A portion of the unit will be dedicated to allowing the students to design and implement offensive and defensive team strategies as well as a class contract, team posters, and cheers.
Student abilities/skill proficiency level:
Football can be considered a complex sport when incorporating regulations and strategies. Many students will understand the basics of football but will require skill practice and the opportunity to apply the skills learned in a competitive game setting. They also may be unclear on the rules and how to play the game. In order to perform the skills, and then apply them in a football game, students will practice skills such as throwing, catching, and running in multiple activities. Each student will be given the opportunity to practice and refine these skills, then apply them in an actual competitive setting.
Anticipated difficulties and how they will be addressed:
Difficulty: Students might not want to participate because they are not interested in football.
Solution: Include and motivate students by assigning them a role on their team. Introduce new and fun activities.
Difficulty: Students do not share the ball or include other team mates during activities and games.
Solution: Set rules and procedures for students to follow that will require every student to have contact with the ball each game.
Difficulty: Students are confused about the rules in the game.
Solution: After a lesson on rules have the students study rules and assess their knowledge through a written cognitive test. Give ample time for applied setting practice games. (See appendix A)
Equipment and Materials:
- Footballs:18 (two different sizes)
- Flag waist bands: 24
- Timer
- Whistle
- CD Player
- Poly Spots: 30
- Cones: 30
- Pinnies: 24 (12 Red and 12 Blue)
- Hula-hoops: 30
- Scoreboard
- Glue
- Poster Paper
- Colored Index Cards
- Dr. Peter Rattigan’s Unit Plan and Class Experiences
- Youtube.com
- Joel Larriu’s- Cognitive questions, Skill assessment.
- Dan Cargento’s- Micro 1, Cognitive questions, Skill assessment
- James Obrien’s Micro 1, Skill assessment
B. Big Ideas (Standards, Essential Questions, Outcomes, Assessment Evidence)
Unit GoalsContent Statement:
- 2.5.8.A Motor Skill Development Movement Skills and Concepts
- 2.5.8.B Motor Skill Development
Movement skill performance is primarily impacted by the quality of instruction, practice, assessment, feedback, and effort.
- 2.5.8.C Motor Skill Development Sportsmanship, Rules, and Safety
2.5.8.A.1Explain and demonstrate the transition of movement skills from isolated settings (i.e., skill practice) into applied settings (i.e., games, sports, dance, and recreational activities).
2.5.8.A.2 Apply the concepts of force and motion (weight transfer, power, speed, agility, range of motion) to impact performance.
2.5.8.A.4 Detect, analyze, and correct errors and apply to refine movement skills.
2.5.8.B.1 Compare and contrast the use of offensive, defensive, and cooperative strategies in a variety of settings.
2.5.8.B.3 Analyze individual and team effectiveness in achieving a goal and make recommendations for improvement.
2.5.8.C.1Assess player behavior for evidence of sportsmanship in individual, small-group, and team activities.
2.5.8.C.2Summarize types of equipment, products, procedures, and rules that contribute to the safety of specific individual, small-group, and team activities.
Essential Unit Questions: Big Ideas
What are three key components of football? What are the essential skills used in football? How can we apply what we learned to other team sports? What are some standard rules that are used in all team invasion sports? What is a class contract and why is it important when participating in team invasion sports?
Domain / Unit Learning Outcomes / Assessment Evidence
Psychomotor / SWBAT perform football skills, throwing, catching, and running with proper form and technique 90% of the time.
SWBAT participate in basic skill practice sessions, games, and Superbowl Championship.
SWBAT demonstrate at least two offensive team strategies during Superbowl Championship games.
SWBAT compete in championship game while incorporating skills and strategies learned in class. / See Appendix A
Skill test students at the beginning and end of unit
Teacher will observe students each day during practice, games, and Superbowl
Peer assessments and observations
Cognitive / SWBAT recite the rules, formation, and history of football when asked randomly in class.
SWBAT describe the proper way to catch, throw, and run with the ball identifying 90% of key points.
SWBAT identify the different offensive strategy patterns used in football.
SWBAT demonstrate their knowledge on football rules, regulations, and strategies by receiving an 80% or higher on the writtentest. / See Appendix A
Formal cognitive written test
Informal quick writes in the beginning of class
Collaborative review at the end of class
Pop Quiz
Affective / SWBAT cheer on teammates during games and Superbowl
SWBAT encourage, motivate, and support team mates each class during skill practice, games, and culminating activities.
SWBAT provide constructive feedback statements to at least two peers throughout unit.
SWBAT high-five peers after each practice, game, activity, and championship. / See Appendix A
Observation- checklist
Thumbs up - Thumbs down after each lesson
Self - Assessment (TPSR)
Culminating Performance Task(s):
Students will work together and show leadership, cooperation, and responsibility while performing their various roles in the culminating Superbowl Championship. Completion of the unit students will perform at a higher skill and maturity level. Students will contribute to their team through the various roles they were assigned.
C. Daily Lesson Description
Total Length of unit: 10 lessonsLesson # 1of 10. Title: Introduction to Football and Create a Team
Day 1
- Introductory activities: (10 Minutes)
- Fitness Activities: See appendix B
- Learning Focus Activities: (20 Minutes)
- Skill Assessment practice to estimate skill level. See appendix A
- PowerPoint on History, Rules, How to Play, and Skills.
- Culminating activity: (7 Minutes)
- Closure: (3 Minutes) Ask students to think about team logos, mascot, and cheers for next class.
Day 2- Introduction to Football Skills- Throwing and Catching
- Introductory Activities: (10 Minutes)
- Fitness Activities: (5 Minutes) See appendix B
- Learning Focus Activities: (15 Minutes) Throwing and Catching
- Culminating Activity: (7 minutes)
- Closure: (3 Minutes)
Day 3- Introduce Running; Player Positions
- Introductory Activities: (10 Minutes)
- How would you define running?
- Is there just one position in football that runs more than the rest? If so what position would that be? If not what positions are required to run the ball on the offensive side?
- Is there one person who is solely responsible for running the ball?
- Fitness Activities: (5 Minutes) See appendix B
- Learning Focus Activities: (15 Minutes)
- Culminating Activity: (5 minutes)
- Closure: (5 Minutes)
Day 4- Skill Review; Offensive/Defensive Strategies
- Introductory Activities: (10 Minutes)
- Fitness Activities: (5 Minutes) See appendix B
- Learning Focus Activities: (15 Minutes)
- Culminating Activity: (5 minutes)
- Closure: (5 Minutes)
- What are the names of the three offensive plays we went over?
- What are the names of the player positions we used today?
- Did you have fun playing the three position game?
Day 5- Class Contract ; Assign Roles on Team
- Introductory Activities: (10 Minutes)
- Fitness Activities: (5 Minutes) See appendix B
- Learning Focus Activities: (15 Minutes)
- Culminating Activity: (5 minutes)
This game is a cross between freeze tag and football. Students are picked to be it and when
they tag someone, the tagged person is automatically frozen. In the game there is one football and the student with the football is responsible to hand it off to someone who is frozen.The football acts as the melting ball, when a frozen person is handed the ball he or she is defrosted and once again free. The taggers main goal is to freeze everyone, including the person with the football (melting ball). If he or she accomplishes this the game is over. The runners or free students main objective is to stay defrosted and to keep all their classmates defrosted as well.
Rules: Students are not allowed to throw the football (melting ball). They must hand off the
ball at all times. Once a student is defrosted they get free backs into the game. (
- Closure: (5 Minutes)
Day 6- Team Posters and Cheers
- Introductory Activities: (10 Minutes)
- Fitness Activities: (5 Minutes) See appendix B
- Learning Focus Activities: (20 Minutes)
- Culminating Activity: (5 minutes)
- Closure: (5 Minutes)
Ask students why they think it is a good idea to create team posters and cheers?
*Remind students to study for test next class.
Day 7- Football Test , Practice Offensive Strategies
- Introductory Activities: (10 Minutes)
- Learning Focus Activities: (15 Minutes)
- Fitness Activities: (5 Minutes) See appendix B
- Culminating Activity: (8 minutes)
- Closure: (2 Minutes)
Day 8- Skill Testing
- Introductory Activities: (10 Minutes)
This game is designed to help practice and improve football skills. Using hula hoops students will run around the gymnasium collecting footballs and bringing them back to their hula hoop. Once students get three they will yell BINGO and the game starts over again. Passing and tucking the ball while running is required.
- Fitness Activities: (5 Minutes) See appendix B
- Learning Focus Activities: (20 Minutes)
- Culminating Activity: (5 minutes)
- Closure: (5 Minutes)
Day 9- Start Superbowl Tournament
- Introductory Activities: (10 Minutes)
- Fitness Activities: (5 Minutes) See appendix B
- Learning Focus Activities: (20 Minutes)
Teams: Match
A vs B
D vs C
C vs A
D vs B
- Culminating Activity: (2 minutes)
- Closure: (3 Minutes)
Ask students if they had fun by a raise of hands
Perform class cheer
Day 10- Superbowl Championship
- Introductory Activities: (5 Minutes)
- Fitness Activities: (5 Minutes) See appendix B
- Learning Focus Activities: (20 Minutes)
All teams will play each other in 3 minute rounds
- Culminating Activity: (5 minutes)
- Closure: (5 Minutes)
Shake hands with all class mates
Perform class cheer
Instruct students to sit and then provide them with positive feedback.
APPENDICES (Insert or attach additional documents, e.g., handouts, PowerPoints, worksheets, assessment tools, etc.)